A - Plant Hunters, Plant People, Garden Designers, Landscape Archetects of Note from PlantsGalore.Com

Comments from Mr. PGC: Throughout history, many people have made lasting contributions to the world of plants. In these pages, we hope to pay tribute to some of them. Our concentration will be primarily on those who have introduced plants to the gardening world, those who have helped spread the word about gardening and those who have made significant contributions to landscaping and landscaping design around the world.

This list will be constantly growing as we add new names. If you have someone who you think should be on the list, please send us an Email.

  • British botanist and plant explorer who visited China in 1816. He was cursed with bad luck in his collections and most of the plants he tried to send back to England were lost at sea.

The shrub, Abelia chinensis (Chinese Abelia) is named for him. It was introduced into England in 1844.

The genus, Achillea (Yarrow), was named for this Greek mythical hero of the Trojan wars who was the central character of Homer's, Illiad. Common species of yarrow include Achillea millefolium and Achillea filipendulina.

The genus, Adansonia, is named for this French botanist. Adansonia digitata is the genus of the Baobab or monkey bread tree found in Africa.


In 1699, he inherited Studley Royal estate (Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Water Garden) in North Yorkshire, England and designed the famous crescent shaped moon ponds a quarter of a century later. He brought the natural landscape into the garden and surrounded it with large yew hedges.


English gardener known for hybridizing snowdrops (Galanthus sp.).

Plants named for him include Galanthus x allenii, Anemone nemorosa 'Allenii' and Corydallis x allensii.


Renowned English hybridizer of Dianthus species and author of the 1950 book, The Perpetual Flowering Carnation (1907),Carnations, Pinks and All Dianthus‎ (1926) and 1953's Carnations for Everyman which is still available on Amazon. He and his brothers, Edward and George, also owned a nursery in Sussex, England and was known for his displays at the Chelsea Flower Show near London. He received the Victoria Medal of Honour from The Royal Horticultural Society in 1949.

The plants resulting from his hybridizing program bear the name Dianthus x allwoodii and, perhaps, the most widely grown cultivar is 'Doris'.

Alstroemeria pelegrina, commonly called the Peruvian Lily, is named after the Baron who was a student of the famous, Linnaeus.


Lady Sarah Countess of Amherst spent many years in India and introduced many of the plants she found there back to her native England. Included in this group are Clematis montana and Anemone vitifolia.


Plantsman and horticultural author, he was founder of the Alpine Garden Society. He travelled widely and brought many exotic plants back to England to be introduced.

Plants named for him include Sedum 'Bertram Anderson', Thymus pulegiodies 'Bertram Anderson', Galanthus 'Bertram Anderson', and Pulmonaria longifolia 'Bertram Anderson'

Arends was a very prolific breeder of several species of herbaceous perennials with, perhaps his most famous plants coming from genus, Astilbe. He owned a nursery and lived in Ronsdorf, Germany where he developed over 74 cultivars of the genus which were given his name, Astilbe x arendsii. He used 4 species in his breeding efforts including A. japonica, A. thunbergii, A. astilboldes and A. chinensis.

Over his long career, he also hybridized species of  Bergenia, Sedum, Phlox and Campanula.

In 1905, he introduced a hosta which he named Funkia fortunei var. robusta. That plant is now known as the classic giant blue plant, Hosta 'Elegans'. This cultivar is found in the background of a large percentage of the new, large-leaved, blue hosta cultivars registered with the American Hosta Society each year.

Other plants named in his honor included Rosa 'Georg Arends' and Rhododendron 'Georg Arends'

Dr. Armitage is well known throughout the world as a writer, speaker and researcher on the topic of herbaceous perennials.  He has evaluated garden plants in Montreal, Canada, East Lansing, Michigan and now in Athens, Georgia where he is a professor at the University of Georgia. He holds his B.S. from MacDonald College, Quebec, M.S. from University of Guelph, Ontario and his Ph.D. from Michigan State University.

Armitage is the author over 10 books. He is best known for his classroom and reference text, Herbaceous Garden Plants.

The genus, Artemisia, is named after this Greek mythological goddess who was the daughter of Zeus and the twin sister of Apollo.

Common species in this genus include Artemisia schmidtiana and Artemisia tridentata.

French botanical artist worked at the Jardin du Roi (Jardin des Plantes) in Paris.

The genus, Aubrieta (Rock Cress), is named for him.

A world renowned rose breeder and writer, Austin lives in Shropshire, England. His breeding program centers on the Old Garden Roses (Gallicas, Damasks, Alba roses, etc.) with emphasis on repeat blooming and a wide flower color range. That unique breeding program has resulted in his own category of roses called simply, "Austin Roses."

In 2003, David Austin was awarded the Victoria Medal of Honour by the Royal Horticultural Society for his services to horticulture. He has received an Honorary MSc from the University of East London for his work on rose breeding and the lifetime achievement award from the Garden Centre Association in 2004.