SFE: Leinster, Murray
Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.
Pseudonym – pronounced "Lenster" as in the Irish province of Leinster – under which US author William Fitzgerald Jenkins (1896-1975) was best known in the sf field, and under which he wrote almost all his work in the genre; the exceptions were a few novels as Jenkins [see below] and some stories in magazines, mainly those in the Bud Gregory series as by William Fitzgerald, plus a small number as by Will Jenkins or Will F Jenkins. One of the very few authors of American Genre SF born early enough to have served in World War One (during 1917-1918), Leinster had begun publishing fiction in 1916 before enlisting, and was active as an sf writer from 1919 – the year of his first story of genre interest, The Runaway Skyscraper (22 February 1919 Argosy and Railroad Man's Magazine; 2005 ebook), about a building falling backwards through time (see Timeslip) – until about 1970. Though the posthumous releases of very early work, as assembled in The Silver Menace and A Thousand Degrees Below Zero (coll 2007) and The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps (coll 2007), have shone light on his early career, like most contributors to the pre-World War Two US sf Pulp magazines (including Thrill Book), he published considerable material that either did not reach book form at all, or not until after 1945. But his full integration into the pre-War sf world can be confirmed by his contribution to a well-known Round-Robin sf story solicited by Fantasy Magazine for its September 1935 issue, "The Challenge from Beyond" with E E Smith, Harl Vincent, Donald Wandrei and Stanley Weinbaum.
Leinster's first book, Murder Madness (May-August 1930 Astounding; 1931), though featuring a Mad Scientist who wishes to rule the world through the use of a deadly Drug, was not titled so as to address any sf market (then still nascent in America), and is presented, typically, as a mystery adventure; it is, however, certainly sf – and is only one of many sf novels published in the US before the official beginning of Genre SF book publishing after World War Two. The Murder of the U.S.A. (1946; vt Destroy the U.S.A. 1950) as by Will F Jenkins was again directed as much to the mystery as to the sf market, though its plot (the hero solves the mystery of who has dropped 300 A-bombs on US cities, allowing America to retaliate) is more sf than locked-room. Because of the pile-up of magazine material, many of Leinster's post-World War Two book publications contained or reworked early stories (a process that has not been fully traced), and were often rather dated in plotline and character development; ironically, it was just at this time that he was publishing his best work in the magazines, stories that competed on equal terms with those by writers twenty years newer to the field. For Astounding alone, he placed between 1930 and 1960 a very distinguished array of stories, always (after 1938) in tune with John W Campbell Jr's evolving criteria.
Leinster published some remarkably inventive and clear-sighted stories in the mid-1930s: "Politics" (June 1932 Amazing), "Sidewise in Time" (June 1934 Astounding), "The Mole Pirate" (November 1934 Astounding) and "Proxima Centauri" (March 1935 Astounding; vt Conquest of the Stars, 1952 chap). But his best years as an sf writer were undoubtedly the decade following World War Two, a period during which his finest short stories were published, among them "First Contact" (May 1945 Astounding) (see First Contact), "De Profundis" (Winter 1945 Thrilling Wonder), "A Logic Named Joe" (March 1946 Astounding) as by Jenkins, which eerily anticipates personal Computers and the Internet, "Doomsday Deferred" (24 September 1949 Saturday Evening Post) as by Jenkins, The Lonely Planet (December 1949 Thrilling Wonder; 1954 chap [see Checklist for explanation]), "If You Was a Moklin" (September 1951 Galaxy) and "Exploration Team" (March 1956 Astounding; vt "Combat Team"), which won the 1956 Hugo for Best Novelette and as "Combat Team" became part of Colonial Survey (stories December 1955-September 1956 Astounding; fixup 1956; vt Planet Explorer 1957), perhaps his most enjoyable single volume – his individual short stories are generally superior to his book-length work. Some of the above material is assembled in Sidewise in Time, and Other Scientific Adventures (coll 1950), plus "Sidewise in Time" (June 1934 Astounding) itself – a very early Parallel Worlds tale, possibly the earliest example in the genre of the Alternate History. It lent its name to the Sidewise Award, established in 1995 for the best alternate history story of the year. When Leinster did contrive Fixups of short material, the result was often disappointing. His first classic story, for instance, "The Mad Planet" (12 June 1920 Argosy Weekly), on being incorporated into The Forgotten Planet (1920-1953 var mags; fixup 1954), exposed to view implausibilities that may have been tolerable in a 1920 production but which, thirty-five years later in book form, fail to convince. Good early selections from this work can be found in Monsters and Such (coll 1959) and The Best of Murray Leinster (coll 1978) edited by J J Pierce; more recently, First Contacts: The Essential Murray Leinster (coll 1998) ed Joe Rico and Planets of Adventure (coll 2003) tellingly focus almost entirely on works published between 1945 and about a decade later, the period of his clear-headed, companionable, formidable prime.
Leinster's first series was the set of four off-beat Masters of Darkness or Preston-Hines superscience-blackmail stories contributed to The Argosy in 1929-1930 and never collected in book form. The more widely known Bud Gregory series comprises three 1947 Thrilling Wonder Stories stories, as assembled in Out of this World (fixup 1958), plus "The Seven Temporary Moons" (February 1948 Thrilling Wonder); all originally appeared as by William Fitzgerald. Bud is a hillbilly whose intuitive knack with high technology allows him to solve various superscience problems. Of more interest is the Med Service sequence, S.O.S. from Three Worlds (coll 1967), The Mutant Weapon (1959 dos), Doctor to the Stars: Three Novelettes of the Interstellar Medical Service (coll 1964) and This World Is Taboo (1961); all but Doctor to the Stars were assembled as The Med Series (omni 1983). In these stories and novels, Calhoun and the "being" Murgatroyd act as troubleshooters in various far-flung crises; the tales are robust and adventurous, but rudimentary compared to the inventiveness of James White's Sector General tales (see also Medicine). The Joe Kenmore novels – Space Platform (1953; rev 1965), Space Tug (1953) and City on the Moon (1957) – make up a Juvenile Series about the crisis-ridden first years of the Near Future US space effort, told in melodramatic terms that have not worn well.
His novels, which were frequently unambitious and repetitive, generally stretched beyond their proper span, and seemed written for a less demanding market than either his best stories or his series. The last decade of Leinster's career boasted numerous publications of this sort, but no substantial works were conceived after the mid-1950s – though The Pirates of Zan (February-April 1959 Astounding as "The Pirates of Ersatz"; 1959 dos; vt The Pirates of Ersatz 2007 ebook), a competent but unremarkable Space Opera, won some praise. In this book, and in almost every full-length title Leinster published after World War Two, the Galaxy – vaguely delineated in terms consistent with a broad-church understanding of the Galactic Empire – serves as a template which scamps and engineers tinker with to their own advantage, and to the advantage of small communities on Earth or elsewhere. In the light Space Opera Talents, Incorporated (1962), for example, the cheerful freelance organization of the title provides assistance via Psi Powers and other special gifts (the most useful operative being a mathematical prodigy) to an embattled colony world that seems doomed to be overrun and oppressed by the local evil interplanetary empire: the tables are rather swiftly turned. "According to the fiction tapes," as Leinster puts it in The Pirates of Zan, "the colonized worlds of the galaxy vary wildly from one another. In cold and unromantic fact, it isn't so. Space travel is too cheap and sol-type solar systems too numerous to justify the settlement of hostile worlds." It is remarkable how much this domestic vision of the universe differs from that of Leinster's greater contemporaries, like Edmond Hamilton or E E Smith, and how lacking it is in Anthropology riffs or plunges into Conceptual Breakthrough typical of writers like Clifford D Simak who also reached their prime after World War Two.
The similarities in background from one late novel to another were sufficiently numerous for these books to make up one loose series – but through sameness, not through any articulated central conceit. Allied to this template view of the Universe was a deepening political simplicity of view, rather right-wing in orientation (a viewpoint common to many sf writers of his generation), which led to the frequent depiction of cartoon-like confrontations between the USA and underhand enemies, in the resolving of which means tended to dominate ends. But the paradox between fiat and freedom seems unconscious. His novel, Time Tunnel (1964), features a Wormhole connecting the years 1904 and 1964. It depicts an Alternate History in which Napoleon establishes a permanent rule in Europe. The rights were bought by 20th Century Fox, which produced the television series The Time Tunnel (1966-1967), only very loosely based on the book. Leinster was then commissioned to write novelizations of this series – including Timeslip!: A Time Tunnel Adventure (1967) and The Time Tunnel (1967), in which the past is restructured by executive fiat to make life safe for democracy. He was also commissioned for inconsequential novelizations of a later series from the same producer, Land of the Giants, beginning with Land of the Giants (1968; vt Land of the Giants: The Trap 1969).
The high and only superficially simple competence of the stories remains as Leinster's memorial. In this work he speaks with a directness to the heart of magazine sf and its readership with a craftsmanship and consistency that warrant the nickname he was given: the Dean of SF. [JC]
see also: Aliens; Amazing Stories; Asteroids; Colonization of Other Worlds; Crime and Punishment; Faster Than Light; Great and Small; Hive Minds; Invasion; Invisibility; Living Worlds; Longevity in Writers; Machines; Matter Penetration; Moon; Outer Planets; Parasitism and Symbiosis; Psionics; Space Flight; Spaceships; Time Paradoxes; Time Travel; Titanic.
William Fitzgerald Jenkins
born Norfolk, Virginia: 16 June 1896
died Gloucester, Virginia: 8 June 1975
Joe Kenmore
- Space Platform (Chicago, Illinois: Shasta Publishers, 1953) [Joe Kenmore: hb/I Heilbron]
- Space Platform (New York: Belmont Books, 1965) [rev of the above: Joe Kenmore: pb/uncredited]
- Space Tug (Chicago, Illinois: Shasta Publishers, 1953) [Joe Kenmore: hb/Mel Hunter]
- City on the Moon (New York: Avalon, 1957) [Joe Kenmore: hb/Ed Emshwiller]
Med Service
- The Mutant Weapon (New York: Ace Books, 1959) [chap: dos: with The Pirates of Zan below: Med Service: pb/Ed Emshwiller]
- This World Is Taboo (New York: Ace Books, 1961) [first appeared July 1961 Amazing as "Pariah Planet": Med Service: pb/Ed Valigursky]
- Pariah Planet (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2009) [novella: original magazine version of the above: first appeared July 1961 Amazing: Med Service: na/]
- Doctor to the Stars: Three Novelettes of the Interstellar Medical Service (New York: Pyramid, 1964) [coll of linked stories: Med Service: pb/John Schoenherr]
- S.O.S. from Three Worlds (New York: Ace Books, 1967) [coll of linked stories: Med Service: pb/Jack Gaughan]
- The Med Series (New York: Ace Books, 1983) [omni of all the above excluding Doctor to the Stars: pb/James Warhola]
- Quarantine World (New York: Carroll and Graf, 1992) [cut vt of the above, excluding This World is Taboo: Med Service: pb/Peter Goodfellow]
- Med Ship (New York: Baen Books, 2002) [omni of all four above: pb/Bob Eggleton]
- The Med Series (New York: Ace Books, 1983) [omni of all the above excluding Doctor to the Stars: pb/James Warhola]
- The Hate Disease (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2010) [novelette: ebook: first appeared August 1963 Analog as "Tallien Three": Med Service: na/]
- Med Ship Man (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2016) [story: ebook: first appeared October 1963 Galaxy: Med Service: na/]
Time Tunnel
- Timeslip!: A Time Tunnel Adventure (New York: Pyramid, 1967) [tie to The Time Tunnel: Time Tunnel: pb/Lembit Rauk]
- The Time Tunnel (New York: Pyramid, 1967) [tie to The Time Tunnel: Time Tunnel: pb/Jack Gaughan]
Land of the Giants
- Land of the Giants (New York: Pyramid, 1968) [tie to Land of the Giants: Land of the Giants: pb/]
- Land of the Giants: The Trap (London: World Distributors (Manchester) Ltd, 1969) [tie to Land of the Giants: vt of the above: Land of the Giants: pb/]
- Land of the Giants #2: The Hot Spot (New York: Pyramid, 1969) [tie to Land of the Giants: Land of the Giants: pb/]
- Land of the Giants #3: Unknown Danger (New York: Pyramid, 1969) [tie to Land of the Giants: Land of the Giants: pb/]
individual titles
- Murder Madness (Chicago, Illinois: Brewer and Warren, 1931) [first appeared May-August 1930 Astounding: hb/]
- The Man Who Feared (New York: Gateway Books, 1942) as Will F Jenkins [hb/]
- The Murder of the U.S.A. (New York: Crown Publishers, 1946) as by Will F Jenkins [hb/]
- Destroy the U.S.A. (Toronto, Ontario: News Stand Library, 1950) [vt of the above: pb/]
- Fight for Life: A Complete Novel of the Atomic Age (New York: Crestwood Publishing Co, 1947) [Prize Science Fiction Novels No. 10: first appeared March 1947 Startling as "The Laws of Chance": pb/]
- The Last Space Ship (New York: Frederick Fell, 1949) [fixup: stories first appeared Winter 1946, February 1947 and June 1947 in Thrilling Wonder: hb/Karel Thole]
- The Black Galaxy (New York: Galaxy SF Novel, 1954) [first appeared March 1949 in Startling: hb/Ed Emshwiller]
- The Lonely Planet (Sydney, New South Wales: The Malian Press, 1954) [chap: first appeared December 1949 Thrilling Wonder Stories: this has been both described as issue #23 of American Science Fiction magazine and as an anthology because Walter Kubilius's "Go to the Ant" (March 1952 Future Science Fiction Stories) is included as filler: for convenience it is here listed in a form consistent with the cover, and taking into account the absence of visible magazine numeration or other features: in the publisher's American Science Fiction series: pb/Stanley Pitt]
- The Brain-Stealers (New York: Ace Books, 1954) [dos: first appeared November 1947 in Startling as "The Man in the Iron Cap": pb/Ed Emshwiller]
- The Forgotten Planet (New York: Gnome Press, 1954) [fixup: first appeared between 1920 and 1953 in various magazines: hb/Ed Emshwiller credited on dustjacket flap, but cover is signed Ric Binkley]
- Gateway to Elsewhere (New York: Ace Books, 1954) [dos: incomplete serialization 1950-1951 in Fantasy Book #7 and #8, full text January 1952 in Startling, all as "Journey to Barkut": pb/Harry Barton]
- Operation: Outer Space (Reading, Pennsylvania: Fantasy Press, 1954) [hb/John T Brooks]
- The Other Side of Here (New York: Ace Books, 1955) [dos: first appeared August-December 1936 Astounding as "The Incredible Invasion": pb/Stanley Meltzoff]
- Colonial Survey (New York: Gnome Press, 1956) [fixup: Colonial Survey: hb/Wallace Wood]
- Planet Explorer (New York: Avon Books, 1957) [vt of the above: Colonial Survey: pb/Art Sussman]
- Planets of Adventure (New York: Baen Books, 2003) [omni of the above plus The Forgotten Planet plus other work: pb/Bob Eggleton]
- Out of this World (New York: Avalon, 1958) [fixup: Bud Gregory: hb/Ric Binkley]
- War with the Gizmos (Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1958) [first appeared April 1958 Satellite Science Fiction as "The Strange Invasion": pb/Richard Powers]
- The Strange Invasion (Rialto, California: Pulpville Press, 2011) [vt of the above: reprints magazine version: hb/]
- The Pirates of Zan (New York: Ace Books, 1959) [dos: first appeared February-April 1959 in Astounding as "The Pirates of Ersatz": with The Mutant Weapon above: pb/Ed Emshwiller as Emsh]
- The Pirates of Ersatz (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2007) [ebook: vt of the above: restoring the original title: na/]
- Four from Planet 5 (Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1959) [first appeared September 1959 in Amazing as "Long Ago, Far Away": exp to more than twice the length: pb/Paul Lehr]
- The Monster from Earth's End (Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1959) [pb/Muni]
- Men into Space (New York: Berkley Medallion, 1960) [tie to Men into Space: Men into Space: pb/]
- Creatures of the Abyss (New York: Berkley Medallion, 1961) [pb/Richard Powers]
- The Listeners (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1969) [vt of the above: hb/]
- The Wailing Asteroid (New York: Avon Books, 1960) [pb/Richard Powers]
- Operation Terror (New York: Berkley Medallion, 1962) [pb/Richard Powers]
- Operation Terror with Long Ago, Far Away (Madison, Wisconsin: Resurrected Press, 2010) [anth/omni of the above plus Four from Planet 5 above under its original magazine title: plus a previously unpublished story by the book's editor, Greg Fowkes: pb/]
- Talents, Incorporated (New York: Avon Books, 1962) [pb/]
- The Duplicators (New York: Ace Books, 1964) [dos: pb/Jack Gaughan]
- A Logic Named Joe (New York: Baen Books, 2005) [omni of the above plus the title story plus Gateway to Elsewhere and The Pirates of Zan: pb/Kurt Miller]
- The Greks Bring Gifts (New York: Macfadden-Bartell, 1964) [pb/Richard Powers]
- Invaders of Space (New York: Berkley Medallion, 1964) [pb/Richard Powers]
- The Other Side of Nowhere (New York: Berkley Medallion, 1964) [first appeared March-April 1964 in Analog as "Spaceman": pb/Richard Powers]
- Time Tunnel (New York: Pyramid, 1964) [not directly connected to the Time Tunnel sequence but the loose basis for the tv series: pb/Jack Gaughan]
- Space Captain (New York: Ace Books, 1966) [dos: pb/Gray Morrow]
- Checkpoint Lambda (New York: Berkley Medallion, 1966) [first appeared June-August 1966 in Amazing as "Stopover in Space": pb/Richard Powers]
- A Murray Leinster Omnibus (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1968) [omni of the above plus Operation Terror and Invaders of Space: hb/]
- Science Fiction Special 7 (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1973) [omni of the above and A Philip K Dick Omnibus (omni 1970): hb/]
- A Murray Leinster Omnibus (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1968) [omni of the above plus Operation Terror and Invaders of Space: hb/]
- Miners in the Sky (New York: Avon Books, 1967) [pb/Paul Lehr]
- Space Gypsies (New York: Avon Books, 1967) [pb/Paul Lehr]
collections and stories
- Sidewise in Time, and Other Scientific Adventures (Chicago, Illinois: Shasta Publishers, 1950) [coll: hb/Hannes Bok]
- Sidewise in Time (London: Gollancz, 2020) [coll: exp vt of the above: four stories added: in the publisher's Golden Age Masterworks series: pb/Tithi Luadthong]
- Conquest of the Stars (Sydney, New South Wales: American Science Fiction, 1952) [story: chap: first appeared March 1935 Astounding as "Proxima Centauri": pb/Stanley Pitt]
- The Unknown (Sydney, New South Wales: American Science Fiction, 1952) [story: chap: first appeared August 1949 Thrilling Wonder as "Fury from Lilliput": pb/Stanley Pitt]
- Monsters and Such (New York: Avon Books, 1959) [coll: pb/Victor Kalin]
- The Aliens (New York: Berkley Medallion, 1960) [coll: pb/Richard Powers]
- Twists in Time (New York: Avon Books, 1960) [coll: pb/Richard Powers]
- Get Off My World! (New York: Belmont Books, 1966) [coll: pb/]
- The Best of Murray Leinster (London: Corgi, 1976) [coll: edited by Brian Davis: pb/Peter A Jones]
- The Best of Murray Leinster (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1978) [coll: edited by J J Pierce: pb/H R van Dongen]
- First Contacts: The Essential Murray Leinster (Framingham, Massachusetts: The NESFA Press, 1998) [coll: edited by Joe Rico: hb/Hannibal King]
- Planets of Adventure (New York: Baen Books, 2003) [coll: includes The Forgotten Planet above: hb/Bob Eggleton]
- The Runaway Skyscraper (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2005) [novelette: ebook: first appeared 22 February 1919 Argosy and Railroad Man's Magazine: na/]
- The Silver Menace and A Thousand Degrees Below Zero (Bloomington, Illinois: Black Dog Press, 2007) [coll: pb/]
- The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales from the Pulps (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2007) [coll: hb/Leo Morey]
- Morale: A Story of the War of 1941-43 (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2007) [novelette: ebook: first appeared December 1931 Astounding: na/]
- Sand Doom (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2007) [story: ebook: first appeared December 1955 Astounding: na/]
- Attention Saint Patrick (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2007) [story: ebook: first appeared January 1960 Astounding: na/]
- The Leader (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2007) [story: ebook: first appeared February 1960 Astounding: na/]
- A Matter of Importance (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2007) [novelette: ebook: first appeared September 1959 Astounding: na/]
- Scrimshaw (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2007) [story: ebook: first appeared September 1955 Astounding: na/]
- Long Ago, Far Away (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2007) [story: ebook: first appeared September 1959 Amazing: na/]
- The Aliens (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2008) [story: ebook: first appeared August 1959 Astounding: na/]
- The Ambulance Made Two Trips (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2008) [story: ebook: first appeared April 1960 Astounding: na/]
- The Machine That Saved the World (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2008) [story: ebook: first appeared September 1959 Amazing: na/]
- Sand Doom and Other Stories of Adventure (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2008) [coll: pb/]
- Invasion (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2009) [story: ebook: first appeared March 1933 Astounding: na/]
- The Fifth-Dimension Tube (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2009) [novella: ebook: first appeared January 1933 Astounding: na/]
- The Invaders (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2010) [novella: ebook: first appeared April-May 1953 Amazing: na/]
- Sam, This Is You (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2010) [novella: ebook: first appeared May 1955 Galaxy: na/]
- Adventures in the Fifth-Dimension (Madison, Wisconsin: Resurrected Press, 2010) [coll: pb/]
- Planet of Sand (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2011) [chap: first appeared February 1948 Famous Fantastic Mysteries: pb/]
- White Spot (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2011) [chap: first appeared Summer 1955 Startling Stories: pb/]
- The Mad Planet (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2011) [novella: ebook: first appeared 12 June 1920 Argosy: na/]
- Murray Leinster Resurrected: Science Fiction Stories from the 1950s (Madison, Wisconsin: Resurrected Press, 2011) [coll: pb/]
- Planet of Dread (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2011) [dos: first appeared May 1962 Fantastic Stories of Imagination: pb/George Schelling]
- Tanks (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2011) [novelette: ebook: first appeared January 1930 Astounding: na/]
- The Red Dust (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2012) [novelette: ebook: first appeared 2 April 1921 Argosy: na/]
- Anthology of Sci-Fi V25: The Pulp Writers: Murray Leinster (place not given, USA: Spastic Cat Press, 2013) [coll: pb/]
- Nightmare Planet (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2013) [novella: ebook: first appeared June 1953 Science-Fiction Plus: na/]
- The Fifth-Dimension Catapult (place not given: Spastic Cat Press, 2013) [first appeared January 1931 Astounding: pb/]
- Planet of the Small Men (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2014) [dos: first appeared April 1950 Thrilling Wonder Stories: pb/Earle K Bergey]
- The Corianis Disaster (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2015) [dos: first appeared May 1960 Science Fiction Stories: pb/Wallace Wood]
- A Thousand Degrees Below Zero (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2015) [story: ebook: first appeared 15 July 1919 Thrill Book: na/]
- The Silver Menace (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2015) [novella: ebook: first appeared 1-15 September 1919 Thrill Book: na/]
- Juju (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2015) [story: ebook: first appeared 15 October 1919 Thrill Book: na/]
- The Sentimentalists (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2016) [story: ebook: first appeared April 1953 Galaxy: na/]
- The Other Now (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2016) [story: ebook: first appeared March 1951 Galaxy: na/]
- If You Was a Moklin (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2016) [novelette: ebook: first appeared February 1961 Galaxy: na/]
- Doctor (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2016) [novelette: ebook: first appeared September 1951 Galaxy: na/]
- Third Planet (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2016) [story: ebook: first appeared April 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow: na/]
- The Trail of Blood and Other Tales of Adventure (Normal, Illinois: Black Dog Books, 2017) [coll: pb/]
- Ten Unique Stories by Will F. Jenkins: From the Murray Leinster Archives (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: ML Press, 2018) [coll: pb/]
- The Power Planet (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2019) [dos: first appeared June 1931 Amazing Stories: pb/]
- Manners and Customs of the Thrid (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2020) [story: ebook: first appeared September 1963 If: na/Wenzel]
- Sidewise in Time (London: Gollancz, 2020) [coll: pb/]
- Last Murray Leinster Interview (Richmond, Virginia: Waves Press, 1983) with Ronald Payne [nonfiction: chap: pb/]
works as editor
- Great Stories of Science Fiction (New York: Random House, 1951) [anth: hb/Leo Manso]
about the author
- Sam Moskowitz. "Murray Leinster" in Seekers of Tomorrow: Masters of Modern Science Fiction (Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Co, 1966) [nonfiction: coll: hb/]
- Mark Owings. Murray Leinster (Will F. Jenkins): A Bibliography (Washington, District of Columbia: Washington Science Fiction Association, 1970) [bibliography: chap: pb/]
- Billee J Stallings and Jo-An J Evans. Murray Leinster: The Life and Works (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, 2011) [nonfiction: by Leinster's daughters: foreword by James Gunn: pb/photographic]
previous versions of this entry