- The largest and best anti-predator organization online
The decades may change, but the nonsense criticism remains the same. A Google news alert linked to an review of a documentary called "Predators" by David Osit. There needs to be a term stronger than "Deja Vu" when it comes to the experience of hearing the same ol' tired and debunked arguments for decades on end.
Osit and his team emailed in Summer 2023 to ask for an interview for his documentary. A screenshot of that contact can be found Here.
In it, they write the following:
"As far as we can tell, there's nothing else like what you accomplished with Perverted Justice in terms of scope, influence and importance when it comes to this issue. The work you all did with To Catch a Predator stands out as a really incredible instance of citizens, journalists and law enforcement joining forces and we'd love to get your perspective on it at this point in time. It also created quite a movement of people doing similar work, and we would love to hear your perspective as a founding father of this type of online civic engagement."
Fortunately, that kind of buttery praise is pretty easy to see through. Didn't bother responding to their request. Over the 22 years since the website was started, more than enough people from the outside have gotten more than enough wrong in their reporting of our work for a hundred lifetimes.
Here's just a few things to point out, based on claims made by reviewers of this particular documentary.
Quotes follow from
It didn’t seem to matter that the show made the vast majority of these cases impossible to prosecute
622-5 record in court for chat-logs, a 99.1% conviction rate of cases we worked that were brought through the justice system by prosecutors. So that's a complete bullshit claim that the vast majority of those cases were 'impossible to prosecute.' Gee, sure seems like hundreds and hundreds of prosecutors managed the 'impossible' back then, eh? Must've been magicians!
The federal conviction rate in the United States hovers around 97%, and the DOJ is well-known for their selective prosecution standards. Oh, and the five? One acquittal because the predator didn't enter the house he arrived to and the jury bought his claim that he had a "change of heart", two hung juries due to the charged individual being a young clean cut military individual that the juries/judge had sympathy for (one of which would go on to later try to sexually assault an elderly woman) and two cases in Florida where an individual judge got mad at our pushing back against an overly broad subpeona and dropped the cases. Five total cases.
And 622 cases that were brought to successful completion. Some of them being appealed by the defendant and settled in our favor in higher courts, some of them being contested by high-powered celebrity attorneys that defendants spent insane amounts of money on, and most of our cases hinging completely on the validity of our chat-logs, phone verifications and general evidence.
Now you might say "What about Murphy Texas and their Nolle Prosequi! What about Conradt!" We covered that nonsense back in 2008 in one last definitive look at that Murphy, Texas situation 17 years ago.
However, instead of dealing with the arguments we made in that piece back at the time, the documentary just claims that we wouldn't reply. We don't need to reply to dusty old arguments from 17 years ago when we already replied to those same dumb arguments 17 years ago. Just read what we wrote at the time if you want a response. Little to nothing has changed since.
“To Catch a Predator” was an invitation to see the world in black-and-white
Much of the point of the documentary seems to be an appeal for moral relativism, that there are shades of grey when it comes to the issue of adults soliciting sex from children and teenagers. If someone wants to climb some pseudo-intellectual platform to whine and cry about "oh, we need empathy in this matter!", bully for them. We had no empathy for adults trying to sexually assault minors then, nor do we have any now.
If you do, that's a "you" problem.
"To Catch a Predator relied on 'fantasy co-created with the show, where kids are hyper-sexual and available' to lure its targets, says Mark de Rond, an ethnographer who has researched To Catch a Predator-esque efforts in the UK. But "if you show these men as human beings – consider their lives, or rehabilitation, or a different method from justice – the show kinda breaks down."
Speaking of "you" problems. The documentary seems to rely on an "ethnographer" (A field of social "science" so dubious and nebulous that it has been thoroughly debunked since at least the early 1980's. Suppose there weren't any phrenologists around to comment instead, eh?) who spends his time diminishing the existence of those who were groomed and sexually abused since the invention of the internet. While also, of course, rising in strident defense of adult males who sought to prey on underage males and females.
During the run of the site, we profiled and highlighted literally thousands of news stories covering actual underage males and females lured and sexually abused by people they had met online. Thousands.
In a world with so many problems that someone like this clown could sit there and go "Well, acktshually, it was the groomers that were the real victims! Those poor men!" is just a tremendous example of pseudo-intellectualism run amok. No real research, just a guy with no serious perspective waxing whiny about the 'plight' of abusers that he feels some sort of strange kinship with.
Which is unsurprising, because we argued these same points with smooth brained morons like Mark de Rond during the entire run of our work. The world spins and spins, but changes little.
Soliciting empathy for child predators would be a high-wire act for any documentary filmmaker, but Osit is less interested in putting Hansen’s targets on trial than he is in interrogating our desire to act as judge, jury, and executioner. (I’m not sure if that explains why he doesn’t interview any members of Perverted-Justice, or if it makes their absence seem all the more glaring.)
The absence of any comment from "members of Perverted-Justice" is due to the fact that we're long well aware of the want and desire of supposed pseudo-intellectual elites in the media to look down on the work we did both with Dateline NBC and without Dateline NBC. There's no reason to engage in an argument about the joke concept of so-called "Journalistic Ethics", because they don't really exist in the real world as it is. No sane member from our heyday is interested in hearing about the poor plight of some of the worst people possible.
No argument or concept from this documentary that has been brought up in a review of the documentary's content treads new ground or new arguments. Just dusty meandering nonsense we have already put out statements and arguments against well over a decade ago. What is there to comment on? It's 2025 as this update is written, rehashing stupid claims from 2003-2010 is the definition of a waste of time.
If you want to thumb through some chat-logs to see exactly the types of people we were getting arrested, here's a few good places to start:
- Kalowoodsman, a series of chats many of us regarded as the most disturbing we ever had
- vamale_692005, from the second Dateline sting we did
- can_i_rape_you_anally, who was arrested in our Long Beach sting
- swgamaleyess, arrested in our Georgia sting
Have a read of those, then if you still have an upset stomach over these poor guys being exposed on national TV and on our website back then, hey, good for you. You're soft as goose shit, congratulations.
If you want a good read of what was probably the most well-researched print article ever written about us, this article from Law Enforcement Technology Magazine went in-depth on talking to the police we actually worked with back then. Not words from our perspective, but from law enforcement we worked with back in the day, the ones that were exposed completely to how we operated.
Our job was to work chat-rooms and deal with internet predators. Our work garnered a 99.1% conviction rate of cases brought into the justice system and our work murdered AOL and Yahoo chat-room services. No documentarian crying high-minded crocodile tears for the internet predators we got arrested and convicted will change any of that.
Content creators still finding ways to use our work
We shut down decoy operations in 2019, but the work we did has continued to live on in various "To Catch a Predator"-focused communities and YouTube channels that have sprung up over the last decade. As bewildering as it might seem, the work we started doing back in 2003 and the series of Dateline NBC specials we created starting in 2004 continues to live on and educate people regarding the dangers of letting your kids talk randomly with strangers online.
Yeah, it's kind of weird and definitely surprising all these years later, but ultimately, quite cool that the work our volunteers did is still serving a purpose.
In 2024, a newer YouTube channel started doing long-form readings and breakdowns of the chat-logs that we posted over the years. Unlike much of the content based on our work created in the last decade, the channel focuses not only on chats that were done during the "To Catch a Predator" years and also chat-logs and conversations that were not part of the Dateline NBC series.
If you're interested in detailed readings and breakdowns of the work we did from 2003-2019 with elements of adult gallows humor thrown in, check out Morticia's Chat-log Channel (18+). Found it to be a refreshing enough presentation that a couple databases with non-posted chat content, unheard phone recordings, and other material were provided for the first time ever, meaning there is actually some content on that channel which even our organization had not originally posted back in the day.
Contact Information for Data
Despite the removal of the chat-logs from being accessible to the general public, they are still properly stored in the same condition as they were originally recorded and posted in. Should you be coming here because you need access to chat-log data regarding a specific person for a legal reason, whether it's an individual we got arrested back in the day getting arrested again, a child custody, divorce case, or because you're working on a research project for a university or company and need access to chat-logs for algorithmic purposes, the two email addresses below are your best bet.
Looking for data:
Looking for general contact:
Note: Might take a few days to a week for a reply depending on the request.
Ceasing Decoy Operations
At the start of 2019, we've decided to cease active decoy operations. We've been around a very, very long time now in terms of internet years. Back when we started in 2003, there was no twitter, no facebook and google wasn't much more than a search engine. Amazon was mostly known for selling books, even!
Without social networking, most socializing online when we started up happened in large chat rooms on the networks of the major players at the time. MSN chats, AOL chats and Yahoo chats. Thusly, we set ourselves up to put decoy profiles into those chats, mostly focusing on regional chat rooms to deal with the issue of adults preying on minors online.
When we started, there were few laws on the books across the country against trying to solicit a child online, we even wrote the majority of one law and testified in front of a few state legislatures to get them to catch up to the internet era. With our early work doing stings with local media, the issue came to national prominence. That culminated in NBC's "To Catch a Predator" series where millions upon millions became aware of the widespread problem of adults attempting to sexually assault minors they met online. That work led to hundreds of convictions and laws across the country being enacted to deal with this issue.
Meanwhile, the element we were inspired to work, chat rooms, all died off. Some due to the fact that the attention and trouble caused by the media exposure of internet predators had made them unattractive to continue operating. Others died off later on as social networking made them obsolete. Few remnants of the chat-room era of the internet still exist at this point.
As the internet changed, elements like twitter and social networking in general has spread the problem wide and thin. Internet predators are no longer confined to mostly a few deep wells as they were when we started up. Internet access for younger generations is ubiquitous, they're connected at an earlier age each year with technology in their hands that far exceed the power of PC's we used when starting this website long ago.
In many ways, this can be viewed positively or negatively. With far more varied activities online, there's fewer places where everyone congregates. This means that a potential predator cannot just sit in an online room and talk up every young adult that enters with ease. Also positively, people are well aware of the risk of arrest when doing so as every state has a law on the books and TCAP is well known among adults at this juncture.
Negatively, this does mean that a determined adult wanting to molest kids can make use of technology to try to ensure that he's actually talking to a child. It means the challenge of "patrolling" the internet for such activity is also far more difficult, given the immense explosion of social activity websites and apps that have popped up since the origins of our site.
As we've grown older, we're less able to keep up technologically. With every kid having access to an internet connected camera, the challenges of convincingly portraying children online has evolved away from "everyone being able to" to requiring extremely young looking adults over the age of 20 to be able to do so effectively.
We're sure that there's a way to run a site like this in this era, where you can still generate a decent amount of caseload. Police nowadays are far more open to talking to citizens with information than they were back when we started, due to the work and foundation we established with the 99% conviction rate that our work led to, all across the country. It will be up to future generations to figure out the best way to efficiently get internet predators arrested, and to figure out the best way to use newer technologies to fake being underage convincingly.
We'd like to thank every volunteer over the years, from the people doing content creation to make our profiles convincing enough to get arrests, to the phone verifiers that sounded young to further cement our work, and to the chat-log contributors who did the boring, arduous and often disturbing work of getting these guys arrested. When we started, some idiots online said we wouldn't get one conviction. We ended with at least 623 that we know of. The real number is probably around 650, as I never went back and posted write-ups for all the research convictions we achieved of people we exposed in online pedophile communities.
In April or May of 2019, the website will likely change to a simple write-up with notes on the work that was done here and a removal of most site features, including the archive, forums and the like. However, we're going to try to do one last thing to make sure the work of our volunteers lives on and hopefully helps lay a further foundation for technology in the future.
Over the last five years especially, we've had dozens of researchers from colleges and projects across the western world asking for permission to use our data from the website, and we've always given permission to use chat logs on our website for any project they're doing. We have many, many more thousands upon thousands of chat conversations archived that never saw the light of day because they never rose to a level of prosecution. Our last goal now that we're stopping active operations is to compile that work in a dataset that we'll be able to share going forward for research.
If you have any need of material on the site for custody issues or the like, be sure to screenshot and save the material in question that you might need. For requests of information, permission requests or anything else, feel free to email with a clear and concise write-up of what you want.
Xavier Von Erck
Deck convicted a second time, eight years later
The last case we were waiting on prior to announcing a suspension of active operations is to finish up the Stephen Deck case properly. Long time volunteer Almond Joy traveled out to testify in the Deck re-trial in December 2018. Deck was originally convicted without issue back in 2011, but due to a technicality of the prosecutor misstating the law to the jury during closing arguments, had won a re-trial upon appeal.
It was Deck's hope that he would escape conviction so many years later, that a technicality would enable him to do so. However, our work has stood the test of time, one last time. His original arrest was twelve years ago and his chat-log was one of the most disturbing we had ever posted.
In mid-December 2018, the retrial saw Deck convicted again, easily, without issue. This should be our last remaining piece of work that was still bouncing around the courts, and it's very nice to wrap our caseload up with re-affirming this important conviction. It's great that the courts did not let him walk simply due to the fact that he was formerly an officer of the law.
Conviction 600 achieved in 2016
In April 2016 we've hit a new milestone, that of conviction number 600! We've been working hard behind the scenes, still hitting the rooms and working with police. To illustrate that, this isn't just a note about our 600th conviction, but rather that we're shooting beyond 600 with two convictions scheduled to be posted each week until mid-June.
We've been getting convictions now since our first conviction... way... way... way back in summer 2004! On average, 50 convictions a year for twelve years now. For those of you who only know us from "To Catch a Predator", we were working hard before TCAP and we're working hard after TCAP.
Note regarding site impersonators
Putting up a quick note that if you have come to this website because someone has contacted you randomly claiming to work for our organization, then you are dealing with a scam artist who has recently gone around attempting to extort money out of individuals online, claiming that the person will be put up on our website if monies are not paid to them.
If anyone contacts you with such a scenario, they are breaking the law and you should immediately contact police regarding the extortion attempt. Our organization works with police to get sexual predators arrested, we do not appreciate attempts by scam artists to use our name in order to make a quick buck. Pay them nothing and call the police to report any attempt at extortion.
Speaking from experience in getting internet predators arrested... no matter the medium involved in the online criminal attempt, servers such as Yahoo, Microsoft, Google will work with police to track people who break the law down for arrest and prosecution.
Massachusetts principal removed from his job
Normally whenever we post a chat log on our website, it is of a person that has been convicted in their state. Unfortunately, that won't be the case in Edward Rozmiarek's case.
In November 2015, while we were working an area in rural New York for the purposes of getting some arrests, Edward hit up one of our decoys using the screenname "aGreatGuy."
For the next few weeks, he slowly worked at befriending our 13 year old decoy, before moving on to talk of a sexual nature. However, due to the distance and Edward's paranoia, he was unwilling to make the trip over to New York. This meant our contact there was unable to arrest him, due to Edward living in Massachusetts.
During the conversation, Rozmiarek made no attempt to hide his profession, openly and honestly talking about his job as a principal. In most cases doing decoy work, we often feel like we can take months and months to hold conversations... but after it became apparent that Rozmiarek wasn't going to travel to New York, we knew we had to contact local law enforcement in his area.
We contacted the Beverly Police Department in Massachusetts and gave them our evidence so they could launch whatever investigation they felt appropriate. They worked with the district employing Rozmiarek to ensure he would no longer be working there and then searched his house.
The DA in Massachusetts has declined to prosecute, citing that Massachusetts law requires active enticement to Massachusetts, which the log doesn't have. Because we couldn't get him to cross into New York, he couldn't be arrested. Since he didn't offer or want to take the decoy across state lines into Massachusetts, he couldn't be arrested.
Had Rozmiarek been in most other states, he could have been arrested. In most states, simply communicating sexually with someone you believe to be a minor IS a crime. Unfortunately, the laws do vary greatly from state to state. There is little uniformity across the country in regards to this issue, from what constitutes an offense to the amount of time someone will serve.
Hopefully in the future Massachusetts will strengthen their laws and make it so the act of conversing sexually with a minor is prosecuted in a manner consistent with most of the rest of the country.
For now though, the outcome that Edward Rozmiarek has been fired, that the media has reported why, and now that his words and actions online have been documented... he won't get his dream job of being a principal of an elementary school.
The entire conversation can be found at the this link: Edward Rozmiarek conversation