

  Join Now

Membership in the RASC is open to everyone who is interested in astronomy. You may join through one of 30 RASC Centres, or as an Unattached member.


Visit our store for your astronomy needs. We carry a wide variety of items such as the Observer's Handbook, calendars, astronomy teaching guides, observing aids, and more!


RASC is a national, non-profit, charitable organization devoted to the advancement of astronomy and related sciences. Help support our society through your kind donations.

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Online Activities

Online astronomy activities to entertain you during isolation!

Star Parties

A list of star parties held across Canada.

Find a Centre

RASC has 30 Centres across Canada.


Mission, About Us, Centres, Donations, General Assembly, Sponsors.


Observer's Handbook, Calendar, Journal, newsletters, and more.


Certificates, projects, star parties, AstroSketchers, resources.


EPO, Light Pollution Abatement, History, Special Projects, Public Lectures

Social Media

Stay in touch with RASC.


The RASC has a rich history going back to 1868. Explore it here in our digital archives.


RASC offers its members many ways to get involved.

This Day in History

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