- JAMES'S WWE NXT REPORT 10/19: Review of NXT Week 33, talk of Rookie Challenges returns, overall show Reax

  • ️Sat Sep 04 2010
WWE NXT report
October 19, 2011
Taped in Mexico City
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor


Rolling into Week 33 of "NXT: Redemption," I think the big question on everyone's mind is if the semi-return of the competition format (seemingly triggered by Darren Young's Wellness Policy suspension) signals the impending end of the season. I certainly hope so. I haven't seen a good Tyson Kidd match on NXT recently, which was my favorite reason to watch, and The Usos against Hawkins and Reks just doesn't do it for me.

NXT Rookies (and Pros):
Derrick Bateman (Daniel Bryan - on strike)
Titus O'Neil (Hornswoggle - back to Smackdown)
Darren Young - suspended (Chavo Guerrero - released)
Conor O'Brian (Vladimir Kozlov - released)
Lucky Cannon - released (Tyson Kidd)
Byron Saxton (Yoshi Tatsu)
Jacob Novak - released (JTG)

Regular guests:
The Usos
Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks

[Q1] The show starts with Matt Striker in the ring as the host, and says that NXT is returning to "redemption." There are flags on the ropes, and he intros a "capture the flag" challenge. Percy says that there is no way Titus can lose, and Maxine says that Derrick has more "flexibility and stamina" than Titus. As she says this, Derrick suggestively shakes his hips. Somehow, despite the taping being in Mexico and they are speaking in English, Bateman is able to draw heat. That's a good sign. Titus reminds everyone of the standings, and says he has "30," but if I remember right he actually has 31. Striker says this competition is worth 15 points. Striker brings up "votes" and "Pros" neither of which have been mentioned in months. Derrick asks for a kiss before the competition and Titus freaks out.

The Rookies are tied together at the waist for the competition, and as Titus pulls ahead, Bateman ambushes him, and Maxine then prevents Percy from stopping the attack. Striker DQs Bateman, then books Titus and Percy against Bateman and a partner of his own choosing in a tag match later tonight. This smells like a two-on-one match coming up.

[ c - "The Reunion" ad ]

Hawkins comes out with a bad limp and a cane. It looks like he may have a sprained or broken his ankle. Regal says he has a severe fracture in his ankle. He throws to video package of last week's match where he got hurt. Reks vows revenge and says he'll tear through the roster in honor of Hawkins. Tatsu comes out with the mask, but no facepaint.

1 - YOSHI TATSU vs. TYLER REKS (w/Curt Hawkins)

Reks's power quickly lets him get control. Some back and forth between Tatsu's speed and Reks's power makes for a nice contrast. Suplex by Reks gets him two, and he moves to a chinlock. Korpela tries to make up some backstory for Reks. Reks with a gutwrench gutbuster, which really shows off his strength well. Yoshi gets in some offense, then reverse a suplex into a lateral press for two. Reks comes right back with a big boot for two. Reks back to a side headlock. Tatsu with a kick to the head which backs Reks to the corner, but Reks catches him with a boot when he charges. Reks beats on Tatsu in the corner, charges and eats ringpost. Reks is stunned and Tatsu goes to the top and connects with a spinning heel kick for the win.

WINNER: Yoshi Tatsu in about 6:00.

Post-match, Hawkins and Reks beat Tatsu down to get their heat back, but the Usos make the save.

[Q2] Backstage, Kaitlyn walks in dressed like an apprentice for the Divas of Doom. A.J. shows her a note "from Hornswoggle" saying that going to Smackdown was the best decision he ever made. Kaitlyn says it is obviously from Maxine. Kaitlyn says that she'll beat up Maxine now.

[ c - Vengeance ad focused on Cena vs. Del Rio ]

Kaitlyn cuts a promo vowing to show Maxine what's up. Nice to see her get ten seconds of mic time and put on NXT to get some further ring polish.

2 - KAITLYN (w/A.J.) vs. MAXINE

Kaitlyn wins an early lock-up, then powers out of Maxine's hold. Maxine with a cravat, Kaitlyn impressively powers her up into the air, holds her horizontal at shoulder height (like a front suplex held at the top), walks over to the rope and drops her over. When Kaitlyn is hitting on all cylinders, I think she could be the next Beth Phoenix. Maxine drags Kaitlyn to the apron, gets out, and starts chopping her chest quite loudly, drawing some reaction form the crowd. The cover gets Maxine one-and-a-half. Kaitlyn fights out of the corner, but Maxine reverses a suplex or throw into a Dragon sleeper hold. That was a sweet reversal. Kaitlyn is able to walk to the ropes to get a break.

There's a little bit of a clumsy exchange and Maxine ends up moving into a side chinlock, her specialty. The crowd rallies behind Kaitlyn, who tries to power out by Maxine takes her down again. Maxine ends up on Kaitlyn's back, but Kaitlyn backs into the corner then throws her off, and comes back with a leaping spinning elbow. She jumps on Maxine in the corner then does a quick toss across the ring and covers for two. Maxine with chops, but Kaitlyn puts her in a full nelson and does a sort of sit out slam while holding the full nelson. When Maxine is on the ground, Kaitlyn transitions into a full nelson using her legs (haven't seen that in a while!) causing Maxine to tap with her leg.

WINNER: Kaitlyn in 8:00. I absolutely loved this match. The speed was a bit slow, they needed to pick up the pace a bit, and there were a few occasional clumsy spots. But, they had a good back-and-forth brawl, with both Divas showing off a different style, and Kaitlyn using her strength to do some thing you don't expect from the Divas. And, good gracious, how often do you see a women's match end by submission? If these two can pick the pace up a bit, this match would be something I'd like to see on a main show if given the chance.

[ c - "The Ladder Match 2: Crash and Burn" I think it is ironic that as soon as the announces says "crash and burn" the screen shows Scott Hall ]

- Video package summarizing the last few months of the Raw storylines with C.M. Punk, Triple H, Vince McMahon, Kevin Nash, and Awesome Truth.

[Q3] Backstage, Bateman tells Tyson Kidd that he needs a ring technician in the ring with him, but Kidd declines. Kidd says it's because Bateman's priorities are int he wrong order and that his girlfriend is nuts. On cue, Maxine comes out and shoves Bateman and yells at him for not being at ringside with her again. He says he is busy finding a partner, gets angry, and says he can't find a luchadore who speaks English. Maxine storms off, then runs back in to kiss him hard, stomps off, and tells him to shave his mustache. JTG shows up in the background, and offers to help out because he doesn't like Percy Watson or Titus O'Neil.

[ c - ad ]


Bateman and Watson start off and they stall a bit, lock up, and stall some more. Watson with some very crisp moves. Regal commends Bateman for doing a headlock properly. Watson with his big dropkick, and Titus tags in, sending Bateman to the corner to bring JTG in. JTG and Titus go back and forth. Percy and Titus do rapid tags. Bateman tries to interfere and gets a double clothesline for his efforts, then they clear JTG from the ring.

[ c - Vengeance ad, focused on Mark Henry vs. Big Show ]

Back from break, Bateman is controlling Watson, but Watson gets out. Watson ends up on the apron, and gets distracted by JTG, letting Bateman ambush him. Bateman with a missile dropkick from the apron to Watson on the floor which looked sweet, and some fiercely intense facial expressions. They return to the ring and Bateman stays in control. Heel tag teaming in the corner. The ref is arguing with Titus and misses a cover by JTG.

JTG tags in Bateman, hits the Mugshot, and Bateman makes the cover for two. Percy does jackknife for two, but Bateman drags him back to the middle of the ring and hits a jumping elbow drop. Regal asks where Todd Grisham is, and says Grisham was better at feeding him lines for jokes. Bateman with a headlock, but Watson stands up and drops on his back to escape.

Percy tags out, so does Bateman, and WWE shows Titus's hot tag act to the very move. Bateman breaks up the cover and dumps Watson out when he comes in, then goes back tot he corner. JTG takes in Bateman, who tries a big axe handle from the top rope, but misses. As he gets up, Titus gets the sit out slam and makes the cover for three.

WINNERS: Titus O'Neil and Percy Watson in 13:00. Good match; could definitely have been a main show match. Derrick Bateman and Percy Watson really stand out. Titus does a great hot tag, but it's become routine and he needs to change it up; he's no John Cena or Randy Orton.

Final Reax: No bad matches, a continuation of the competition aspect, and some good sequences (although no matches really shined). Can I really ask anything more of NXT? Oh, and an enjoyable women's match. I finally figured out what NXT has that Raw and Superstars don't: I don't know who is going to win just by who is in the ring. I can call a typical Raw or Smackdown to the match, but NXT (and Superstars) is much harder to play armchair booker on, which makes it a much more enjoyable experience to me.