ProtectRite - Copyright services screenplays, registering screenplay, intellectual property, register your will
ProtectRite® created online intellectual property registration in 1994 and is trusted by thousands of registrants worldwide.
For over thirty years, ProtectRite has provided confidential time-sealed registration of original works, intellectual property and records to customers in over fifty countries. As a disinterested third party, ProtectRite registration establishes proof of the completion date of your registered materials and offers the security of long-term storage in the event originals are lost or destroyed.
In addition to original works, ProtectRite registrants can now register their wills for secure distribution to pre-specified recipients upon death and valued possessions to simplify insurance claims in the event of destruction or theft.
Please review the information within our site prior to registering. There is nothing more important to us than your trust and satisfaction. If you still have questions regarding our services, contact us and a support specialist will respond within 24 hrs.