Burma Army March 1942

Burma Army - Order of Battle - 19th March 1942

I. 1 Burma Corps (Burcorps)      

(a) Corps Troops

      7 Armoured Brigade

                    2nd Royal Tank Regiment

                    7th Queen's Own Hussars

                    1st Battalion, The West Yorkshire Regiment                   

attached from 17 Indian Infantry Division


                   Antitank Batteries

                    'A' Battery, 95th Anti-Tank Regiment, RA

                   Royal Horse Artillery

                    414th Battery, Royal Horse Artillery


        Heavy Antiaircraft Batteries

           8th Heavy Antiaircraft Battery, RA

        Light Antiaircraft Batteries

           3rd Indian Light Antiaircraft Battery, Indian Artillery

less one troop  


        Artizan Works Companies

           18th Artizan Works Company

           17th Artizan Works Company

        Field Companies

           1st Burma Field Company, Burma Sappers and Miners

        Pioneer Battalions

           6th Pioneer Battalion, Indian Engineers


           1st Special Service Detachment

(b) 1 Burma Division


                   Antitank Batteries

                    8th Indian Anti-Tank Battery, Indian Artillery

                   Mountain Regiments

                    27th Mountain Regiment, Indian Artillery


                   Mountain Batteries

                    23rd Mountain Battery, Indian Artillery

                    2nd Mountain Battery, Indian Artillery        


                   Field Companies

                    56th Field Company, Queen Victoria's Own Madras  Sappers and Miners less two sections

                    The Malerkotla State Field Company, Indian States Forces

                   Field Park Companies

                    50th Field Park Company, Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners


                   Burma Frontier Force

                    FF1, Burma Frontier Force


                    FF3, Burma Frontier Force

                    FF4, Burma Frontier Force

                    FF5, Burma Frontier Force


                    2nd Special Service Detachment


                    1 Burma Brigade Group

                              2nd Battalion, 7th Rajput Regiment (2/7th Rajput)

                              1st Battalion, The Burma Rifles

                              2nd Battalion, The Burma Rifles


                              5th Battalion, The Burma Rifles          

                    2 Burma Brigade Group        

                              5th Battalion, 1st Punjab Regiment (5/1st Punjab)

                              7th (Burma Police) Battalion, The Burma Rifles


                       FF8, Burma Frontier Force                             


                    13 Indian Infantry Brigade     

                              1st Battalion, 18th Royal Garhwal Rifles (1/18th R Garh Rif)

(c) 17 Indian Infantry Division


                   Antitank Batteries

                    5th Indian Anti-Tank Battery, Indian Artillery                   

attached from 2nd Indian Anti-Tank Regiment

                   Antitank Regiments

                    2nd Anti-Tank Regiment, Indian Artillery

assigned to Line of Communication Troops

                   Field Regiments

                    1st Indian Field Regiment

                           Field Batteries

                              1st Indian Field Battery, Indian Artillery

                              2nd Indian Field Battery, Indian Artillery

                   Mountain Batteries

                    5th Mountain Battery, Indian Artillery

detached, re-equipping at Mandalay

                    12th Mountain Battery, Indian Artillery

less one section re-equipping at Mandalay

                    15th Mountain Battery, Indian Artillery

detached, re-equipping at Mandalay

                    28th Mountain Battery, Indian Artillery

detached, re-equipping at Mandalay


                   Field Companies

                    24th Field Company, Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners

                    60th Field Company, Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners

                    70th Field Company, Bengal Sappers and Miners


                    1st Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)

attached to 48th Indian Infantry Brigade

                    1st Battalion, The West Yorkshire Regiment

attached to 7 Armoured Brigade

                    5th Battalion, 17th Dogra Regiment (5/17th Dogra)

                    8th (Frontier Force) Battalion, The Burma Rifles

                    1st Rangoon Battalion, Burma Military Police

                    "Force Viper", Royal Marines detachment - river patrol

                   Burma Frontier Force

                    1st Detachment, Burma Frontier Force

                    2nd Detachment, Burma Frontier Force

                    3rd Detachment, Burma Frontier Force

                    FF2, Burma Frontier Force                   


                    FF6, Burma Frontier Force


                    1st Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment


                16 Indian Infantry Brigade     

                              2nd Battalion The Duke of Wellington's Regiment               

                              1st Battalion, 9th Jat Regiment (1/9th Jat)

                              7th Battalion, 10th Baluch Regiment (7/10th                   

                              4th Battalion, 12th Frontier Force Regiment (4/12th  FFR)

                48 Indian Infantry Brigade   

                              1st Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)


                              "5th Battalion, 3rd Gurkha Rifles (Composite Battalion)"

                              1st Battalion, 3rd Queen Alexandra's Own Gurkha Rifles (1/3rd Gurkha Rifles)

                              2nd Battalion, 5th Royal Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) (2/5th Gurkha Rifles)

                              "7th Gurkha Rifles (Composite Battalion)"

                              1st Battalion, 7th Gurkha Rifles (1/7th Gurkha Rifles)

                              3rd Battalion, 7th Gurkha Rifles (3/7th Gurkha Rifles)

                              1st Battalion, 4th Prince of Wales's Own Gurkha Rifles (1/4th Gurkha Rifles)

                    63 Indian Infantry Brigade

                              1st Battalion, The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers

attached from Army Command

                              1st Battalion, 10th Gurkha Rifles (1/10th Gurkhas)

                              1st (King George's Own)  Battalion, 11th Sikh Regiment (1/11 Sikh)

                              2nd Battalion, 13th Frontier Force Rifles (2/13th FF Rif)

II. Army Troops

28th Mountain Regiment, Indian Artillery                     

1st Heavy Antiaircraft Regiment, RA, Burma Auxiliary Force

Rangoon Field Brigade, Royal Artillery, Burma Auxiliary Force

a detachment

9th (Reserve) Battalion, The Burma Rifles

10th (Training) Battalion, The Burma Rifles

Bhamo Battalion, Burma Frontier Force

Chin Hills Battalion, Burma Frontier Force

Kokine Battalion, Burma Frontier Force                                      

 less detachments  

Myitkyina Battalion, Burma Frontier Force

Northern Shan States Battalion, Burma Frontier Force

Reserve Battalion, Burma Frontier Force

Southern Shan States Battalion, Burma Frontier Force

The Karen Levies

III. Line of Communication Troops

2nd Anti-Tank Regiment, Indian Artillery                           

RHQ only - less both batteries, no guns

8th Indian Heavy Antiaircraft Battery, Indian Artillery

3rd Indian Light Antiaircraft Battery, Indian Artillery

one troop

Rangoon Field Brigade, Royal Artillery, Burma Auxiliary Force  

no guns, less one detachment

56th Field Company, Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers and Miners 

two sections

2nd Battalion, The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI)

3rd Battalion, The Burma Rifles

4th Battalion, The Burma Rifles

6th Battalion, The Burma Rifles

possibly only a company in strength

11th Battalion, The Burma Rifles

12th (Lower Burma) Battalion, The Burma Rifles

13th (Shan States) Battalion, The Burma Rifles

14th (Shan States) Battalion, The Burma Rifles

Tenasserim Battalion, Burma Auxiliary Force

Burma Railways Battalion, Burma Auxiliary Force

Upper Burma Battalion, Burma Auxiliary Force

Mandalay Battalion, Burma Military Police

Kokine Battalion, Burma Frontier Force


Chin Hills Battalion, Burma Frontier Force


MI (Mounted Infantry) Detachment, Burma Frontier Force

1st Garrison Battalion

2nd Garrison Battalion

1st Garrison Company

2nd Garrison Company

3rd Garrison Company

4th Garrison Company

5th Garrison Company

6th Garrison Company

7th Garrison Company

29 November 2017