Glossary of sexology - Psicologo dott. Boccadoro

  • ️Dott. Leonardo Boccadoro

Glossary of clinical sexology

Note. The arrow symbol > indicates the reference to the word indicated.

  • Abortion: termination of pregnancy (it can be either spontaneous or voluntarily induced).
  • Acrotomophilia: a paraphilia consisting in being sexually attracted by people with amputations.
  • Acting-out: to express unconscious emotional conflicts in overt behaviour.
  • Aggressiveness: conscious or non-conscious propensity towards harmful (or potentially harmful) behavior on the physical or psychological side, be it directed to people, animals or things.
  • Agnosia: inability to perceive external stimuli; it is often caused by stroke and brain cancer; it is also a suffix to several pathologies such as > Somatoagnosia and > Nosoagnosia.
  • Aids: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; alteration of the immune system of an organism caused by the HIV virus; it can be transmitted through blood and sperm during unprotected sexual intercourse.
  • Alcohol: a substance with a mild disinhibitory effect if taken in small amounts; it can reduce haematic hormones (testosterone in men and oestrogens in women) when taken for long periods, it can also cause sexual dysfunctions (for instance, loss of libido and deterioration of sexual responsiveness) if taken in high doses.
  • Alexithymia: difficulty of expressing feelings, emotions and sensations due to the lack of appropriate words.
  • Amenorrhoea: absence of menstruation.
  • Amplexus: (> Coitus) a Latin word meaning "embrace", a euphemism for sexual intercourse.
  • Anal coitus: anal intercourse, sodomy.
  • Anaphrodisia: absence of sexual desire. It can be congenital or acquired, temporary or permanent.
  • Anaphrodisiac: any substance inhibiting sexual desire.
  • Androgens: male sexual hormones (e.g. testosterone, androsterone, dehydroandrosterone, androstenedione) involved in the development and functionality of sexual organs.
  • Androgyne: (from Greek anér = man and gyné = woman) an individual having both male and female characteristics at the same time.
  • Andrology: a branch of medicine concerned with the dysfunctions of urogenital and reproductive system in men.
  • Andrologist: a specialist in andrology.
  • Andropause: male climacteric; it is the equivalent of female menopause; it would be more accurate to define it as PADAM or ADAM (Partial Androgen Deficiency of Aging Male).
  • Anejaculation: (> aspermia) failure to emit seminal fluid during the ejaculation stage of male orgasm.
  • Anhedonia: (> anaphrodisia) absence of perception of pleasure (it can be primary, secondary, situational or occasional).
  • Anhedonic ejaculation: orgasm/ejaculation without pleasure.
  • Anilingus: (or anilinctus) sexual practice consisting in oral stimulation of the perianal area.
  • Anorchia: absence of testes; it causes the lack or incomplete development of secondary sexual characters.
  • Anorgasmia: (or orgasm disorder) failure to reach orgasm as a result of suitable stimulation during autoeroticism or sexual interactions (it can be primary, secondary, situational, occasional).
  • Anosodiaphoria: affective indifference towards one's defect or disease; it may concern the entire body or some parts of it > Autotopoagnosia.
  • Anticipatory anxiety: psychical tension and restlessness arising long before engaging in sexual intercourse.
  • Anus: ending part of the alimentary canal (rectum), through which faeces are discharged: in some cultures it is considered as a taboo part of the body, in others it is thought to be highly erogenous (as it is richly innervated): sexual practices connected to anus are anal coitus (> Sodomy) and > Anilingus.
  • Aphrodisia: excessive sexual arousal and eroticism.
  • Aphrodisiacs: stimulant substances capable of enhancing sexual desire and arousal.
  • Apotemnophilia: a paraphilia consisting in erotic desire to have one or more limbs of the body amputated or to appear as if they were.
  • Arousal: stimulation and sexual excitement.
  • Asexual: person who has no sexual feelings or desires.
  • Asexually: having no sexual organs.
  • Aspermia: (> anejaculation) failure to emit seminal fluid during the ejaculation stage of male orgasm.
  • A-spot: (Anterior fornix erogenous zone) also called Deep-Spot or Second > G-Spot; it is believed to be an erogenous zone of the anterior fornix, at the back of the vagina.
  • Asthenic ejaculation: emission of seminal fluid with a low ejection pressure during male orgasm.
  • Asthenospermia: reduced or inadequate motility of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid.
  • Autoerotic asphyxia: > Hypoxyphilia.
  • Autoeroticism: (> masturbation) a sexual practice aimed at achieving sexual pleasure by arousing one's own body.
  • Autotopoagnosia: and digital agnosia, refusal and unawareness of half of one's body or some parts of it.
  • Azoospermia: (excretory or secretory aspermia) partial or absolute absence of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid; it can be caused by several pathologies.
  • Balanitis: inflammation of the gland penis.
  • Bartolini's glands: two glands pertaining to female genitals which are placed near the smaller lips; these glands are surrounded by bulbocavernous muscles (similar to those of the penis) which make them discharge small quantities of a clear and thick substance, as female orgasm approaches (similarly to what happens during male orgasm).
  • BDSM: acronym for Bondage Discipline for Domination Submission and Sado Masochism; it includes several erotic sadomasochistic practices.
  • Behavioural homework exercises: (in sex therapy) behaviours and/or exercises prescribed as part of sex therapies; they can also include > Behavioural sex therapy.
  • Behavioural sex therapy: a set of exercises prescribed as part of sex therapies.
  • Bisexual: (or bisex) a man or woman who has sex with both male and female partners.
  • Blowjob: (slang) oral stimulation of the penis in order to produce pleasure and cause orgasm (> Fellatio); the female equivalent is the → Cunnilingual.
  • BMI: > Body Mass Index.
  • Body image: the internalized visual representation of one's body as a reflection of oneself through others' eyes; body image usually settles during adolescence, but it may also change later on.
  • Body Mass Index: an individual's statistical measurement according to international standards; it is obtained tanks to a mathematical formula which takes into account both the weight and height of the subject.
  • Bondage: a sexual practice pertaining to the wider category of > BDSM; it consists in bounding or immobilizing one of the partners (or some parts of his/her body) during sexual intercourse or foreplay.
  • Brothel: (bordello, cathouse or whorehouse) a place, house or apartment specifically dedicated to prostitution.
  • Bukkake: a Japanese word meaning to wet or spray; it indicates several men ejaculating on a man or a woman, either in turn or at the same time.
  • Candalagnia: or Candaulism, see > Triolism
  • Candida Vaginalis: see > Thrush.
  • Candidiasis: see > Thrush.
  • Castration: deprivation of the testicles in males and ovaries in females (see also > Chemical castration).
  • Cataphilia: a paraphilia in which an individual is sexually aroused by submitting himself/herself to the partner.
  • Catheterophilia: a paraphilia which consists in being sexually aroused by the use of catheters.
  • Cervix: also called "tench snout"; it is the lower part of the uterus that extends into the vagina.
  • Chelidolagnia: a paraphilia consisting in pursuing sexual pleasure by humiliating, disdaining or despising a woman.
  • Chemical castration: inhibition of libido by chemical substances capable of preventing or reducing sexual desire; unlike physical castration, its effect reverses once the intake is stopped.
  • Circumcision: partial surgical removal of the prepuce or foreskin (skin covering the glans penis) and/or incision of the fraenum, that joins the glans penis to the prepuce.
  • Climacteric: the period in the life of men and women during which the production of hormones and procreative capacity of their bodies change.
  • Clitoris: an organ of the external female genitalia; it is made up of a small cylinder and a glans (far smaller than the glans penis) placed where the smaller lips meet; it is densely innervated and responsive to oral, manual or coital stimulations.
  • Clitorism: painful condition of the clitoris due to recurring erection (very similar to the masculine > priapism).
  • Cloth fetishism: (> Ephephilia) a paraphilia consisting in being erotically attracted to some types of fabrics.
  • Coitolalia: sexual arousal produced (or increased) by speaking during sexual intercourse.
  • Coitus: (or coition) sexual intercourse with the insertion of the penis in the vagina/anus; by extension, any of the several sexual interactions involving the achievement of orgasm.
  • Coitus interruptus: (withdrawal) a sexual practice consisting in interrupting penetration as ejaculation approaches; although it is often performed as a > contraceptive method, it is not a reliable way to prevent pregnancies.
  • Comorbidity: the concurrence of several psychical and/or physical disorders in the same individual.
  • Compliance: acquiescence, acceptance or trust towards a clinician or a person of authority (endowed with authoritativeness).
  • Compulsion: an uncontrollable and/or obsessive need or impulse to act against one's will.
  • Condyloma: (plural -mas or -mata) a venereal infection caused by papilloma virus; it manifest itself as a fleshy excrescence on the anus or genital organs which is commonly known as "cockscomb".
  • Condom: (prophylactic or sheath) > male contraceptive; it is a mechanical barrier method consisting of a thin tubular layer of latex; it is named after Dr. Condom, a physician at the court of Charles II in the 18th century.
  • Contraceptives: different methods aiming at preventing conception (pregnancy); it can be divided into the following categories:
  • natural methods, such as Ogino-Knaus (periodic abstinence), basal temperature (measured in the vagina), Billings (cervical mucus);
  • barrier methods, such as condoms (male contraceptive), diaphragm, tampons, coil or IUD (Intrauterine Device);
  • chemical methods, like creams, sprays, vaginal suppositories, lavages, tablets, gelatines, soluble condoms;
  • hormonal methods, like estroprogestinic pill, sequential pill, three-phase pill, postcoital pill, morning-after pill, monthly pill, progestinic mini-pill;
  • interruption of sexual intercourse before ejaculation ( > Coitus interruptus, also called onanism) is not included in the list of contraceptive methods due to its lack of effectiveness.
  • Coprophilia: (> scatophilia) a paraphilia consisting in achieving sexual pleasure by watching or touching excrements.
  • Coronavirus disease: > COVID-19
  • Corophilia: a paraphilia which consists in being exclusively attracted to young people.
  • COVID-19: (Corona Virus Disease-2019) primarily respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, whose previous temporary name was 2019-nCoV.
  • Cratolagnia: (from Greek kratos = power) sexual arousal produced by the power/strength of the partner or by the idea of wielding power over him/her.
  • Crurophilia: a paraphilia which consists in being sexually attracted or aroused by looking at or stroking legs.
  • Cunnilingual: (or cunnilinctus) the stimulation of female genitalia by the partner's mouth, lips and/or tongue, in order to elicit pleasure and orgasm; it is the male equivalent of > Fellatio.
  • Cybergrooming: solicitation, enticement of minors online.
  • Defloration: the rupture of the hymen which normally occurs when the penis penetrates the vagina for the first time.
  • Delayed: (or absent ejaculation) a considerable delay in the time needed to achieve orgasm after suitable stimulation.
  • Depressive equivalents: individual characteristics or psychosomatic symptoms which shows as prodromes of or substitutes for depression.
  • Diaphragm: a mechanic or barrier contraceptive consisting of a latex membrane which is inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse in order to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.
  • Disengagement: a relationship/bond having strict boundaries between the partners (it refers to an "open couple").
  • Dismorphophobia: the fear that one's physical appearance is different from standards or one's own desire.
  • Dysmenorrhoea: painful menstruation; abdominal pain may be of different type and intensity and may manifest itself as "primary dysmenorrhoea" when it has occurred since the first menstruation or as "secondary dysmenorrhoea" when it develops after a normal and painless menstrual evolution.
  • Dysmorphism: (or paramorphism) a physical alteration compared to anatomical or cultural standards.
  • Dyspareunia: a disorder affecting both man and women that relates to Sexual Pain Disorders; any kind of genital pain felt during sexual intercourse.
  • Dyspermia: a generical alteration of seminal fluid that may relate both to its quality and quantity.
  • Effeminate: a male displaying female characteristics and attitudes.
  • Encopresis: involuntary and uncontrollable discharge of feces (faeces) in unsuitable places and/or situations.
  • Endometrium: the mucous that lines the inner surface of the uterus; it is made up of a glandular epithelial layer and a mucous adhering to the myometrium; it causes the discharging of blood during > Menstruation.
  • Enema: a procedure used to evacuate the lower part of the bowels or to irrigate the vagina; as a sexual practice, enemas are used in erotic plays, mainly in the activities relating to > BDSM; the exclusive practice of enemas as sexual activity can lead to a paraphilia called > Klismaphilia.
  • Enuresis: involuntary and uncontrollable discharge of urine in unsuitable places and/or situations.
  • Ephebophilia: a paraphilia in which an individual is exclusively attracted to adolescents o adolescent-like adults.
  • Ephephilia: (or "cloth fetishism") a paraphilia consisting in being sexually attracted to and aroused by cloth.
  • Epigenesis: progressive development/maturation (including sexual development or maturation) of an individual.
  • Ejacualtion: discharge of seminal fluid (sperm) during male orgasm.
  • Ejaculatio ante portam: (a Latin word relating to > Premature ejaculation); it indicates that ejaculation occurs before the penis is introduced into the vagina.
  • Ejaculatio praecox: (premature ejaculation) discharge of seminal fluid (sperm) occurring at the outset of or before penetration (> Ejaculatio ante portam); this condition is caused by the absence of voluntary control over the ejaculatory reflex.
  • Ejaculatory incompetence: > Ejaculatio praecox, > Delayed ejaculation.
  • Enmeshment: a relationship/bond having no clear boundaries between the partners (it refers to "enmeshed couples").
  • Erectile dysfunction: (> impotence) lack or absence of erection of the penis.
  • Erection: physiological swelling of various organs such as penis, clitoris and nipples; the erection of penis is caused by the enlargement of erectile tissues when filled with blood due to vasocongestion.
  • Eros: the Greek god of love; it is sometimes used as a synonym for love or eroticism.
  • Erotic surrender: functional surrender; it means allowing oneself to yeld to erotic sensations (opposed to > Spectatoring).
  • Eroticism: (or erotism) a display of sexual desire that consists in attracting or being attracted to somebody or something.
  • Erotomania: abnormal sexual desire characterized by pathological eroticism.
  • Erythrophobia: (or ereutophobia) fear of blushing.
  • Escort: a man or a woman who may be hired to accompany another person and/or to have sex with him/her.
  • Exhibitionism: a typical paraphilia consisting in the compulsive need to expose one's genital organs publicly.
  • Fellatio: oral stimulation of male genitalia in order to induce pleasure and orgasm; it is the female equivalent of > Cunnilingual.
  • Female ejaculation: emission of fluids from the urethra and/or deferent ducts of the paraurethral/paravaginal glands (> Skene's Glands > Bartolini's Glands) during female orgasm (as maximum arousal approaches); it is similar to male ejaculation but its nature is not yet clear.
  • Fetish: (or fetich) any inanimate object which, being endowed with symbolic meaning, is able to provide the fetishist with a strong sexual desire and/or pleasure.
  • Fetishism: (or fetichism) a paraphilia in which sexual arousal is provided by an inanimate object or some parts of the body capable of giving rise to strong sexual desire.
  • Fetishist: (or fetichist) an individual who makes use of fetishes (> Fetish) in order to increase sexual desire and/or achieve sexual pleasure.
  • Fomite: in the medical field, it is a source of contagion with special reference to contaminated materials, such as for example infected needles, clothing, towels, which passing from a sick person to a healthy person, causing infection.

  • Footjob: a type of masturbation involving the use of the feet to stimulate genitals.
  • Fornication: (obsolete) it refers to outside-marriage or incestuous sexual intercourse.
  • Fraenum: (or frenum) a membrane linking the glans and prepuce longitudinally; short fraenum may cause male > dispareunia.
  • Frigidity: (or frigidness) an obsolete term which indicates a dysfunction affecting arousal, more specifically, the lack of sexual responsiveness.
  • Frotteurism: (or frottage) a paraphilia which consists in rubbing against o touching somebody in a public/crowded place; while rubbing or touching a non-consenting person is considered harassing behaviour, frottage with a consenting person relates to masturbation or petting.
  • Gang bang: a sexual activity involving a group of people in which only one of the participants has sex with all the others; the only man or woman having sex with all the participants may be engaged in several sexual activities.
  • Gay: a synonym for homosexual.
  • Gender identity: sexed self-perception of the self and of behaviour relating to it.
  • Genitals: (or genitalia) the whole of external sexual/reproductive organs.
  • Genital herpes: a sexually transmitted disease characterised by the formation of blisters in the genital region; it is caused by a virus called Herpes Simplex.
  • Gerontophilia: a paraphilia consisting in being sexually attracted to old people.
  • Gigolo: a French term sometimes used as a synonym for "playboy"; a male escort for women (or men) who may also prostitute himself.
  • Glans: the erectile organ placed on the top of the penis and clitoris.
  • Gokkun: an onomatopoeic Japanese term indicating the act of swallowing; in the field of cinema (mainly in Japanese filmography, with the films called "Gokkun") it indicates the ingestion of seminal fluid (sperm).
  • Gonorrhoea: (or blennorrhoea) a sexually transmitted disease of the genitals, anus and oral cavity caused by gonococcus, a Gram-negative genus of bacteria belonging to the family Neisseriaceae.
  • Greater lips: the two outer folds of skin epithelial tissue adjoining the > Smaller lips; greater lips are part of the > Vulva.
  • G-Spot: it stands for > Gräfenberg spot (as Gräfenberg was the first clinician to describe it).
  • Gulping: an onomatopoeic English term that indicates the act of swallowing. Its meaning is similar to that of > Gokkun.
  • Gynaecomania: (or gynecomania) exaggerated liking for and attraction to women.
  • Gynaecomastia: (or gynecomastia) abnormal increase in the dimensions of the mammary glands in a man; the condition in which the increased dimensions of the breasts are casued by accumulation of adipose tissue in the mammary region is called lipomastia or false gynaecomastia.
  • Haemospermia: ejaculation characterized by blood in the seminal fluid (sperm).
  • Hedonism: the pursuit of pleasure.
  • Hermaphroditism: the condition in which an individual has both male and female sexual characters (ovarian tissues and testicular tissues).
  • Heteroeroticism: desire and erotic attraction to the opposite sex.
  • Heterosexual: (heterosexuality) an individual who is sexually attracted to the opposite sex.
  • HIV: (acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus) the virus responsible for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
  • HSD: acronym for Hypoactive Sexual Desire.
  • Hut syndrome: state of malaise, stress and anxiety, generated by the idea of leaving home again after a protracted period of isolation and social distancing (such as the lockdown imposed by a pandemic); typical symptoms can be: sadness, anguish, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, lack of energy and enthusiasm, decreased motivation, sense of loneliness, perception of being hopeless, feeling of not belonging to society.
  • Hymen: a membrane that partly covers the entrance to the vagina; its rupture usually occurs when penetration takes place for the first time.
  • Hypoxyphilia: and autoerotic asphyxia, two paraphilias pertaining to the category of breath control play; they are often linked to > BDSM practices, sexual pleasure is pursued through several methods aiming at causing different degrees of asphyxia.
  • Hypoactive sexual desire: lack of interest towards sexuality; it can be:
    • Primary, a constitutional low level of sexual pulsion.
    • Secondary, loss of libido after normal sexual development.
    • Situational, inhibition of libido caused by occasional factors or situations.
  • Iatrogenic: a treatment/medicine causing an abnormal/unforseen result.
  • Iconolagnia: a paraphilia which consists in pursuing pleasure through pornography.
  • Idealised body image: a perfect and flawless physical appearance; the idea that one's body is unsuitable or differs from one's desire and/or social and cultural standards may cause psychical discomfort (mainly in adolescents) > Dismorphofhobia > Dismorphism.
  • Identity doubt: uncertainty about one's gender identity.
  • Impotence: (an obsolete term for > Erectile Dysfunction) lack or absence of erection of the penis causing inability to penetrate the vagina.
  • Impotentia coeundi: a Latin term meaning inability to perform sexual intercourse (penetration) due to > Erectile Dysfunction or > Vaginism.
  • Impotentia erigendi: a Latin term meaning > Erectile Dysfunction.
  • Impotentia generandi: a Latin term meaning inability to procreate due to dysfuntions affecting the reproductive organs.
  • Incest: sexual intercourse between blood relatives: almost all civilizations forbid marriage and blame sexual intercourse between relatives within the degree of first cousin due to the fear of genetic abnormalities in offspring.
  • Induratio Penis Plastica: > Peyronie's Disease.
  • Infertility: a synonym for sterility. It may affect both to men and women causing the inability to procreate (have children) > Impotentia generandi.
  • Infibulation: a tribal practice in which the greater and smaller lips of the vulva are sewed together.
  • Infodemia: (infodemic) neologism coined by the WHO (World Health Organization) to indicate an excessive amount of information, with different levels of reliability, which makes it difficult to identify the correct information and find reliable sources.
  • Insemination: the union of a spermatozoon and an egg cell; in sexual reproduction, it allows conception causing the gametes to merge; when natural insemination (i.e. through sexual intercourse) does not work, it may be possible to turn to assisted or artificial insemination; these make use of different methods such as Medically Assisted Insemination, Test-tube Insemination (either homologous or heterologous insemination) and Insemination and Embryo Transfer.
  • ISD: an acronym for Inhibited Sexual Desire.
  • Kama sutra: from Sanscrit kama, love and sutra, doctrine; an ancient Sanscrit text containing marriage rules and indications about sexual activities and sex positions.
  • Klismaphilia: a paraphilia linked to the practice of > Enemas
  • Lagnia: (from Greek lagneia, lust) a synonym for libido; in the field of sexology, it is used as a suffix to those terms indicating disorders and pathologies (for example, urolagnia).
  • Lapsus: an inconscious deviation of actions/words causing them to differ from the real intention.
  • Lesbian: an homosexual woman.
  • Lesbianism: a synonym for female homosexuality.
  • Libido: (> sexual drive) a Latin term meaning sexual desire; the adjective libidinous refers to sexual attitudes and behaviour which are characterised by excessive and/or uncontrollable desire.
  • Mammary coitus: (mammary intercourse) or coitus a mammilla (Latin); it is also known as "breastjob", "titjob" or "titwank"; it is a type of masturbation obtained placing the penis between a woman's breasts.
  • Menstrual cycle: (or ovarian cycle) the period of time elapsing from the first day of menstruation to the day before the beginning of the next one; it lasts about 28 days (it varies between 21 and 40 days); it begins when the first menstruation occurs and ceases with menopause.
  • Mentalised behavior: internal attitude consisting in the mental processing of tensions and conflicts (it may lead to obsessions).
  • Missed deed: display of a conflict (> Lapsus).
  • Nocturnal erection: nighttime erections that physiologically occur at all ages: 3 to 5 hard erections during deep sleep REM (rapid eye movement).
  • Pheromones: chemical substances (hormones) secreted by some glands; they are responsible for attracting opposite-sex individuals by acting through their vomeronasal organ, since the latter is directly linked to the limbic system and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST); consequently, pheromones are essential to the expression of sexual behaviour which is independent from superior cortex activity.
  • Oblative love: (or unselfish love) a type of love characterised by excessive self-disregard in favour of others.
  • Oral coitus: (oral intercourse) > Cunnilinctus > Fellatio > Sixtynine.
  • Orgasm disorder: it comprises all disorders relating to the orgasmic function, such as > Anorgasmia and premature (praecox), retarded or absent > Ejaculation.
  • Orgasmic dysfunction: a disorder relating to either female or male orgasm; it may have several causes and take various forms.
  • Paucisymptomatic: (from the Latin pauci, meaning little) scarcity of symptoms and signs with which a certain disease or pathological condition usually occurs.
  • Performance anxiety: tension and restlessness arising in sexual interactions; it is essentially caused by the worry about failing in getting satisfaction from sexual intercourse.
  • Peyronie's Disease: (Induratio Penis Plastica) a progressive fibrosis of the tunica albuginea, a membrane that covers the corpora cavernosa of the penis. It may cause male > dyspareunia.
  • Phallus: a synonym for penis, especially an erected penis.
  • Phimosis: tightness of the > prepuce (foreskin) which may cause pain when trying to retract it or prevent the gland from coming out; it may hinder penetration during sexual intercourse or make it painful or difficult.
  • Phobia: an irrational fear.
  • Phobolagnia: a paraphilia which consists in pursuing pleasure exclusively through dangerous or frightening situations.
  • Plateau stage: the advanced stage of the arousal that occurs just before orgasm. It is the stage of maximum arousal (> Plateau).
  • Platonic love: exclusively spiritual and sexless love towards somebody.
  • Possessive love: childish, exclusive and self-centered attachment.
  • Retrograde ejaculation: (or dry ejaculation) reflux of seminal fluid (sperm) into the bladder during orgasm.
  • SARS-CoV-2: > COVID-19.
  • Sensate focus: (or sensate focusing) a set of > behavioral homework exercises belonging to the techniques used in > behavioral sex therapy.
  • Separation anxiety: tension and restlessness arising when leaving the partner, even temporarily. It can arise along with psychical and/or somatic symptoms.
  • Sex chromosomes: the microscopic structures which determine an unborn child's sex; females have a pair of identical X chromosomes, while males have a pair of XY chromosomes.
  • Sexlessness: lack of sexual experiences, attraction or desire towards sexuality.
  • Sexual anaesthesia: lack of arousal as a result of suitable (physical and/or psychical) stimulation.
  • Sexual anorexia: lack of > Sexual desire.
  • Sexual arousal: a condition that causes physical and psychical alterations of some aspects and systems in an individual. It is considered as a preliminary stage of sexual activity both in men and women and it would comprise the four stages of > sexual response: arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution (see diagram in Sex and Sexuality page).
  • Sexual asthenia: (from Greek meaning "lacking in strenght"). It indicates sexual weakness, such as inadequate erection or premature ejaculation.
  • Sexual aversion: a disorder consisting in inhibition of sexual desire. People affected by sexual aversion feel a persisting or recurring repulsion towards and/or avoid sexual contacts with a specific person or certain areas of the body (situational/circumscribed aversion), or with any partner and any genital area (absolute/generalised aversion).
  • Sexual characters: the whole of physical and psychical characteristics, which differentiate males from females; sexual characters can be:
    • primary: genital glands, reproductive organs involved in procreation;
    • secondary: hairs, Adam's apple and deep voice in men; breasts and wider pelvis in women.
  • Sexual dimorphism: differentiation of the sexes in two genders (male gender and female gender).
  • Sexual dysfunction: a disorder consisting in the failure to perform a rewarding and fulfilling sexual activity; may relate to one or more areas of desire, arousal, orgasm, sexual pain and gender identity. Its etiology may be either psychological, cognitive, relational, organic or iatrogenic.
  • Sexual fantasies: either real or phantasmatic images linked to desire and sexual activities.
  • Sexual lubrication: a practice involving the use of different lubricant substances or the physiological process consisting in the secretion (both in men and women) of organic fluids acting as natural lubricants to ease sexual intercourse.
  • Skene's glands: also known as female prostate, paraurethral/periurethral glands or U-Spot; they pertain to female genitals and are placed near the urinary meatus on the anterior wall of the vagina.
  • Thrush: or candidiasis or yeast infection is a vaginal infection caused by a parasitic fungus called Candida Vaginalis.
  • Vulva: external female sex organs, includes the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibular bulbs, vulval vestibule, urinary meatus, the vaginal opening, Bartholin's and Skene's vestibular glands.
  • Whorehouse: > Brothel (cathouse).
  • Withdrawal: > Coitus interruptus.
  • 2019-nCoV: > COVID-19