The runestone on Frösön - Jamtland, Sweden
The runestone on the island Frösön (1030-1050 A.D.)
This runestone, the one situated most to the north of all runestones, tells about the time when Jamtland became a part of christianity. The final decision was made, just like on Iceland, on a nordic Althing (at Bynäset, Frösön) called "Jamtamot" in Jamtland. The inscription starts, as is the normal case for runestones, at the head of the snake. The inscription translated to modern swedish would be:
Tryn ristade
Östman Gudfasts son lät resa denna sten
och göra denna bro och han lät kristna Jamtaland
Åsbjörn gjorde bron
Akta sedan dessa runor!
And here comes an english translation (very personal) word by word:
Tryn (the name of the rune master) ristade=carved
(The name Östman indicates that he was a descendant of
a family from the east and the surname
Gudfasts son, means the son of Gudfast, and
Gudfast, the man solid in his faith in God)
let raise this stone
and do this bridge and he let christen Jamtaland
(The name Åsbjörn means: Ås=As from asar, the nordic gods' tribe
and björn=bear) did the bridge
Akta=have respect for and preserve, sedan=onwards, these runes.
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