- PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 11/4: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes in a Street Fight
- ️Tue Nov 01 2011
Nov. 4, 2011
Taped 11/1/11 in Greenville, S.C.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
- WWE Open.
- Smackdown Open.
- Fireworks shot off inside the arena as Josh Mathews welcomed fans to “Friday night’s hottest show.”
I guess Greenville isn’t good enough to have the city identified in the name of the Street Fight. The announcers were shown on camera during Orton’s entrance, and it seemed right off the bat like Booker T. was being paid by the word. Baggers again trailed Rhodes on his way to the ring.
Cole gave the rules of a Street Fight once the bell rang to start the match. After a long lock-up, Rhodes kicked Orton in the knee. Headlock take-over by Orton. The match went outside the ring and Orton stared down a bagger. That distraction allowed Rhodes to whip Orton into the ring steps. Orton was then whipped into the side of the ring. Snap-mare, then a knee-drop at ringside. Orton used the ring itself to his advantage, then sent Rhodes head-first into the steps twice. Orton clotheslined Rhodes into the crowd, then went after him. Hey, someone has a drawing of Bender on their sign! Orton continued the assault on Rhodes throughout the crowd. They found their way back to ringside, where Rhodes tossed his bagger into Orton. Orton gave him a back body-drop, and decked Rhodes too. Rhodes went to the other side of the ring and fed his other bagger to Orton. RKO for that guy. Rhodes backed up the aisle, unsure of what to do next, as Orton smiled at him from the ring. They went to break at 5:16.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 8:53 of the match, with Orton continuing the beating on the entrance ramp. At the top of the ramp, Rhodes turned the tide, smashing Orton’s face into the steel. Rhodes attempted to suplex Orton off the stage, but Orton reversed it and suplexed Rhodes onto the grate. Orton rolled off the stage and Rhodes crawled down the ramp. Orton grabbed Rhodes and propped him against the railing, pounding away on the masked face of his foe. They made their way back to the squared circle, and Orton superplexed Rhodes back into the ring. It got a two-count at 11:55. Somehow, Rhodes dropkicked Orton once they got back to their feet. Orton was tossed out of the ring, but Orton reversed a whip and Rhodes went into the timekeeper’s area. Rhodes bashed Orton with his mask. His elbow was bleeding as well. They went to break again at 13:10.
[Commercial Break]
The show returned at 17:06, with the fight having moved to the commentator’s table. Rhodes punched Orton a few times in the forehead, then sent him back into the ring. Front suplex, then a stomp to the face. Rhodes registered a near-fall at 18:30. The announcers sold how much of a beating Orton had taken over the last few minutes. Orton desperately kicked Rhodes in the face as he tried to crawl away from Rhodes, a movement the announcers made a big deal about. Figure-four leg-lock by Rhodes, right in the middle of the ring. Rhodes again used the mask, hitting Orton in the face while in the move. He tried for it a third time, but Orton kicked Rhodes in the gut and nailed him with the mask. Orton then set up for the punt, shaking off all the punishment he had just taken over the last several minutes. He did his comeback with no signs of said beating. Rhodes dodged an RKO and hit a springboard kick in the face of Orton for two. Cross-Rhodes was countered into a back-drop. Rhodes countered the DDT try and the two traded right hands outside the ring. Orton dropped Rhodes gut-first over the barricade, and Orton DDT’d Rhodes from that position onto the ringside mat. Orton rolled Rhodes into the ring and hit the RKO for the win.
WINNER: Orton, at 23:33. So we had to pay to see an uneventful one-on-one match at the last PPV, but got to see the more intense, spot-heavy Street Fight for free?
They showed replays of the high points of the match, then Orton posed for fans inside the ring. As he left, he stepped on one of Cody’s bags. He picked it up, and put it on the still laid-out Rhodes. More celebrating from Orton followed. The announcers really put over Rhodes’ effort in defeat. Orton also took off with the mask, which was left in the aisle. The commentary team was shown on camera as they discussed the match and Rhodes tried to get his bearings in the ring.
- Back to the announcers, as Mathews threw it to a video package on the Triple H vs. Nash feud. Same one we saw last week, I believe.
- They showed a graphic of, where it was first reported that John Laurinaitis signed Kevin Nash to a contract at the behest of Triple H. Also, Nash will be at Raw this week.
- Tonight…another Sheamus vs. Christian match? Watering down Vengeance a little more, I guess.
[Commercial Break]
- Matt Striker addressed the camera backstage, saying that following the next match, he’d have exclusive comments from the World’s Heavyweight Champion.
This match certainly came out of nowhere. Mathews talked about the “DiBiase Posse,” wherein DiBiase gets together with fans to tailgate before WWE live events. DiBiase dropkicked Kidd, but Kidd quickly took back over on offense. Kick to the head from the apron by Kidd, then a springboard elbowdrop, but it missed. DiBiase came back with some offense as the announcers compared the number of Twitter followers they have. Dear Lord. Kidd countered Dream Street, but DiBiase rolled through with him and hit the move for the win.
WINNER: DiBiase, at 2:07. Didn’t have a good flow to it and was a bit choppy; that said, a nice showcase for DiBiase at least, and I always welcome Kidd getting TV time.
- As promised, Striker was backstage with Mark Henry. Henry said he handled his business at Vengeance and he’s tired of being asked about it. He stopped mid-sentence and walked away, as it seemed he saw something off in the distance. He approached Daniel Bryan and asked Bryan if he was eyeing him. Bryan denied it, but Henry brought up the MITB briefcase. Bryan assured him he was waiting for Wrestlemania. Henry said it doesn’t matter what WM Bryan is waiting for, he can’t beat him. Henry asked Bryan if he thinks differently. He said he’s going to talk to Teddy Long to schedule a match between the two tonight…if Bryan has the guts. “I guess I’ll see you in the ring then, Mark,” said Bryan. That seemed to take Henry by surprise.
- Alicia Fox came to the ring with her new music. Dang, I liked her old theme. She’s looking for retribution from Monday night, and she’ll be looking for it next.
[Commercial Break]
No Beth Phoenix to accompany Nattie. Fox stole the one-legged dropkick from Eve…unless she just botched a regular dropkick. Natalya stomped on Fox’s feet and lower legs, then tossed her to the mat. Nattie told Fox she stuck her nose where it doesn’t belong. Boston Crab applied by Natalya, and Mathews had to correct Cole that it wasn’t the Sharpshooter. Natalya grabbed Fox by the boot, but Fox countered with an enziguiri. She followed that up with a flip leg-drop for the win.
WINNER: Fox, at 1:29. Not a whole lot to it. I know women’s match are usually short, but having Natalya lose this quickly doesn’t speak well for her.
- Coming up tonight, Mark Henry vs. Daniel Bryan.
- Big Show was shown walking backstage. He’s out next.
[Commercial Break]
- Cole thanked Flo Rida for the official Survivor Series theme, “Good Feelings.”
- Big Show came out. They showed the ring imploding during the superplex from two weeks ago. Cole said Mark Henry brought up a good point, that it wasn’t his fault the ring collapsed. Well…I think, in the storyline, he does deserve partial credit. After all, you didn’t see Orton and Rhodes breaking the ring with their superplex tonight. Show talked about how Frankenstein doesn’t go on long-winded speeches, so he’d much rather be fighting than talking tonight. Show said for every Smackdown that passes in which he doesn’t get a rematch he’ll knock Henry out. It wasn’t totally clear though, as he began singing “Momma said knock you out,” and before he could fully explain, Christian’s music interrupted and he came out.
Christian grabbed a mic and said he heard Show’s clever line and figured it was his cue to come out for his match with Sheamus. Show said he was right and started to leave the ring. Christian had one more quick question: What makes Show think he deserves one more match for the World Title? Christian said Show had his shot at Vengeance and Show didn’t get the job done, whereas he’s been screwed over and over again in title matches. Christian chided Show for threatening physical violence on people. Christian said he’s not from the South and he’s more civilized than that. Show made a threatening gesture which Christian took as a knock-out set-up. Show said he was just scratching his face. Christian continued, but not for long: Show grabbed Christian by the throat and chokeslammed him to end the segment. Christian’s “one more match” character is somehow getting more fun each week, and each week it seems to get more absurd. Christian vs. Sheamus is next.
[Commercial Break]
- Christian was still recovering at ringside from the attack by Show from before the break. They showed the Show chokeslam, then Sheamus made his way to the ring. Christian tried to beg out of the match to referee Scott Armstrong. The ref was mic’d as Armstrong discussed the situation with Sheamus. Wade Barrett walked out before any official word could be made. Barrett said it’s obvious that Christian is in no state to compete tonight. He suggested himself as a suitable replacement. Would it kill them to at least mention Barrett checked with Long first or something like that?
Sheamus pounded on Barrett from corner-to-corner, then slammed him. Cole complained that no one from the WWE medical staff came down to check on Christian. Sheamus ran Barrett over, then gave him forearms to the chest. It was all Sheamus in the opening minute-and-a-half. Sheamus dove over the top and shoulderblocked Barrett down for a two-count. Barrett fired back with a running forearm. Barrett with knees to the face of Sheamus, who was caught up in the ropes. Barrett delivered a running kick to the head of Sheamus, sending the Celtic Warrior to ringside. They went to break 2:30 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
The show returned at 5:30 of the contest. Sheamus broke out of a submission move, but missed the Brogue Kick. Barrett kicked Sheamus in the mid-section as Christian continued to convalesce at ringside. That must’ve been some chokeslam. Barrett stretched the arms of Sheamus as the crowd lightly chanted for him. Knee-lift, followed by a big boot from Barrett. Hard whip into the turnbuckle by Barrett, who then connected on a middle rope elbowdrop, but only for a one-count. Rear chin-lock by Barrett. Sheamus appeared to go for the High Cross, but Barrett gave him a back-drop instead. Kick to the skull by Barrett, again just a one-count. Sheamus began a comeback at 9:42. Powerslam, then an attempt at his finisher. Christian jumped on the apron to distract Sheamus, so Barrett took advantage and rolled him up for the win.
WINNER: Barrett, at 10:30. This makes me feel a little better about my comments about Barrett in my weekly chat with James Caldwell right here on
After the match, Sheamus grabbed Barrett before he could escape the ring. Before any damage could be done, Christian ran in and speared Sheamus. He raised Barrett’s arm in victory as they headed to the back.
- Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry is still to come.
[Commercial Break]
- Backstage, Sheamus was in the middle of a beat-down of Christian. Wade Barrett ran in to help his buddy, but Sheamus went on the offensive against him too. Security, Justin Gabriel, and the Usos helped to break things up.
- The announcers talked on-camera about the brawl, then Mathews transitioned to talking about the Muppets guest hosting Raw. That segued into the Raw Rebound, which focused on the Muppets and also had added comments from them that didn’t air.
- Daniel Bryan was getting ready for his match when Big Show walked in. Show asked to keep an eye on Bryan’s briefcase for him, but Bryan said he has it handled. Show said he’d keep an eye on it because he’s going to be in Bryan’s corner for his match with Mark Henry tonight.
- Sin Cara came out for a match. He was billed at 180 pounds. The match is takes place after the break.
[Commercial Break]
- A Brodus Clay vignette aired. He returns this Monday on Raw.
No entrance for Epico. Cara started off hot, but Epico landed a few back suplexes. Epico, without a mask, is Primo’s cousin Orlando Colon, from developmental. He looks exactly like Primo. Epico with a version of the Gory special, but Cara came back with his springboard wrist-lock take-down. Kick to the head by Cara. He went to the top rope, perhaps for the finish, but Hunico came out and pushed Cara off the top rope for a disqualification.
WINNER: Cara, via DQ, at 2:16. This was a unique way to introduce Epico, as wrestlers don’t generally show up without hype of some sort (or without an entrance).
Hunico and Epico continued their assault on Cara, with Hunico nailing Cara with a few right hands. Epico tossed Cara up to Hunico, who powerbombed Cara.
- Next, Bryan (with Big Show) vs. Henry.
[Commercial Break]
Big Show, as promised, came to the ring with Bryan. Henry easily flipped Bryan off his back to start. Bryan tried to kick at the legs of Henry, but Henry tossed him in the air. Bryan came down in a front face-lock submission. Henry slammed him into the buckle, then tossed Bryan to ringside. Show shouted words of encouragement to Bryan. As Bryan re-entered the ring, Henry kicked him, then followed that up with a headbutt. Bryan was sent to ringside again, and Henry simply took Bryan’s head and shoved it against the ring post. Big Show ran Henry off of Bryan. Back in the ring went Bryan and Henry. Booker said Bryan should just “take his medicine like a man” and not have Big Show at his side. Cole called Booker “Michelle Bachmann” for flip-flopping on the issue. Henry applied a neck vice and Bryan kicked his way out of it. Dropkick to the knee sent Henry to one knee. Bryan continued with kicks to the chest and one to the head. That got a two-count at 4:11, and the crowd seemed into it. Henry created some separation with a headbutt. Bryan leapt from the top and again caught Henry in that front face-lock. Down to one knee went Henry. Henry suplexed Bryan off. Henry got an angry look in his eyes and hammered away at Bryan in the corner. Two big splashes in that same corner. After a third splash, Big Show slid into the ring and knocked Henry out with his knockout punch.
WINNER: Henry, via DQ, at 6:24.
Cole was beside himself on commentary after Show got involved. Show went to ringside and tried to wake Bryan up. Show got some water and splashed it in Bryan’s face, then gave Bryan the briefcase to cash in. Bryan went into the ring as he tried to gather the briefcase. He was still on rubber leg street though. As he was about to hand the briefcase to the ref, he saw Henry reach his feet. He went after Henry, but Henry gave him the World’s Strongest Slam. Henry then took the briefcase and nailed show in the head with it as Show tried to come to Bryan’s rescue. World’s Strongest Slam for Big Show, too. Teddy Long came out as both men tried to recover. He said that Henry vs. Show won’t be settled tonight, but it will be settled at Survivor Series. He said Henry will defend the World Title at Survivor Series against the Big Show. Henry was visibly upset at the announcement. Show, in the ring, stared at Henry, at ringside, after the announcement was made. They replayed the finish of the match, as well as Henry’s use of the briefcase and bodyslam on Show. The announcers reacted to the announcement by Long as the show ended.
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Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to