A Guidebook to the Carl Barks Universe
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ART | Disney paintings 1980s |
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This page contains the following items:
- awdfp80u01 Wanderers of Wonderlands
- awdfp82u01 The Money Collector
- awdfp82u021 Sailing the Spanish Main [painting]
- awdfp82u022 sailing the spanish main [inked version]
- awdfp83u01 The Money Lender
- awdfp83u02 An Embarrassment of Riches
- awdfp83u03 Till Death Do Us Part
- awdfp84u01 "A 1934 Belchfire Runabout!"
- awdfp84u02 In Uncle Walt's Collectery
- awdfp85u01 Return to Morgan's Island
- awdfp85u02 Afoul of the Flying Dutchman
- awdfp86u01 Dam Disaster at Money Lake
- awdfp86u02 Dubious Doings at Dismal Down
- awdfp87u01 First Nat'l Bank of Cibola
- awdfp87u02 Tresspassers Will Be Ventilated
- awdfp88u01 The Makings of a Fish Story
- awdfp89u01 Return to Plain Awful
- awdfp89u02 Holiday in Duckburg
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CB OIL 123 Wanderers of Wonderlands
Barks code: [unknown]
Type: [oil]
Creation date: 1980
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1981 (or 1982?)
Issue: Uncle Scrooge His Life & Times Pages: 1
Orientation: portrait
Width: [unknown] inch
Height: [unknown] inch
- Wanderers of Wonderlands [lithograph] (USA)Bilder aus Entenhausen / Billeder fra Andeby (Germany / Denmark)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1996 (Germany)
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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The Money Collector
Inducks: ...
Barks code: [unknown]
Type: [oil?]
Creation date: 1981 or 1982
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1982, March ?
Issue: Comics Scene volume 1 issue 2 ?
Pages: 1
Orientation: [portrait]
Later phase: [unknown] The Money Lender ?
Based on: the money lender [watercolor design] ?
Additional credits: Possibly the same painting as »The Money Lender«, or an early version.
Money theme. Small portrait of Scrooge.
Backstage: Barks, in an August 31, 1992 letter to Matti Eronen: "I started in 1976, I think, and had not finished it at the time "The Fine Art of Walt Disney's Duck" was printed. I finished it in 1981 or 1982 and we have it here. Garé is the owner."
- Comics Scene volume 1 issue 2 (USA.)
- ?
- details unknown
In which Comics Scene issue was the painting published? In
Comics Scene volume 1 issue 2, March 1982?
Could this painting be »The Money Lender«,
which Barks is supposed to have painted in 1983? The two titles are similar
enough and »The Money Lender« is relatively
small in size compared to Barks' other works of the 1980's (thus indicating
this could be a leftover from the 1970's).
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CB OIL 124 Sailing the Spanish Main [painting]
Barks code: [unknown]
CBL: [not included?]
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1982
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [unknown]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1982
Issue: Sailing the Spanish Main [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: portrait
Width: 20 inch
Height: 25 inch
Motif: 8 of 8
Ink version: sailing the spanish main [inked version]
Based on: sailing on small boat
Surviving material:
Publications:- Sailing the Spanish Main [lithograph] (USA)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1996 (Germany)Walt Disney Comics & Stories 601 (USA)
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 124-B sailing the spanish main [inked version]
Barrier: ---
CBL: 08A-256
Type: illustration
Creation date: [1982?]
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [unknown]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1983, August
Issue: The Carl Barks Library - Set VIII Pages: 1
Orientation: portrait
Width: [unknown] inch
Height: [unknown] inch
Painting version: Sailing the Spanish Main [painting]
Based on: sailing on small boat
Additional credits: Pen and ink tracing on vellum, drawn to promote Sailing the Spanish Main [lithograph] in a tabloid newspaper.
- unidentified tabloid newspaper
- black and white (monochrome?); greatly reduced The Carl Barks Library - Set VIII (USA)
- monochrome
- colours are a mechanical intrepretation of sailing the spanish main [color guide] Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1996 (Germany)
- colour reproduction?
- signed edition contains a reproduction on an additional sheet Walt Disney Comics & Stories 601 (USA)
- monochrome; cropped to fit as cover drawing
- colours by Susan Daigle-Leach, based upon sailing the spanish main [color guide]
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The Money Lender
![The Money Lender](http://www.seriesam.com/barks/dp_money_lender_safe_right_sm.jpg)
Inducks: ...
Barks code: [unknown]
Type: oil
Creation date: 1983 [or 1982?]
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1997
Issue: The Money Lender [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: portrait
Width: 14 inch
Height: 17.25 inch
Motif: 2 of 2
Earlier phase: [unknown] The Money Collector ?
Additional credits:
Possibly the same painting as
»The Money Collector«, or a finished version.
Has a similar motif as »McDuck of Duckburg«.
Changes: According to Gerd Syllwasschy, Scrooge must be at the left side of the safe. In that case, some publications have been horizontally flipped. Publications:
- The Money Lender [lithograph] (USA)
- details unknown Uncle Scrooge 50th Anniversary Catalog (USA)
- colour; lower right corner partly covered; safe at the left, Scrooge at the right
Other views:
safe at the left, Scrooge on the right
- colour; width=170; height=213
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 125 An Embarrassment of Riches
Barks code: [unknown]
CBL: 03A-066
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1983
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1983
Issue: An Embarrassment of Riches [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: landscape
Width: 25 inch
Height: 20 inch
Money theme. Money bin interior.
Surviving material:
an embarrassment of riches [first of six studies on one sheet]
an embarrassment of riches [second of six studies on one sheet]
an embarrassment of riches [third of six studies on one sheet]
an embarrassment of riches [fourth of six studies on one sheet]
an embarrassment of riches [fifth of six studies on one sheet]
an embarrassment of riches [sixth of six studies on one sheet]
an embarrassment of riches [layout of a detail]
An Embarrassment of Riches [one of eight miniature paintings]
- An Embarrassment of Riches [lithograph] (USA)The Carl Barks Library - Set III (USA)Bilder aus Entenhausen / Billeder fra Andeby (Germany / Denmark)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1995 (Germany)
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 126 Till Death Do Us Part
Barks code: [unknown]
CBL: 09A-018
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1983
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1983
Issue: Till Death Do Us Part [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: portrait
Width: 20 inch
Height: 25 inch
Based on: fortuna favet fortibus
Surviving material:
Publications:- Till Death Do Us Part [lithograph] (USA)The Carl Barks Library - Set IX (USA)
- colour Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1996 (Germany)
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 127 "A 1934 Belchfire Runabout!"
Barks code: [unknown]
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1984
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1984
Issue: "A 1934 Belchfire Runabout!" [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: landscape
Width: 30 inch
Height: 24 inch
Additional credits: Barks' commemorative to Donald Duck's 50th birthday.
Surviving material:
Publications:Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 128 In Uncle Walt's Collectery
Barks code: [unknown]
CBL: 09B-446
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1984
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1984
Issue: In Uncle Walt's Collectery [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: portrait
Width: 20 inch
Height: 25 inch
Drawing the Disney-collectibles demanded more precision than drawing heaps
of coins like in the money bin scenes: "I almost bit off too big a job in
this complicated diorama of disorganized Disneyana."
Referring to the title Barks commented: "I know there�s no such word as
collectery, but it needs to be invented." The word appears to be a blending
of �collection� and �treasury� and is indeed describing a new and different
sort of museum. The place-the Disney-archives in
California, where all licensed articles are
stored-developed from a mere storeroom to a
treasury and a collectors Eldorado. No one would ever have suspected that
these insignificant comics, tin-Mickey-Mice and hollow rubber dolls would
ever become glamorous.
Barks kept close to reality in his presentation of the objects. Most things
go back to the 1930�s and 1940�s, the time when he was shaping up at the
Disney studios.
The painting has a special appeal as the Ducks meet themselves: with a
doubting expression McDuck tugs Mickey Mouse to see if he is real and one
of the nephews peeps carefully at the Donald caught in a drawer.
Surviving material:
in uncle walt's collectery [ducks and mickey]
in uncle walt's collectery [crate with comics]
in uncle walt's collectery [painted idea sketch]
- In Uncle Walt's Collectery [lithograph] (USA)The Carl Barks Library - Set IX (USA)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1996 (Germany)
- ... Where Do We Go Next? [detailed pencil]
- Scrooge, Donald, and nephews, are enjoying a book CB OIL 29 Reading the Scandal Sheet
- Scrooge, Donald, and nephews, are enjoying a book ... in uncle walt's collectery [painted idea sketch]
- Scrooge, Donald, and nephews, are enjoying a book
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 129 Return to Morgan's Island
Barks code: [unknown]
CBL: 09C-546
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1985
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1985
Issue: Return to Morgan's Island [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: landscape
Width: 30 inch
Height: 24 inch
Based on: W OS 9-02 finds Pirate Gold
Surviving material:
Publications:- Return to Morgan's Island [lithograph] (USA)The Carl Barks Library - Set IX (USA)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1995 (Germany)
- CB OIL 40 Blue Persia [73-01]
- Scrooge is shown, but not at all included in the story on which the painting is based. CB OIL 136 Return to Plain Awful
- Scrooge is shown, but not at all included in the story on which the painting is based.
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 130 Afoul of the Flying Dutchman
Barks code: [unknown]
CBL: 04C-684
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1985
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1985
Issue: Afoul of the Flying Dutchman [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: portrait
Width: 25 inch
Height: 30 inch
Comic book version: heavy storm and flying ship
Surviving material:
Publications:- Afoul of the Flying Dutchman [lithograph] (USA)The Carl Barks Library - Set IV (USA. Arizona, Scottsdale)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1996 (Germany)
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 131 Dam Disaster at Money Lake
Barks code: [unknown]
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1986
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1986
Issue: Dam Disaster at Money Lake [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: landscape
Width: 25 inch
Height: 20 inch
Based on: W OS 386-02 in "Only a Poor Old Man"
Surviving material:
Publications:- Dam Disaster at Money Lake [lithograph] (USA)
- Sold as a pair with a reprint of »in "Only a Poor Old Man"«,to tell the "Story Behind the Painting". Bilder aus Entenhausen / Billeder fra Andeby (Germany / Denmark)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1995 (Germany)
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 132 Dubious Doings at Dismal Down
Barks code: [unknown]
CBL: 02C-642
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1986
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1986
Issue: Dubious Doings at Dismal Down [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: landscape
Width: 25 inch
Height: 20 inch
Based on: W OS 189-02 in "The Old Castle's Secret"
Surviving material:
Publications:- Dubious Doings at Dismal Down [lithograph] (USA)The Carl Barks Library - Set II (USA)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1995 (Germany)
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 133 First Nat'l Bank of Cibola
Barks code: [unknown]
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1987
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1987
Issue: First Nat'l Bank of Cibola [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: portrait
Width: 20 inch
Height: 25 inch
Based on: seven cities of cibola
Surviving material:
- CB OIL 113 Golden Cities of Cibola
- Ducks inspecting treasures in Cibola.
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 134 Tresspassers Will Be Ventilated
Barks code: [unknown]
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1987
Art: Carl Barks
Script: Carl Barks
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1987
Issue: Tresspassers Will Be Ventilated [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: landscape
Width: 25 inch
Height: 20 inch
Motif: 4 of 4
Based on: old woman interrupts gold digging
Surviving material:
Publications:Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 135 The Makings of a Fish Story
![The Makings of a Fish Story](http://www.seriesam.com/barks/dp_makings_fish_sm.jpg)
Barks code: [unknown]
CBL: 06C-550
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1988
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1988
Issue: No One Will Ever Believe ThisPages: 1
Orientation: portrait
Width: 20 inch
Height: 25 inch
Based on: W US 68-02 Hall of the Mermaid Queen ?
Landmark: Barks's only painting with a scene under water.
Surviving material:
Publications:- No One Will Ever Believe This (USA)The Carl Barks Library - Set VI (USA)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1996 (Germany)
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 136 Return to Plain Awful
![Return to Plain Awful](http://www.seriesam.com/barks/dp_return_plain_sm.jpg)
Barks code: [unknown]
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1989
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1989
Issue: Return to Plain Awful [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: landscape
Width: 30 inch
Height: 24 inch
Based on: W OS 223-02 in "Lost in the Andes!"
Surviving material:
- CB OIL 40 Blue Persia [73-01]
- Scrooge is shown, but not at all included in the story on which the painting is based. CB OIL 129 Return to Morgan's Island
- Scrooge is shown, but not at all included in the story on which the painting is based.
Sources | image: © [Walt Disney Productions]
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CB OIL 137 Holiday in Duckburg
Barks code: [unknown]
CBL: 06B-386
Type: Masonite
Creation date: 1989
Art: Carl Barks
Script: [Carl Barks]
Hero: [none]
Submission: [unknown]
Publication date: 1989
Issue: Holiday in Duckburg [lithograph]Pages: 1
Orientation: landscape
Width: 30 inch
Height: 24 inch
Surviving material:
Publications:- Holiday in Duckburg [lithograph] (USA)The Carl Barks Library - Set VI (USA)Carl Barks Ölgemälde-Kalender 1995 (Germany)
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