The SF Site Featured Review: Snakes on a Plane
- ️Rodger Turner, Webmaster
- ️Thu Nov 22 2007
"I've had it with these $#@!^%-ing snakes on this $#@!^%-ing plane." Many feel the film, Snakes on a Plane, was created
simply to hear Samuel L. Jackson deliver this crowd-pleasing line. Actually, that scene was added months later along with some nudity
and gratuitous violence to bump the film from a disappointing PG-13 to much more desirable R.
Of all summer movies of 2006, Snakes on a Plane was surrounded by more anticipation and high-hopes than any of its brethren. Coupled
with mass internet buzz, word of mouth and a brilliant promo where Jackson actually calls with a personalized message, the hype was
astounding yet ironic that the entire plot is right there in the title.
However, this is not a review of the film, but of the novelization and before you ask, the film was not based on a book, this is the
book based on the film. There are a few spoilers included so if you don't want any of the story ruined I suggest you go back in time
about six months and seal yourself in a cave on Mars with your fingers in your ears as there's already enough info in the public
The overall plot is simple. Hawaiian surfer boy Sean Jones witnesses a Triad mob killing by gangster Eddie Kim. FBI agent Neville
Flynn (Jackson) is sent to escort the kid to Los Angeles to testify. Kim manages to smuggle thousands of snakes onto their flight. The
snakes get loose. Carnage ensues. It's good, bloody fun and director David Ellis said "This is like the movies that you used to be
able to go see, that I used to see as a kid. You'd go to a movie, you'd be entertained, you'd be scared, you'd laugh, you would
be on the edge of your seat."
What could a novelization possibly add to the overall experience that is Snakes on a Plane? I couldn't in good conscience review
this book without seeing the film. Novelizations hold a peculiar rank in the printed world lexicon, designed to add to the cinematic
experience for those that really need to be immersed in this world. For example, the novelization of WaterWorld includes a
sequence where the Mariner gets a name and Dryland is revealed to be the top of Mount Everest� which is actually included in the
three and a half hour version of the film� anyway�
After reading the book, I was intrigued to see how closely the film matched (compare David Brin's The Postman to Kevin
Costner's film version� and that would be the second Costner reference I've made in as many paragraphs). Writer Christa Faust is
very good at back-story. In fact, the first ten minutes of the film are told in 130-plus pages. Most of the characters who are
killed in the initial onslaught of snakes have incredibly detailed histories and adventures that got them on Flight 121. The
large lady in the muumuu was attending a BBW (look it up online, I dare you) getaway in Hawaii. The honeymooning couple ran an
Chihuahua rescue shelter. Even the two attempting to join the Mile-High Club in the bathroom have an entire chapter devoted to
their meeting and whirlwind romance across the islands.
It's hard to really pin this book down as good or bad. True, the film is a darn lot of fun. The novel, while not particularly
well-written, does manage to create full three dimensional characters. Most of the passengers and crew are cartoon-y on screen,
which doesn't always work in written form so Faust had to make them real people. And, I'm as surprised as you, it works. Faust
gives Rapper 3G's a nice paranoid obsessive compulsive psychosis and it's impossible not to envision Jackson speaking as Neville
Flynn. She captures his cool, bad-@$$ attitude perfectly, but also makes him human, questioning his relationships after his
failed marriage.
If you're a Snakes on a Plane junkie this is something you'll have to read. And trust me, it's an excellent conversation
starter in ANY situation. It usually begins with "What the heck are you reading?" and then a surprised dialogue about how long the book is.
2006 will be remembered as the summer a film called Snakes on a Plane was released and almost lived up to its own hype. Whether
you saw it or not, everyone was aware of the phenomenon. Years from now this film may even achieve cult status on par with the
Rocky Horror Picture Show (hint, hint). The novelization is a part of this and, at the heart of it, added to my personal
enjoyment of those snakes... on that plane.
Copyright © 2006 David Maddox