
Egypt to Acknowledge Armenian Genocide

  • ️https://www.raymondibrahim.com/author/raymond-ibrahim/
  • ️Sun Aug 18 2013
Adly Mansour

Possibly as a response to Prime Minister Erdogan’s Islamist-led government of Turkey — which, like its U.S. counterpart, has been condemning and threatening Egypt for trying to liberate itself from the yoke of the Muslim Brotherhood — Veto news agency reports that,

Egypt today [August 17] decided to sign onto the international document recognizing the Armenian Genocide.  Said Egypt’s interim president, Adly Mansour, on his twitter account: “Our representatives at the United Nations will sign the international document that acknowledges the Armenian Genocide, which was committed by the Turkish military, leading to the deaths of one million.”

Sadly, inasmuch as Egypt moves in the right direction, so, too, does the United States — which was once the leader of freedom and human rights — condemn and attack it, under the Obama administration.