

News & Announcements
2017/01/04 Long awaited site-wide update in progress. Also the noun section is finally complete!
2016/12/16 We now have a public discord channel here! Special thanks to Rexy for tips.
2016/04/08 The Romulan Chat Network (XMPP) is back online. Please see the Communication link on the left for more details.
2016/03/22 Website update. Moving away from Drupal so please bare with us.

Ported the original Romulan word generator Mrs. Diane Duane created, back when BASIC was cool, to a PHP webpage so everyone can generate on the fly. http://www.rihannsu.org/tools/gen.php


Currently looking to get into contact with Frank George Valoczy and Autumn Lansing. If you know them or are them please contact orrhanen#rihannsu.org (Where # should be changed to @ [trying to avoid spam bots]).


Searchable electronic dictionary now online http://www.rihannsu.org/tools/search.php