IITS Koeln

Welcome to the Sanskrit lexicons prepared since 1994 by the Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies, Cologne University.
The 42 dictionaries are organized primarily by the secondary language (English, German, etc.), and then by date of publication (1832 till 1993).
Each dictionary has several types of display (B L A M), as well as PDF scan and XML (in SLP1) files for download (D).
All dictionaries are also available for offline usage in android phones via this application. It presumes that some form of stardict viewer is installed on your phone. You may try to install stardict viewer by searching for EBdic, colordict, goldendict or stardict.

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Sanskrit-English Dictionaries

ID date Dictionary Displays and Downloads
WIL 1832 Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D S Deprecated
YAT * 1846 Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D
GST * 1856 Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D
BEN * 1866 Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D
MW72 * 1872 Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D
LAN 1884 Lanman's Sanskrit Reader Vocabulary B L A M D
LRV 1889 Vaidya Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D
AP90 * 1890 Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D
CAE 1891 Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D S
MD 1893 Macdonell Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D S
MW 1899 Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D S1 S2 Markup Inflected forms
SHS 1900 Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary B L A M D
AP 1957 Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary, revised edition available on special request for research purposes
PD * 1976 An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Sanskrit on Historical Principles available on special request for research purposes

English-Sanskrit Dictionaries

MWE * 1851 Monier-Williams English-Sanskrit Dictionary B L A M D
BOR * 1877 Borooah English-Sanskrit Dictionary B L A M D
AE 1920 Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary B L A M D S1 S2 Deprecated

Sanskrit-French Dictionaries

BUR * 1866 Burnouf Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français B L A M D
STC * 1932 Stchoupak Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français B L A M D S SD

Sanskrit-German Dictionaries

PWG 1855 Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch B L A M D S Deprecated
GRA * 1873 Grassmann Wörterbuch zum Rig Veda B L A M D
PW 1879 Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung B L A M D S Deprecated
CCS * 1887 Cappeller Sanskrit Wörterbuch B L A M D S
SCH 1928 Schmidt Nachträge zum Sanskrit-Wörterbuch B L A M D S

Sanskrit-Latin Dictionaries

BOP * 1847 Bopp Glossarium Sanscritum B L A M D

Sanskrit-Sanskrit Dictionaries

ARMH 1861 Abhidhānaratnamālā of Halāyudha B L A M D
VCP * 1873 Vacaspatyam B L A M D
SKD * 1886 Sabda-kalpadruma B L A M D
ABCH 1896 Abhidhānacintāmaṇi of Hemacandrācārya B L A M D
ACPH 1896 Abhidhānacintāmaṇipariśiṣṭa of Hemacandrācārya B L A M D
ACSJ 1896 Abhidhānacintāmaṇiśiloñcha of Jinadeva B L A M D

Specialized Dictionaries

INM * 1904 Index to the Names in the Mahabharata B L A M D
VEI * 1912 The Vedic Index of Names and Subjects B L A M D
PUI * 1951 The Purana Index B L A M D
BHS * 1953 Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary B L A M D
ACC * 1962 Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum B L A M D
KRM * 1965 Kṛdantarūpamālā B L A M D
IEG * 1966 Indian Epigraphical Glossary B L A M D
SNP * 1974 Meulenbeld's Sanskrit Names of Plants B L A M D
PE * 1975 Puranic Encyclopedia B L A M D
PGN * 1978 Personal and Geographical Names in the Gupta Inscriptions B L A M D S
MCI * 1993 Mahabharata Cultural Index B L A M D

Deprecated Editions

Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 2012/2013 displays
Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 2008
Sanskrit and Tamil Dictionaries, 2005
Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary, semi-digitized edition, 2008


Kale Higher Sanskrit Grammar, 1894 (Scanned)
Westergaard Linguae Sanscritae, 1841 (Scanned)
Whitney's Roots, 1885 (Scanned)
MW Inflected forms
Tamil Lexicon
Pali-English Dictionary at DSAL
dalglob1: experimental multi-dictionary display
Experimental displays for Böhtlingk/Schmidt dictionaries


The digitizations of works marked with an asterisk (*) were funded by the DFG-NEH Project 2010-2013.

The markup of the Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary is described in detail here.
The markup of the various dictionaries was designed and implemented by:

  • Thomas Malten (Cologne University) and assistants in India
  • Peter Scharf (The Sanskrit Library)
  • Malcolm D. Hyman (Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin)
  • Jim Funderburk

How to cite in academic publications?

In text citation

(Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries)

Bibliographic reference

Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries, version 2.7.286,
Cologne University, accessed on February 19, 2025,

How to acknowledge usage of data in a website / application?

This website / application uses data from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries, Cologne University, accessed on February 19, 2025.