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Lutheran World Federation
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Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity formerly
Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity

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Preparatory Meetings
August 25-27, 1965 - Strasbourg, France
Exploratory meeting to determine whether and in what manner the relations which have already begun can be continued and intensified; the content, shape and scope of possible discussions; central theological issues for future dialogue
April 13-15, 1966 - Strasbourg, France
Further study on projected dialogue; establishment of Roman Catholic - Lutheran Working Group - JOINT REPORT

  1. November 26-30, 1967 - Z�rich, Switzerland
    "Gospel and Tradition"
  2. September 15-19, 1968 - Baastad, Sweden
    "World and Church under the Gospel"
  3. May 4-8, 1969 - Nemi, Italy
    "Structures of the Church"
  4. February 22-26, 1970 - Cartigny / Geneva, Switzerland
    "Gospel and Law - Gospel and Christian Freedom"
  5. February 21-26, 1971 - San Anton, Malta
    "Das Evangelium und die Kirche" (1972) - BERICHT
    "The Gospel and the Church - The Malta Report" (1972) - FINAL REPORT


Prof. Dr. Einar Molland
Oslo, Norway
Prof. Dr. Walter Kasper
T�bingen, Federal Republic of Germany


Prof. Dr. Harding Meyer, Lutheran (1967-1972)
Dr. August B. Hasler, Catholic (1967-1972)


  1. March 21-24, 1973 - Geneva, Switzerland
    "Survey of Lutheran / RC Relations; Program planning; the significance of the world for the self-understanding of the Church"
  2. January 8-12, 1974 - Rome, Italy
    "The Ministry in interconfessional dialogue; theology of liberation and the structures of the Church; Church's self-understanding"
  3. March 15-21, 1976 - Liebfrauenberg, France
    "Review of the way in which the "Malta Report" is being received; Lord's Supper; models of unity"
  4. March 5-12, 1977 - Paderborn, Germany
    "Eucharist; ministry; models of the Church"
  5. October 7-12, 1978 - Sigtuna, Sweden
    "Ordained ministry; episcopate; models of the Church; ways to communion" - "The Lord's Supper" - JOINT STATEMENT
  6. February 19-23, 1980 - Augsburg, Germany
    "All Under One Christ" - JOINT STATEMENT
    "Ways to Community" - JOINT STATEMENT
  7. March 9-14, 1981 - Lantana, Florida (USA)
    "The Ministry in the Church" - - JOINT STATEMENT
  8. May 10-15, 1982 - Venice, Italy
    "Models of unity"
  9. May 2-7, 1983 - W�rttemberg, Germany
    "Martin Luther - Witness to Jesus Christ" - JOINT STATEMENT
  10. February 27-March 3, 1984 - Rome, Italy
    "Facing Unity. Models, Forms and Phases of Catholic-Lutheran Church Fellowship" - JOINT STATEMENT


Prof. Dr. George A. Linbeck (1973-1984)
Professor, Yale University New Haven, CT (USA)
Most Rev. Hans L. Martensen (1973-1984)
Bishop of Copenhagen, Denmark


Dr. Peder N�rgaard-H�jen, Lutheran (1973-1974)
Prof. Dr. Vilmos Vajta, Lutheran (1974-1983)
Rev. Dr. Carl H. Mau, Jr., Lutheran (1980-1984)
Rev. Dr. Daniel F. Martensen, Lutheran (1980-1984)
Rev. Dr. Eugene Brand, Lutheran (1984-)
Msgr. Dr. Aloys Klein, Catholic (1980-1990)
Prof. Dr. H. Sch�tte, Catholic (1973-1980)
Msgr. Dr. Charles Moeller, Catholic (1980)
Rev. Fr. Pierre Duprey, M. Afr., Catholic (1981-1986)

  1. March 10-14, 1986 - C�ligny (Bossey), Switzerland
    "Justification, ecclesiology, sacramentality"
  2. February 15-21, 1987 - Wiesbaden-Naurod, Federal Republic of Germany
    "Doctrine of Justification and doctrine of the Church"
  3. March 7-11, 1988 - Versailles, France
  4. February 27-March 4, 1989 - Opole, Poland
    "Contextual theology; ecclesiology"
  5. October 1-5, 1990 - Oslo, Norway
    "Ecclesiology; justification"
  6. September 30-October 4, 1991 - Venice, Italy
    "Ecclesiology; justification"
  7. November 10-14, 1992 - Eisenbach, Germany
    "Church and justification; 25th anniversary of the Lutheran/Catholic Dialogue; future of the dialogue"
  8. September 5-11, 1993 - W�rzburg, Germany
    "Church and Justification"
    "Church and Justification - Understanding the Church in the Light of the Doctrine of the Justification" - JOINT STATEMENT


Rt. Rev. James R. Crumley, Jr. (1986-1993)
Retired Bishop of the former Lutheran Church in America
Most Rev. Karl Lehmann (1986-1987)
Bishop of Mainz, Germany
Most Rev. Paul-Werner Scheele (1988-1993)
Bishop of W�rzburg, Germany


Rev. Dr. Eugene Brand, Lutheran (1986-1993)
Msgr. Basil Meeking, Catholic (1986-1987)
Msgr. John Radano, Catholic (1986-1993)
Prof. Heinz-Albert Raem, Catholic (1990-1993)

  1. September 10-16, 1995 - L�rkkulla, Finland
    "Apostolicity of the Church, episcopacy and structures for Christian unity, Eucharist, ethical questions;" organizational planning


  2. September 1-7, 1996 - Rottenburg, Germany
    "Apostolic nature of the Church, Eucharist, ethics and moral issues"
  3. August 31 - September 6, 1997 - Dobog�k�, Hungary
    "Apostolicity and Eucharist"
  4. August 28-September 3, 1998 - Kamien Slaskij (Opole), Poland
    "Apostolicity and Eucharist; reactions to the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification"
  5. August 26 - September 1, 1999 - Tutzing, Germany
    "From the Apostolic Gospel to the Apostolicity of the Church; Apostolic Succession and Ordained Ministry"
  6. September 5-12, 2000 - Bose/Magnano, Italy
    "Apostolicity of the Church: Apostolic Succession and Ordained Ministry; Episkop�, Historical Development and Theological Evaluation"
  7. September 4-10, 2001 - Smidstrup Strand, Denmark
    "Church Teaching which remains in the Truth; Doctrine and Apostolic Faith in Early and Medieval Church Developments; Scripture (Canon) and Tradition from the Lutheran Perspective; the Concept and Understanding of the Magisterium in Catholic Theology from the Council of Trent to the Second Vatican Council; Ecclesial Ministry of Apostolic Teaching from the Lutheran Perspective"
  8. August 30 - September 6, 2002 - Würzburg, Germany
    "Apostolicity of the Church: Biblical, Historical and Theological Aspects"
  9. July 9-17, 2004 - Baltimore, Maryland (USA)
    “Biblical, historical and systematic theological aspects of apostolicity; Apostolicity of the Church-NT foundations; The apostolic gospel and the apostolicity of the church; Apostolic succession and the ordained ministry; Church teaching which remains in the truth”
  10. September 22-30, 2005 - Cassano delle Murge (Bari), Italy
    “Final meeting and preparation of report on The Apostolicity of the Church; identification and assessment of the ‘elements’ of apostolicity in the church and their configuration; issues of apostolic succession; the question of defectus sacramenti ordinis and a universal teaching ministry”

  11. “The Apostolicity of the Church” - FINAL REPORT


Dr. B�la Harmati, Lutheran (1995-2006)
Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Hungary

Archbishop Alfons Nossol (2002-2006)
Archbishop of Opole, Poland

Prof. Dr. Cardinal Walter Kasper, Catholic (1995-2001)


Rev. Sven Oppegaard, Lutheran (1997-2006)
150 route de Ferney
CH-12 Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Eugene Brand, Lutheran (1995-1996)
Msgr. Dr. Matthias Türk, Catholic (1999-2006)
Via della Conciliazione, 5
I-00193 Rome, Italy
Msgr. Heinz-Albert Raem, Catholic (1995-1996)
Msgr. John Radano, Catholic (1995-1999)

Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification

  1. August 31 - September 6, 1997 - Dobog�k�, Hungary
    "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" - JOINT DECLARATION
  2. June 11, 1999 - Geneva, Switzerland
    Joint press conference presenting the "Official Common Statement and Annex" to the Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification signed October 31, 1999, Augsburg, Germany - COMMON STATEMENT
  3. October 31, 1999 - Augsburg, Germany
    Solemn Signing of the "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification"
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