Shirley Hibberd, the Father of Amateur Gardening. His Life and Times, 1825-1890
Who was Shirley Hibberd?
Shirley Hibberd was the first person to successfully promote amateur gardening at a time when it was reviled by the horticultural establishment. He had the courage of his convictions and believed that if he had learnt to do things himself, he could teach other people the same things.
If you think home vegetable gardening, urban bee-keeping and vegetarianism are new, then think again. Shirley Hibberd could be your hero, as he was indulging himself in these things 150 years ago.
Right: Beehives at Shirley Hibberd's garden in Stoke Newington
Why haven’t we heard of him before?
Most gardeners that we have heard of are the ones whose gardens have been recreated. As Shirley Hibberd’s gardens were all in inner London, they no longer exist. We do, however, have the original plans and illustrations of his garden in Stoke Newington, so we can see exactly what he did and with the inclination, how it could be recreated.
Above: A two-part garden plan of Shirley Hibberd's garden at Lordship Terrace, Stoke Newington.
From the author...
In this website I want to give a flavour of the life of Shirley Hibberd. For the full story, please buy my book, Shirley Hibberd, The Father of Amateur Gardening, available from 30th October 2012.