
BAHAMAS: provinces population

  • ️Wed Oct 12 1492

historical demographical data of the administrative division

ISLANDS AND ISLANDS GROUPSmain townsurface/sq.kmsurface/sq.mie2000?c1990c1980c1980c1970c1970c1963c1963e1953c1943c1931c1901codecodepos.particularsvariants of the name
population figures are real numbers, not in 1000's
Abaco, Great - and Little -Marsh Harbour168164910061100347271732465006501649047463407346142003300ABBF01neGreat Abaco, Little Abaco, Morses Island
AcklinsMasons Bay497192423405618616900936121711601273174418002000AKBF02eseAcklins Island
AndrosNicholls' Town59582300815581878307839789008845746174607136671871006300ANBF03wcAndros Island
Berry IslandsBullocks Harbor3112634628509509400519350266300403200100BRBF04nwBerry Island
Bimini IslandsAlice Town23916381639141114321500150316521576170071820002200BIBF05nwNorth Bimini ; Biminis, North and South, Cay Lobos, and Cay Sal
Cat IslandsArthur's Town388150167816982215214327002657313131313301382040004500CIBF06ecCat Island
Cay LobosCay Lobos7CLBF07
Crooked Island and Long CayColonel Hill24193428412518517700689766764836117913001500CKBF08eseCrooked Island
EleutheraGovernor's Harbour484187105247993106311060095006247724772476070643062006500ELBF09neEleuthera Island, Harbour Island, Spanish Wells
Exuma, Great -, and Exuma CaysGeorgetown290112353935563670367238003767344030742919378437003100EXBF10cGrand Exuma, Little Exuma, Great Inagua, Little Inagua
Grand BahamaFreeport1373530500004089833102331022590025859823078474095233322001800GBBF11nw
Harbour IslandDunmore Town83121932219979978407698001200HBBF12ncCay Sal
Inagua, Great - and Little -Matthew Town155159998598592493911001109124012409998907001500INBF13seSouth Bimini
Long CayAlbert Town3333303022LCBF14eseLong Cay
Long IslandClarence Town596230310729543404335839003861417641763755456432003000LIBF15cLong Island
MayaguanaAbraham's Bay285110308312464476600581707707615591500500MGBF16se
New ProvidenceNassau20780202963172196135437135437102000101503809078090746125293911980012500NWBF17nwc
Plana Cays3
Ragged IslandDuncan Town361489164146200208371371100417100100RIBF18sw
Rum CayPort Nelson78305377RCBF19c
Samana Cay32Atwood Cay
San SalvadorCockburn Town163635394658258049007769689688006937001600SSBF20ecChristophor Columbus probably set foot on this island on 1492-10-12San Salvador and Rum Cay, Watling Island, Watling's Island
Spanish WellsSpanish Wells26101372849100066513001500SWBF21
Other uninhabited cays and rocks239269
new division since 1993.02:detailed figures not yet available
Acklins and Crooked IslandsACBF24
Cat IslandCIBF06
Fresh CreekFCBF26
Governor's HarbourGHBF27
Green Turtle CayGTBF28
Harbour IslandHIBF22
High RockHRBF29
Kemps BayKBBF30
Long IslandLIBF15
Marsh HarbourMHBF31
New ProvidenceNPBF23
Nichollstown and Berry IslandsNBBF32
Ragged IslandRIBF18
Rock SoundRSBF33
Sandy PointSPBF34
San Salvador and Rum CaySRBF35

Source "BN" is Bahamas.net, although the figures stated there are not precised by a year.
According to information gathered via the website Bahamas.net the actual administrative division is: Acklins and Crooked Islands, Bimini, Cat Island, Exuma, Freeport, Fresh Creek, Governor's Harbour, Green Turtle Cay, Harbour Island, High Rock, Inagua, Kemps Bay, Long Island, Marsh Harbour, Mayaguana, New Providence, Nicholls Town and Berry Islands, Ragged Island, Rock Sound, Sandy Point, San Salvador and Rum Cay.
File created on 1999-05-01; revised on 2002-06-11; last modified on 2003-06-15 by Jan Lahmeyer

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