The Kojiki: Volume II: Section LV.—Emperor Sui-zei
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The Kojiki, translated by Basil Hall Chamberlain, [1919], at
His Augustness Kamu-nuna-kaha-mimi dwelt at the palace of Takawoka in Kadzuraki, 1a and ruled the Empire. This Heavenly Sovereign wedded Kaha-mata-bime, 2a ancestress of the Departmental Lords of Shiki, 3a and begot [154] an august child: His Augustness Shiki-tsu-hiko-tama-demi 4 (one Deity), The Heavenly Sovereign's august years were forty-five. His august mausoleum is on the Mound of Tsukida. 5
189:1a p. 189 In the province of Yamato. Taka-woka signifies "high mound." Kadzuraki means "pueraria castle," a name accounted for by a legend in the "Chronicles," which relates how an earth-spider was caught in this place by means of a net made of pueraria tendrils. Kadzuraki was the name, not only of a town, but of a district.
189:2a I.e., the Princess of Kahamata, a place in Kahachi. The name signifies "river-fork." For the omission in this and a few other places of the words "daughter of," etc., which might be expected instead of "ancestress," see Motowori's Commentary, Vol. XXI, p. 4.
189:3a Shiki na agata-nushi. Shiki is in Yamato. The signification of the name seems to be "stone castle."
189:4 Shiki-tsu-hiko signifies "Prince of Shiki." Motowori believes Tamade to be in like manner the name of a place, while he interprets mi as the common abbreviation of the Honorific (?) mimi.
189:5 A place in Yamato. Motowori derives the name from tsuki modern toki), the "ibis," and ta, "rice-field."
Next: Section LVI.—Emperor An-nei