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Our community

Scientix is above all a community of teachers, and for teachers. As such, teachers and educators of all levels, from ECEC to secondary, in formal and non-formal education can gain from engaging with Scientix and its resources and networks.

Scientix Ambassadors

The Scientix Ambassadors – members of our Teacher Panel – promote and inform about Scientix to their peers - science and mathematics teachers across Europe. They present Scientix in schools and national teachers associations, on conferences and workshops, and can advise teachers how to get involved in European collaboration in STEM. They also assist in developing and testing various tools and services of Scientix and ensure the pedagogical quality of the Scientix repository.

The Scientix Community Tool

Become a part of the immersive space for Scientix Ambassadors and other educators. Make a profile and browse all the extraordinary educators working on STEM education, whether as STEM teachers or not, learn about their expertise and find the most suitable collaborator for your future projects, proposals or lessons. Share your input on STEM education topics, convey your needs and learn about new opportunities to contribute to innovation and promotion of STEM education.

Soon you will be able to find all the Scientix Ambassadors in your country through the Scientix Community Tool.

Access the tool here.