Major compilations on units
Works on Units
This list contains only publications cited repeatedly on this web site, listed here to reduce the download time of individual entries through browser caching of this page. Generally each of these publications treats a number of units; they are cambists, survey articles, literature reviews, manuals, and so forth. Citations of publications that treat only a few units will be found on the relevant entry.
The entries are arranged by the language of the publication, not by the region whose metrology they discuss.
Technical Conversion Factors for Agricultural Commodities.
Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1972.
Charles-Édouard Guillaume and Charles
“National and Local Systems of Weights and Measures”.
in International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry and
New York: Published for the National Research Council by the McGraw-Hill Book
Co., 1926.
In Catalan
Claudi Alsina i Català, Gaspar Feliu i Montfort and Lluis Marquet i Ferigle.
Diccionari de Mesures Catalanes.
Barcelona: Curial Ediciones Catalanes, 1996.
Probably a recasting of the same authors' Pesos, mides i mesures del Països Catalans (Barcelona: Curial, 1990). An exemplary modern treatment of traditional local weights and measures.
In Danish
N. E. Nørlund.
De Gamle Danske Længdeenheder.
Copenhagen: I kommission hos Munksgaard, 1944.
Kurt Petersen.
Mål og vægt i Danmark.
Kgs. Lyngby: Polyteknisk Forlag, [2002].
Poul Rasmussen.
Mål og Vægt.
Dansk Historisk Fællesforenings Håndboger.
Dansk Historisk Fællesforenings, 1967.
Poul Thestrup.
Pund og alen. Danske mål- og vægtenheder fra 1683-reformen til idag.
Arkivernes Informationsserie.
Copenhagen: Rigsarkivet (G.E.C. Gad), 1991.
In Dutch
J. M. Verhoeff.
De oude Nederlands maten en gewichten.
Amsterdam, P. J. Meertens-Instituut, 1982.
In English
The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of Chicago.
The Dictionary was issued volume by volume. Details of the relevant volume can be found in the page with the link that brought you to this page. The dictionary is online at
J. H. Alexander.
Universal Dictionary of Weights and Measures, Ancient and Modern, reduced to the standards of the United States of America.
Baltimore: Wm. Minifie and Co., 1850.
E. J. Blockhuys.
Vade-Mecum of Modern Metrical Units for Business Men and Students of Commerce.
17th edition.
Tokyo: Dobunkwan, 1924.
Board of Economic Inquiry, Punjab.
Condition of Weights and Measures in the Punjab.
Board of Economic Inquiry, Punjab. Publication No. 42.
"Inquiry conducted under the supervision of W[illiam]. H[arris]. Myles."
Lahore: Civil and Military Gazette, 1936.
W. A. Browne.
The Merchants' Handbook of Money, Weights and Measures, with their British Equivalents. 3rd edition.
London: Edward Stanford, 1879.
Richard Caplice, with the collaboration of Daniel Snell.
Introduction to Akkadian. 4th ed.
Studia Pohl: Series Maior.
Dissertationes scientificae de rebus orientis antiqui. 9.
Rome: Editrice Pontifico Istituto Biblico, 2002.
Henry James Chaney.
Weights and measures.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, vol 23, pages 477 - 494.
Cambridge (England): University Press, 1911.
R. D. Connor.
The Weights and Measures of England.
London: HMSO, 1987.
R. D. Connor and A. D. C. Simpson.
A. D. Morrison-Low, editor.
Weights and Measures in Scotland. A European Perspective.
National Museums of Scotland and Tuckwell Press, 2004.
J. G. Christaller.
Dictionary of the Asante and Fante Language called Tshi (Twi). 2nd Ed.
Basel: Basel Evangelical Missionary Society, 1933.
Michael Dalton.
The Countrey Justice.
London, 1635.
Florence Edler.
Glossary of Mediaeval Terms of Business. Italian Series 1200 – 1600.
Cambridge (MA): The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1934.
H. M. Elliot.
Supplement to the Glossary of Indian Terms. A-J.
Agra: Printed at the Secundra Orphan Press, 1845.
England. Commissioners of Customs.
The Rates of the Custome house. Reduced into a much better order for the redier finding of anything therin contained, then at any time heertofore hath beene: and now againe newly corrected, enlarged and amended. Wherunto is also added the true difference and contents of waights and measures, with other things neuer before Imprinted.
London: John Windet for the Widdow of John Allde, 1590.
Astrid Friss and Kristof Glamann.
A History of Prices and Wages in Denmark, 1660 - 1800.
Volume 1.
Published for the Institute of Economics and History, Copenhagen.
London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1958.
Timothy F. Garrard.
Akan Weights and the Gold Trade.
Legon History Series, A. A. Boahen, General Editor.
London: Longman, 1980.
Francis J. Grund.
The Merchants Assistant
Translated from the 7th edition of Flügel, with additions.
Boston: Hilliard, Gray and Co., 1834.
Hubert Hall and Frieda J. Nicholas, editors.
Select Tracts and Table Books Relating to English Weights and Measures (1100-1742).
in Camden Miscellany, volume 15.
London: Camden Society, 1929.
Richard Hayes.
The Negociator's Magazine: or, The most authentick account yet published of the Monies, Weights, and Measures of the Principal Places of Trade in the World… 4th ed.
London: John Noon, 1739.
Elibron offers a facsimile reprint. Digitized by Google.
Alexander Huntar.
A Treatise of Weights, Mets and Measures of Scotland.
Edinburgh, 1624.
W[illiam] W[ilson] Hunter.
A Statistical Abstract of Assam, vols. 1 & 2.
London: Trübner & Co., 1879.
Halil İnalcık.
Introduction to Ottoman Metrology.
Turcica, Revue d'Etudes Turques, vol. 15, pages 311-348 (1983).
Reprinted in Studies in Ottoman Social and Economic History, London: Variorum Reprints, 1985.
P[atrick] Kelly.
The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor: Being a full and accurate treatise on the exchanges, coins, weights, and measures, of all trading nations and their colonies.
Second Edition, with supplements.
London: Longman and Co., 1835.
Bruno Kisch.
Scales and Weights. A Historical Outline.
Yale Studies in the History of Science and Medicine, 1.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965.
Richard M. Lederer, Jr.
Colonial American English. A Glossary.
Essex, Connecticut: A Verbatim Book, 1985.
J. L. Maclean, D C. Dawe, B. Hardy and G. P. Hetttel, editors.
Rice Almanac. 3rd edition.
published in cooperation with IRRI, CIAT, FAO, and ADRAO.
Oxon, UK: CABI Publishing, 2002.
William Parry, revisor.
Federal and State Laws Relating to Weights and Measures. Third Edition.
U.S. Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Standards. Miscellaneous Publication No. 20.
Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1926.
Marvin Powell.
Masse und Gewichte.
Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, vol. 7
Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1987-1990.
Pages 457 - 530.
Marvin A. Powell.
Weights and Measures.
Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol. 6.
New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 2008.
Pages 897 - 908.
[James Prinsep]
Useful Tables, forming an appendix to the Journal of the Aisatic Society.
Part the First. Coins, Weights, and Measures of British India.
Calcutta: Printed at the Baptist Mission Press, 1834.
Lewes Roberts.
The Merchants Mappe of Commerce: Wherein, the Universal Manner and Matter of Trade is compendiously handled…
London: Ralph Mabb, 1638.
Omeljan Pritsak.
The Origins of the Old Rus' Weights and Monetary Systems. Two studies in Western
Eurasian metrology and numismatics in the seventh to eleventh centuries.
Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press for the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute,
William Sheppard.
Of the Office of the Clerk of the Market, of Weights and Measures, and of the
Laws of Provision for Man and Beast.
London; Printed by J. S. for Samuel Heyrick... and George Dawes, 1665.
P[eter] L[und] Simmonds.
The Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products, Manufacturing and Technical Terms, Moneys, Weights, and Measures of all Countries.
New edition revised and enlarged.
London: George Routledge and Sons, 1892.
[John Swinton (Lord Swinton)].
A Proposal for Uniformity of Weights and Measures in Scotland by execution of
the laws now in force. With Tables of the English and Scotch Standards,
and of... Second Edition.
Edinburgh: Printed for Peter Hill, 1789.
The Statutes of the Realm. 11
Printed by Command of His Majesty King George III.
[London : G. Eyre and A. Strahan, 1810 – 1822]
Numerous facsimile and electronic editions, including Dawsons of Pall Mall (1963), W. S. Hein (1993), TannerRitchie (2007).
Robert Tye. A History of Troy Weight. A series of 9 lectures as video slide shows on Youtube. . Episodes last from 7 to 34 minutes. Don't be misled by the format; this is a scholarly article. Last accessed by on 6 December 2024
United Kingdom. House of Commons. [Carysfort Committee]
Report from the Committee Appointed to Inquire into the Original Standards of
Weights and Measures in This Kingdom, and to Consider the Laws Relating Thereto.
Report from Committees of the House of Commons, 2, (1737-65).
Pages 411 to 451.
United Kingdom. House of Commons.
Report (Second) of Commissioners to Consider the Subject of Weights and Measures
13 July 1820.
Parliamentary Papers 1820. (HC314)
Pages 473-512. See Second_Report_1820.pdf
United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistical Office of the United Nations.
World Weights and Measures. Handbook for Statisticians.
Statistical Papers. Series M no. 21 Revision 1. (ST/STAT/SER.M/21/rev.1)
New York: United Nations, 1966.
United Nations. Statistical Office of the United Nations in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
World Weights and Measures. Handbook for Statisticians. Provisional Edition.
Statistical Papers. Series M no. 21.
New York: United Nations, 1955.
United States. Department of State.
Report of the Secretary of State [John Quincy Adams] upon weights and measures, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the fourteenth of December 1819.
Washington: Gales & Seaton, 1821.
Also printed as Senate document 119 and House document 109 of the 16th Congress, 2nd session. House edition reprinted by the Arno Press in 1980.
United States. National Research Council.
Edward W. Washburn, editor-in-chief.
International Critical Tables of Numerical Data Physics, Chemistry and Technology.
New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1926.
Edward Wakefield.
An Account of Ireland, statistical and political. Volume 2.
London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1812.
Page 197.
W. Waterston.
A Manual of Commerce.
Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1855.
R[ichard] J[ames] Wilkinson.
A Malay-English Dictionary. Part I. (Alif to Za), and Part II (Sîn to
Nya), which was published in 1902.
Singapore: Kelly and Walsh, 1901.
H[orace]. H[Hayman]. Wilson.
A Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms, and of Useful Words Occurring in Official Documents Relating to the Administration of the Government of British India, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustání, Sanskrit, Hindí, Bengálí,
Uṛiya, Maráṭhi, Guzaráthí, Telugu, Karnáta, Tamil, Malayálam, and other Languages.
London: W. H. Allen and Co., 1855.
Two free PDF's of the work are available at One is from the Cornell library, scanned and OCRed by them, and the other from the University of Toronto, scanned and OCRed by their extensive project. Both are excellent, carefully-made digital versions.
In the quotations from Wilson in Sizes, it was not possible to reproduce exactly all of his romanizations. He uses characters not available in web fonts, such as an "L" with double dot below (which he uses in Tamil) and an N with a ring below.
[John Worlidge.]
Dictionarium Rusticum & Urbanicum: or, A Dictionary Of all sorts of
Country Affairs, Handicraft, Trading, and Merchandizing. Containing more
particularly [etc.]
London: J. Nicholson, 1704.
Reprinted in facsimile by Sherwin & Freutel, Los Angeles, 1970.
Ronald E. Zupko.
A Dictionary of Weights and Measures for the British Isles: The Middle Ages
to the Twentieth Century.
Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1985.
In French
F. Altés.
Traité Comparatif des Monnaies, Poids et Mesures.
Marseille: Imprimerie Militaire de J. Barile et Boulouch, 1832.
Books in the series directed by Pierre Charbonnier, with various publishers.
Pierre Charbonnier.
Les Anciennes Mesures Locales du Midi Mèditerranèen, d'après les Tables de Conversion.
Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 1994.(?) -
Pierre Charbonnier.
Les Anciennes Mesures Locales du Massif-Centrale, d'après les Tables de Conversion.
Clermont-Ferrand: Institute d'ètudes du Massif central, 1990. -
Pierre Charbonnier and Abel Poitrineau.
Les Anciennes Mesures Locales du Centre-Ouest, d'après les Tables de Conversion.
Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2001.Covers the departments of Charente, Charente-Maritime, Cher, Indre, Indre-et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe, Sèvres, Vendèe, Vienne.
Abel Poitrineau.
Les Anciennes Mesures Locales du Sud-Ouest, d'après les Tables de Conversion.
Clermont-Ferrand: Institut d'ètudes du Massif central, Universitè Blaise-Pascal, 1996.
J.-A. Decourdemanche.
Traité Pratique des Poids et Mesures des Peuple Anciens et des Arabes.
Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1909.
Horace Doursther.
Dictionnaire universel des poids et mesures anciens et modernes, contenat des tables des monnaies de tous les pays.
Brussels: M. Hayez, Imprimeur de l'Acadèmie Royale, 1840.
Reprinted in facsimile by Meridian Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1965.
Pierre Le Roux, Bernard Sellato and Jacques Ivanoff.
Poids et mesures en Asie du Sud-Est, Systèmes métrologic et sociétés.
Vol 1, L'Asie du Sud-Est Austronésienne et ses Marches.
Études Thematiques, no. 13.
Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient, Institut de Recherche sur le Sud-Est Asiatique, 2004.
Pierre Le Roux, Bernard Sellato and Jacques Ivanoff.
Poids et mesures en Asie du Sud-Est, Systèmes métrologic et sociétés.
Vol 2, L'Asie du Sud-Est Continentale et ses Marches.
Études Thematiques, no. 13.
Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient, Institut de Recherche sur le Sud-Est Asiatique, 2004.
Gabriel Ferrand.
Les poids, mesures et monnaies des mers du sud aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles.
Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1921
Reprinted from Journal Asiatique, Juillet-Dècembre 1920.
François Gattey.
Tables des rapports des anciennes mesures agraires avec les nouvelles.... 3rd edition.
Paris: Chez Michaud Frères, et chez l'auteur (1812).
Available as microfilm, no. 20423 in the Goldsmith-Kress library of economic literature.
Frédéric Godefroy.
Dictionnaire de L'Ancienne Langue Française et de tous ses dialectes du IXe
au XVe siècle[,] composé d'après le dépouillement de
tous les plus importants documents[,] manuscrits ou imprimés qui se trouvent
dans les grandes bibliothèques de la France et de l'Europe et dans les
principales archives départmentales[,] municipales, hospitalières ou
Paris: Librairie Émile Bouillon, 1895.
Paul Guilhiermoz.
Note sur les poids du moyen âge.
Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes, vol. 67, no. 1, pages 161 - 233, 402 - 450 (1906)
Part 1: doi: 10.3406/bec.1906.448256
Part 2: doi: 10.3406/bec.1906.460058
Paul Guilhiermoz.
Remarques diverses sur les poids et mesures du moyen âge.
Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes, vol. 80, no. 1, pages 5 - 100 (1919)
doi: 10.3406/bec.1919.448625
A. Th. Kupffer.
Travaux de la Commission pour fixer les mesures et les poids de l'Empire de
St. Petersburg: Imprimerie de l'Expedition de la Confection des Papiers de la
Couronne, 1841.
Alphonse Lejeune.
Monnaies, Poids et Mesures des Principaux Pays du Monde.
Paris: Berger-Levrault et Cie, 1894.
M. J. Oppert.
L'Étalon des Mesures Assyriennes, fixé par les textes cunéiformes.
Paris: Librarie Maisonneuve et Cie, 1874.
Reprinted from Journal Asiatique, August-September 1872 and October-November 1874.
[Alexis-Jean-Pierre] Paucton.
Métrologie, ou, Traité des mesures, poids et monnoies des anciens peuples
& des modernes.
Paris: Veuve Desaint, 1780.
Jean Forien de Rochesnard.
Album des Poids d' Afrique. 2nd ed.
Colombes (France): 1978.
In German
August Böckh.
Metrologische Untersuchungen über Gewichte, Münzfüsse und Masse des Alterthums in ihrem Zusammenhange.
Berlin, Verlag von Veit und Comp, 1838
Georg Kaspar Chelius.
Zuverlassige Vergleichung sammtlicher Maasse und Gewichte der Handelstadt Frankfurt am Main, etc. Second edition.
Frankfurt am Main: zu haben in Joh. Christ. Hermann's Buchhandlung, 1808.
Eduard Döring.
Handbuch der Münz-, Wechsel-, Mafs- und Gewichtskunde oder Erklärung der Wechsel-, Geld- und Staatspapiere-Kurszettel, der Wechsel-Usancen,
Masse und Gewichte aller Länder und Handelsplätze. Mit gründlichen Erläuterungen über…
Coblenz: Verlag von J. Hölscher, 1854.
Handels-Almanach, oder Uebersicht des in den verschiedenen Ländern der Erde Wissenswirdigsten für den Handel…
Weimar: im Verlage des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1838.
Walther Hinz.
Islamische Masse und Gewichte Umgerechnet ins Metrische System.
Handbuch der Orientalistik, Ergänzungsband 1, Heft 1.
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1955.
Second edition, with revisions, Brill 1970.
An English translation is:
M. Ismail Marcinkowski (trans.)
Measures and Weights in the Islamic Community.
Kuala Lumpur: International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2003.
Secured pdf downloadable from
Friedrich Otto Hultsch.
Griechische und Römische Metrologie. 2nd Edition.
Berlin: Weidmann, 1882.
Hubert Jansen.
Deutsche, österreichische und schweizerische Maße, Gewichte und Münzen.
Sonder-Abdruck aus Muret-Sanders Enzylopadisches Worterbuch der Englischen und Deutschen Sprache, Part 2, second half.
Berlin: Langenscheidtsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1900.
Richard Klimpert.
Lexikon der Münzen, Masse, Gewichte, Zählarten und Zeitgrössen aller Länder der Erde. Second Edition.
Berlin: Verlag von C. Regenhardt, 1896.
Fried. Alb. Niemann [Johann Friedrich Krüger]
Vollständiges Handbuch der Münzen, Maße und Gewichte aller Länder der Erde….
Quedlinburg and Leipzig: Verlag von Gottfr. Basse, 1830.
Jürgen Elert Kruse.
Allgemeiner und besonders Hamburgischer Contorist, welcher von den Währungen, Münzen, Gewichten,
Maaßen, etc. Fourth edition.
Hamburg: 1781.
J. C. Nelkenbrecher.
J. C. Nelkenbrechers allgemeines Taschenbuch der Münz-, Maas- und Gewichtskunde für Banquiers und Kaufleute. 13th edition.
Revised and enlarged by J. Ph. Schellenberg.
Berlin: In der Sanderschen Buchhandlung, 1820.
J. C. Nelkenbrecher.
Taschenbuch für Kaufleute. 20th edition.
Newly revised by Dr. Ernst Jerusalem.
Berlin: Druck und Verlag von Georg Reimer, 1890.
Christian Noback and Friedrich Noback.
Vollständiges Taschenbuch der Münz-, Maass- und Gewichts -Verhältnisse,… Vol 1 & 2.
Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1851.
Erich Schilbach.
Byzantinische Metrologie.
Munich: C. H. Beck, 1970.
The same author has an an accompanying publication, Byzantische metrologische Quellen, in two editions.
Harald Witthöft.
Handbuch der Historischen Metrologie. Band 3. Deutsche Masse und
Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts, nach Gesetzen, Verordnungen und autorisierten
Publikationen deutscher Staaten, Territorien und Städte.
Teil 2. Die Maß- und Gewichtseinheiten.
St. Katharinen, Germany: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 1994.
In Italian
Giuseppe Bofondi. (sotto la presidenza)
Tavole di Ragguaglio delle Diverse Misure Locali di capacita e di Peso dei singoli territorj dello Stato Pontificio e dei principali Luoghi d'Italia ed estero…
Rome (?): Dal Dicastero del Censo, 1855.
Georgio di Lorenzo Chiarini.
Libro che tracta di mercatantie et usanze de' paesi.
Florence, 1481.
A valuable modern edition collates the manuscripts and early
editions and compares Chiarini's information with that of Balducci Pegolotti and
Giovanni di Antonio da Uzzano:
Franco Borlandi.
El Libro di Mercatantie et Uzanze de' Paesi.
Series: Documenti e Studi per la Storia del Commercio e del Diritto Commerciale
Italiano. VII.
Torino: S. Lattes & C. Editori, 1936.
Reprinted in facsimile in 1970 by Bottega d'Erasmo (Torino),
in an edition of only 100 copies.
Angelo Martini.
Manuale di metrologia.
Turin: E. Loescher, 1883.
Francesco Balducci Pegolotti.
La pratica della mercatura.
Written about 1340, but first published as Tome 3 of
Gian Francesco Pagnini del Ventura.
Della decima e delle altre gravezze, imposte dal comune di Firenze, della moneta e della mercatura de' Fiorentini fino al secolo XVI.
Lisbon and Lucca: 1766.
Reprinted in facsimile by Fornia Editore (Bologna, 1967.) The following English edition contains valuable glossaries:
Allen Evans, editor.
Cambridge (MA): The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1936.
Reprinted (1970) by Kraus Reprint Co., NY.
Giovani di Antonio da Uzzano.
La pratica della mercatura.
Written about 1442, but first published as Tome 4 of
Gian Francesco Pagnini del Ventura.
Della decima e delle altre gravezze, imposte dal comune di Firenze, della moneta e della mercatura de' Fiorentini fino al secolo XVI.
Lisbon and Lucca: 1766.
Reprinted in facsimile by Fornia Editore (Bologna, 1967.)
Alfredo Stussi.
Zibaldone da Canal: manoscritto mercantile del sec.
Venice: Fonti per la Storia di Venezia, 1967.
An English translation with very helpful notes:
John E. Dotson.
Merchant Culture in Fourteenth Century Venice. The Zibaldone da Canal.
Medieval & Renaissance Texts and Studies volume 98.
Binghamton (NY): Medieval & Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1994.
Tavole di Ragguaglio dei Pesi e delle Misure gia in uso nelle varie Provincie del Regno col Peso Metrico Decimale. Approvate con Decreto Reale 20 maggio 1877, n. 3836.
Edizione Ufficiale.
Rome: Stamperia Reale, 1877.
Tavole di Ragguaglio fra le nuove e le antiche misure e fra i nuovi e gli antichi pesi del Regno D'Italia pubblicate per ordine del Governo. Volume II. che contiene le tavole pei Dipartimenti Aggregati al Regno dopo il 1805.
Milano: Dalla Stamperia Reale, 1809.
In Latin
H. G. Richardson and G. O. Sayles, editors.
Fleta. vol. 2. Prologue, Book I, Book II.
The Publications of the Selden Society, vol. 72, for the year 1953.
London: Bernard Quaritch, 1955.
We also made use of:
Joan. Seldeni,
Fleta, seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani sic Nuncupatus sub Edwardo Rege Primo. 2nd edition.
Londini: Typis S. R. Prostant apud H.Twyford, T. Bassett, J. Place and S. Keble, 1685.
Charles Du Fresne, sieur Du Cange.
Glossarium medaiæ et infirmæ latinitatis, conditum a Carolo Du Fresne, domino
Du Cange; auctum a monachis Ordinis s. Benedicti, cum supplementis integris d.
P. Carpenterii, Adelungii, aliorum, susisque, digessit G. A. L. Henschel;
seguuntur Glossarium gallicum, Tabulæ, Indices auctorum et rerum,
Editio nova, aucta pluribus verbis aliorum scriptorum a Lèopold Favre... Nouveau
tirage. In 10 volumes.
Paris: Librarie de sciences et des arts, 1937-1938.
The first edition appeared in 1678. Other editions are Graz: Akademische Druck-U. Verlagsanstalt, 1954, and Niort: L. Favre, 1883-87.
Friedrich Otto Hultsch.
Metrologicorum scriptorium reliquiae, collegit, recensuit, partim nunc primum
edidit Fridericus Hultsch.
In 2 volumes.
Reprinted 1971 by B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart.
Friedrich Hultsch.
Griechische und Römische Metrologie. 2nd ed.
Berlin:Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1882.
In Marathi
James Thomas Molesworth.
A dictionary, Marathi and English. 2d ed., rev. and enl.
Bombay: Printed for government at the Bombay Education Society's press, 1857.
In Portuguese
Henrique da Gama Barros.
Torquato de Sousa Soares, editor.
Historia da Administração Publica em Portugal nos seculos XII a XV. 2nd Edition. Tomo X.
Lisbon: Livraria sá da Costa, no date in tomo X, but apparently 1954.
Be sure to use the second edition. De Sousa Soares' contribution is immense.
Antonio Nunes.
O livro dos pesos, medidas e moedas. (Lyvro dos pesos da Ymdia, e assy medidas e mohedas).
Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa.
Subsidios para a historia da India portugueza publicados de ordem da Classe de sciencias Moraes, …
Lisbon: Typ. da Academia real das sciencias, 1868.
The work was written in 1544.
Adelina Angélica Pinto.
Isoléxicas portuguesas. (Antigas medidas de capacidade).
Revista Portuguesa de Filologia, vol. 18, pages 367-590 (1980-1986).
Tomé Pires.
The Suma oriental of Tomé Pires, an account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, written in Malacca and India in 1512-1515, and the book of Francisco Rodrigues, rutter of a voyage in the Red Sea…
London: The Hakluyt Society, 1944.
Joaquim de Santa Rosa de Viterbo.
Elucidario das Palavras, Termos e Frases que em Portugal Antigamente se Usaram… 2nd ed. vol. 2.
Lisbon: em casa do Editor A. J. Fernandes Lopes, 1865.
In Russian
L. V. Cherepnin.
Russkaia metrologiia.
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In Spanish
Juan Alvarez.
Temas de Historia Económica Argentina.
Volume 2 of
Junta de Historia y Numismática.
Biblioteca de Historia Argentina y Americana.
Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 1929.
Tomas Antonio de Marien y Arróspide.
Tratado General de Monedas, Pesas, Medidas y Cambios de Todas las Naciones, reducidas á las que se suan en España.
Madrid: en la Imprenta de D. Benito Cano, 1789.
Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Secretaría de la Economía Nacional.
Dirección General de Estadística.
Medidas-Regionales. Censo Agricola Ganadero de 1930.
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Valentín Balbín.
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Publicacion Oficial.
Buenos Aires: Tipografia do M. Biedma, 1881.
Víctor M. Castillo F.
Unidades Nahuas de medida.
Estudios de cultura Nāhuatl, vol. 10, pages 195-223 (1972).
Joseph Garcia Cavallero.
Breve Cotejo, y Valance de las Pesas, y Medidas de varias Naciones, Reynos, y Provincias, comparadas, y reducidadas à las que corren en estos Reynos de Castilla…
Madrid: Imprenta de la Viuda de Francisco del Hierro, à costa del Autor, 1731.
Luis E. Paez Courvel.
Historia de las Medidas Agrarias Antiguas.
Bogota: Libreria Voluntad, S. A., 1940.
Dirección General del Instituto Geográfico y Estadístico.
Equivalencias entre las Pesas y Medidas Usadas Antiguamente en las Diversas Provincias de España y las Legales del Sistema Métrico-Decimal.
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Madrid: Imprenta de la Dirección General del Instituto Geográfico y Estadístico, 1886.
Fray Alonso de Molina.
Vocabulario en lengua Mexicana y Castellana, compuesto por el muy Reverendo
Padre Fray Alonso de Molina, dela Orden del bienauenturado nuestro Padre sant
Mexico [City]: en casa de Antonio de Spinosa, 1571.
Reprint: Editorial Porrua, S. A., 1977, 2nd edition.
Cecilio A. Robelo.
Diccionario de Pesas y Medidas Mexicanas, antiguas y modernas, y su
conversion, Para uso de los Comerciantes y de las familias.
Cuernavaca: Imprenta Cuauhnahuac, 1908.
Reprinted in facsimile in 1997 by Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social, Tlalpan, DF.
D. Felipe Senillosa.
Memoria sobre los pesos y medidas.
Buenos Aires: Imprenta de Hallet y Ca., 1835.
Reprinted in 2003 by the Provincia de Buenos Aires, Instituto Cultural.
In Swedish
Albert W. Carlsson.
Med, Mått, Mätt. Svenska och utländska matt genom tiderna.
Stockholm: LTs förlag, 1989.
Karl Lindstedt.
Svenska meterboken. 2nd edition.
Stockholm: Aktieb. Hiertas bokförlag, circa 1888.
The first (1883) edition is available on the web, thanks to Katarina Sohlborg:
Mats Morell.
Om mått- och viktsystemens utveckling i Sverige sedan 1500-talet : vikt- och rymdmått fram till metersystemets införande.
Uppsala University Papers in Economic History. No. 16.
Uppsala: Uppsala University, Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskaploiga
vetenskapsområdet, 1988.
On the web at Accessed: 14 March 2024, originally on 26 May 2007. A PDF. Such a publication would be almost impossible to find without Uppsala University's service.
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Last revised: 30 April 2014.