Smithsonian Institution Building (The Castle) | Smithsonian

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Completed in 1855, the Castle is our signature building. The Castle closed Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023, for its first major renovation in more than 50 years. But even when the Castle is closed, you can plan your Smithsonian visit at our Virtual Visitor Center and explore the Castle online.

We encourage the use of public transportation.

Metro Station: Smithsonian (Mall exit)


There is no public parking facility for Smithsonian museums on the National Mall. A limited number of city-operated metered parking spaces are available, including several accessible parking spaces.

View a map of accessible parking spaces.

Reserved parking near the museums can be purchased in advance through ParkWhiz.
Note: ParkWhiz is a third-party vendor (ParkWhiz Privacy Policy).


While this location does not have dining, view dining options at our other locations.


While this location has no museum store, you can always shop online.