Peru 2nd Division Champions (Lima)
The second level in Peruvian football consists of the Copa Per� (nowadays only for teams outside of Lima) and the Segunda Profesional, a league open only to teams from Lima and nearby cities. Since 2006, teams from all over the country have progressively gained access to this tournament.
From 1988 to 1990, the winner was promoted to the "Regional Metropolitano" section of the First Division. In 1991 no promotion took place due to the reorganization of the First Division. In 1992 the winner of the Segunda Profesional played off against three other clubs for two promotion places. From 1993 until 1997 the winner was promoted directly to the First Division. From 1998 to 2001 the winner played-off against the one but last team of the First Division (no win in these playoffs, therefore no Segunda Dvision champion was promoted). In 2002, the winner was promoted to First Division. In 2004 and 2005 the winner did not gain direct promotion, but along with the runner-up, they entered the Copa Per� (etapa Nacional). In 2006, again the winner got direct promotion, and in 2008 the winner and runner-up got promotion.
Regional Champions Lima Second Level
1936 Telmo Carbajo 1937-38 no tournament 1939 Alianza Lima 1940 Telmo Carbajo 1941-42 no tournament 1943 Telmo Carbajo 1944 Ciclista Lima 1945 Santiago Barranco 1946 Ciclista Lima 1947 Jorge Ch�vez 1948 Centro Ique�o 1949 Ciclista Lima and Jorge Ch�vez 1950 Uni�n Callao 1951 Asociaci�n Chorrillos 1952 Uni�n Callao 1953 Carlos Concha 1954 Uni�n Callao 1955 Carlos Concha 1956 Porvenir Miraflores 1957 Mariscal Castilla 1958 Uni�n Am�rica 1959 Mariscal Sucre 1960 Defensor Lima 1961 KDT Nacional 1962 Mariscal Sucre 1963 Carlos Concha 1964 Defensor Arica 1965 Mariscal Sucre 1966 Porvenir Miraflores 1967 KDT Nacional 1968 Deportivo Municipal 1969 Deportivo SIMA 1970 ADO (Atl�tico Deportivo Olimpico) 1971 Deportivo SIMA 1972 Atl�tico Chalaco 1973-82 no tournament
Regional Champions Regi�n IX
1973 Uni�n Huaral 1974 no tournament 1975 CPT (Compañia de Telefonos) 1976-79 no tournament 1980 Gonz�les Prada 1981 Juventud La Palma 1982 Gonz�les Prada 1983 Barcelona 1984 Colegio San Agust�n [Intermedia A Metropolitano] 1985 Guardia Republicana [Intermedia]
Segunda Divisi�n Champions
1983 Gonz�les Prada [experimental] 1984 Gonz�les Prada 1985 Alcides Vigo Hurtado 1986 Deportivo AELU and Internazionale Cantolao 1987 Deportivo AELU and Guardia Republicana
Segunda Profesional Champions
1988 Defensor Lima 1989 Sport Boys 1990 Hijos de Yurimaguas 1991 Enrique Lau Chun 1992 Uni�n Huaral 1993 Ciclista Lima 1994 Uni�n Huaral 1995 Guardia Republicana 1996 Alcides Vigo 1997 Lawn Tennis 1998 Hijos de Yurimaguas 1999 Am�rica Cochahuayco 2000 Aviaci�n FAP 2001 Alcides Vigo 2002 Uni�n Huaral 2003 Sport Coopsol 2004 Ol�mpico Somos Per� 2005 Ol�mpico Somos Per� 2006 Deportivo Municipal (Lima) 2007 Universidad C�sar Vallejo (Trujillo) 2008 Total Clean (Arequipa) 2009 Sport Boys (Callao) 2010 Cobresol FC (Moquegua) 2011 Jose Galvez FBC (Chimbote) 2012 Pac�fico FC (Lima) 2013 Los Caimanes de Puerto Eten (Chiclayo) 2014 Deportivo Municipal (Lima) 2015 Comerciantes Unidos (Cutervo) 2016 Acad�mia Cantolao (Callao) 2017 Sport Boys (Callao) 2018 Universidad C�sar Vallejo (Trujillo) 2019 Cienciano (Cusco) 2020 Alianza Atl�tico (Sullana) 2021 Atl�tico Grau (Piura)
About this document
Prepared and maintained by Jos� Luis Pierrend and Eli Schmerler for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation
Authors: Jos� Luis Pierrend
and Eli Schmerler
Last updated: 29 Dec 2021
(C) Copyright Jos� Luis Pierrend, Eli Schmerler and RSSSF 1999/2021
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper
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