The Hall of Fame

  • ️romeartlover

   of this web site!
  (Fame at Palazzo della Consulta)

NameCountryQuiz Number
GIUSEPPE FILAURO (July 6, 2016)ITALY    12
GIUSEPPE FILAURO (September 21, 2016)ITALY    14
PIETRO PRUNAS (December 17, 2016)ITALY    15
STEFANO MENTANA (January 11, 2017)ITALY    16
GIUSEPPE FILAURO (January 17, 2017)ITALY    17
GIUSEPPE FILAURO (January 25, 2017)ITALY    18
GIUSEPPE FILAURO (February 12, 2017)ITALY    19
GIUSEPPE FILAURO (March 26, 2017)ITALY    20
STEFANO FILAURO (February 17, 2019)ITALY    21
EDUARDO CECILIO (July 25, 2019)SPAIN    22
GIUSEPPE FILAURO (November 15, 2019)ITALY    23
EDUARDO CECILIO (December 22, 2019)SPAIN    24
MELISSA DEMOS (January 26, 2020)U. S. A.    25
DAMIAN BRACKEN (December 1, 2022)REP. OF IRELAND    28
MARY GABRIELLI (February 10, 2025)U. S. A.    30
Add your name to the Hall of Fame of this website by answering the following question:

These "cipollino steps lead to? only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome

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Previous Questions:

First question: What in my site is a hidden tribute to a culture which is not related to Rome?
Answer by Rosamie Moore: The lines used in many pages: and come from the tombs of the Taj Mahal in Agra, India as you can see from the picture below.

Second question:

This small image shows a detail of ..... and it was painted by .....

Answer by Christine Kalkavage: the detail is from Michelangelo's Last Judgement in Cappella Sistina. It depicts souls being lifted to heaven by the beads of a rosary held by an angel.

Third question:

Which event does this small image show and where is the painting located?

Answer by Vasily Uspensky: the detail depicts the miracle of St. Peter's chains in the painting by Giovanni Battista Parodi in S. Pietro in Vincoli.

Fourth question:

This small image shows a marble inlay which depicts the puzzling coat of arms of Cardinal ....... in a chapel of .......... (a church of Rome)

Answer by Deborah Hicks: Cardinal Pier Francesco Bussi at S. Maria in Trastevere.

Fifth question:

This fresco by .... depicts an event of the life of ......

Answer by Rosamie Moore: Agostino Ciampelli's fresco in S. Bibiana portraying the burial of the saint. Mrs. Moore won fair and square, without help from me.

Sixth question:

This Renaissance decoration motif at Palazzo Ducale di Urbino is almost identical to a marble frieze at .... in Rome.

Answer by Hugo De Keersmaecker: Basilica di Nettuno at the back of the Pantheon.

Seventh question:

The image shows a detail of the floor of ....

Answer by Cynthia Kahn: Curia Julia (Roman Senate).

Eighth question:

The image shows the funerary monument of ...... by ..... at .....

Answer by Giuseppe Filauro: Lisa Deti Aldobrandini by Nicolas Cordier at S. Maria sopra Minerva. She was the mother of Pope Clement VIII. You may wish to see the monument to her husband too.

Ninth question:

This 1698 marble inlay shows the coat of arms of Cardinal ..... at ......

Answer by Nicholas Sudbury: Cardinal Alderano Cybo in the church of Santa Aurea at Ostia .

(left) Baptismal font at S. Aurea; (right) inscription placed by Cardinal Cybo with the history of the saint

Tenth question:

This painting by .... depicts the arrival of .... at ...

Answer by Nicholas Sudbury:

The painting is by Benvenuto Tisi, 'Il Garofalo' (early 16th century). It depicts the Roman matron Claudia Quinta, chosen for her purity to bring back to Rome the statue of the Magna Mater (Cybele) to try to end a famine in the city. Here she is shown releasing the boat from a sandbank at Ostia (after praying to the goddess for strength - and also to prove wrong the watching elders who had cast aspersions on her purity), from where she is said to have pulled it by hand up the Tiber to the city centre. The story is told in Ovid's 'Fasti' Bk IV; this painting hangs in the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini.

Eleventh question:

This photo was taken inside ... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Stefano Mentana: from the portico of S. Francesca Romana in the Roman Forum.

(left) The full original photo with the enlargement showing the aviaries of Orti Farnesiani; (right) S. Francesca Romana seen from the three stone pines on the Palatine Hill

Twelfth question:

This photo shows the lower part of the funerary monument to ... at .....

Answer by Giuseppe Filauro: the photo shows the funerary monument of Stefano de' Surdis at S. Balbina.

(above) The full monument; (below) detail of the inscription stating that Stefano de' Surdis was the Chaplain of the Pope (d. 1303)

Thirteenth question:

This photo shows a detail of .....(only one attempt, please)

Answer by Tomasz Trzesniewski: the photo shows a loggia inside one of the courtyards of Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne.

(left) The ceiling of the loggia with the coat of arms of the Massimo; (right) the coat of arms at the entrance to the palace

Fourteenth question:

This photo shows a painting by ..... at ..... (only one attempt, please)

Answer by Giuseppe Filauro: the photo shows a painting by Jacopo Zucchi at Palazzo Medici or di Firenze.

Fifteenth question:

These photos show details of the courtyards of .......... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Pietro Prunas: the photos were taken at Palazzo del Drago ai Coronari.

Sixteenth question:

This beautiful magnolia casts its shadow on (name of the street) from the courtyard of (name of the building) (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Stefano Mentana: the photos were taken in Via dei Cimatori and the tree is in the courtyard of Palazzo De Rossi Malvezzi Campeggi.

(left) Via dei Cimatori and at its end Collegio Bandinelli; (right) the courtyard of the palace

Seventeenth question:

This small palace is situated at the corner between ..... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Giuseppe Filauro: the palace is situated in Borgo Pio at the corner with Via del Falco.

The corner between Borgo Pio (left) and Via del Falco (right)

Eighteenth question:

The image shows the funerary monument of Bishop ...... inside ...... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Giuseppe Filauro: it shows the funerary monument of Bishop Giovanni Andrea Bocciaccio in the Cloister of S. Maria della Pace.

The funerary monument with the long inscription which details the positions held by the Bishop

Nineteenth question:

S. Maria dell'Orazione e della Morte is a church renowned for its reminders of Death some of which are shown above (left/centre). The two right images instead shows marble reliefs which decorate the funerary monument of ..... inside .... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Giuseppe Filauro: the reliefs decorate the funerary monument of Cardinal Pietro Basadonna in Basilica di S. Marco.

(left) Monuments in the left nave of Basilica di S. Marco; (right) monument to Cardinal Pietro Basadonna

Twentieth question:

Which Roman palace has this decoration in the cornice? (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Giuseppe Filauro: the decoration belongs to Palazzo di S. Luigi and it represents King Louis XIV.

A larger view of the cornice with the fleurs-de-lis of the House of Bourbon

Twenty-first question:

Where is this small portal situated and to which family does its heraldic symbol belong? (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Stefano Filauro: it is located in Via dei Soldati 29 and it shows the heraldic symbol of the Della Vetera family.

(left) 1777 Map of Rione Ponte; the red dot indicates the location of the portal; (right) the end of Via dei Soldati opposite Albergo dell'Orso

Twenty-second question:

In alto c'� un pino distorto;
sta intento e ascolta l'abisso
col fusto piegato a balestra. (..)

Salvatore Quasimodo - Rifugio d'uccelli notturni
On the heights a twisted pine;
intent, listening to the void
with trunk arched in a bow?
(Translation by A. S. Kline)

Where does this umbrella pine listen to the void? (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Eduardo Cecilio: it stands on the steps leading to Giardino degli Aranci on the Aventine Hill.

View of Rome showing the umbrella pine

Twenty-third question:

This relief decorates .... and portrays ..... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Giuseppe Filauro: the relief decorates the Monument to Giuseppe Mazzini and it portrays Jessie White Mario (1832-1906), an English writer and philantropist who worked with Giuseppe Mazzini and wrote a biography of Giuseppe Garibaldi.

(left) Relief with the name of Jessie W. Mario; (right) the rear side of the monument where the relief is located

Twenty-fourth question:

This is the courtyard of .... in ..... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Eduardo Cecilio: the courtyard is that of Palazzetto Sterbini opposite Palazzo del Banco di Santo Spirito in Via dei Banchi Nuovi.

(left) Fa�ade of Palazzetto Sterbini with an inscription celebrating Pope Julius II; (right) courtyard seen fom the entrance. The building was the first seat of Banco di Santo Spirito; it was acquired by the Sterbini, a family from Ferentino towards the end of the XVIIIth century. The Sterbini bought also a palace near Piazza del Popolo.

Twenty-fifth question:

This small fountain is situated in the courtyard of .... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Melissa Demos: the fountain is in the courtyard of Archiginnasio della Sapienza.

Detail of the courtyard showing one of the two fountains

Twenty-sixth question:

This fresco is painted on the wall of .... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Miroslav Radojevic: it is painted on a walkway of the Aurelian Walls built at the time of Emperor Honorius.

(left) The walkway which begins at Porta S. Sebastiano; (right) the location of the painting which most likely was added when a medieval hermit settled in the walkway

Twenty-seventh question:

This floor mosaic decorates .... (only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Hugo De Keersmaecker: it decorates a small shrine at Horrea Agrippiana near Vicus Tuscus.

Mosaic inside the shrine and dedicatory inscription celebrating Agrippa

Twenty-eigth question:

This collection of antiques decorates the courtyard of ... (either the name of the building or its location; only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Damian Bracken: the cortile with the display of spolia in the Hall of Fame photo is in the palazzo on Via di Ripetta, no. 142.

Palazzo d'Aste (Nolli Map: 498), a XVIIth century palace, almost opposite Palazzo Cardelli

Twenty-ninth question:

These elegant female statues decorate a XXth century building in .... (the inscription is cancelled to prevent google experts to immediately solve the quiz; only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome)

Answer by Hans Wilschut: Via Ruggero Bonghi 23 between Via Merulana and Parco delle Terme di Traiano.

The building (1924). The inscription says: Labore parta domus tanto mihi dulcior gratum a contentionibus refugium (to me the house obtained through work is a sweet and welcome refuge from conflicts)

Thirthieth question:

Where this photo of a blossoming Judas tree was taken? only one attempt, please, it is within the walls of Rome

Answer by Mary Gabrielli: near the entrance to the Palatine.

Via di S. Gregorio near the monumental entrance to the Palatine archaeological area

The image used as background for this page is based on reliefs by Agostino di Duccio at Tempio Malatestiano in Rimini.