Mass'oud Mirza Zell-e Soltan (Kadjar)
Mass'oud Mirza Zell-e Soltan
Soltan Mass'oud Mirza Zell-e Soltan ("The Soltan's Shadow") "Yamin-ed-Dowleh" ("Right hand of the Government"), Nasser-ed-Din Shah's eldest son, governor of Esfahan, brother of Kamran Mirza Nayeb-Saltaneh and of Mozaffar-ed-Din Mirza (later Shah).
For the descendants of Mass'oud Mirza, see 1) the page on Nasser-ed-Din Shah's children (viz. Princess Banou Ozma) and 2) Mass'oud family page in the Shajarehnaameh Project.
This is another picture of Mass'oud Mirza, in a more relaxed pose, with his trademark flower vase behind him. (For an interesting interpretive essay on Mass'oud Mirza's emblem and its symbolism, see the essay by J. Barry O'Connell Jr. by clicking here.)
Zell-e Soltan's Palace in Esfahan.
A picture a Mass'oud Mirza Zell-e Soltan with one of his daughters in 1898.
Source of Pictures:
Philip Mansel, Sultans in Splendor, The Vendome Press, Paris, 1989
Jennifer Scarce, Isfahan in Camera, 19th Century Persia Through the Photographs of Ernst Hoeltzer, AARP, London, 1976.
J. Barry O'Connell Jr. web site, op. cit.