A time for crime and for love

  • ️Sat Oct 18 2003

October 18, 2003 — 10.00am

Jon Cleary, 86, author

After 63 years as a prize-winning, best-selling novelist, Jon Cleary is still concerned that a book of his might be a failure. Confessing this over morning tea at his home at Kirribilli, Cleary isn't referring to his most recently published work, Degrees of Connection, the 20th in his long-running series of police procedurals featuring Inspector Scobie Malone. That book will be Cleary's last crime story, however, which is sure to dismay the genre's more discriminating fans.

At 86, Cleary is still turning out elegantly deft and intricate plots that could be blueprints for aspiring mystery writers. Unlike too many other coppers in contemporary crime fiction, Malone remains an uncomplicated, amiable everybloke - think Leonard Teale in one of those old TV police shows - and not some stereotypical, solitary cop-as-metaphor riddled with existential angst. (Though Degrees of Connection does allow trouble into Malone's usually serene home life, when his son becomes involved in a murder investigation.)

One of his characters is a half-caste petty crook nicknamed "Nigger" Brown, an appellation that somewhat alarmed Cleary's publishers, but which the author refused to change. (It will be interesting to see if the name stays in this book's American editions, and, if so, what the reaction will be from the land of the language police.)

Fans of the Scobie Malone series will particularly miss Cleary's perceptive remarks about Sydney - almost a character in these stories and, arguably, their best feature - but Cleary is adamant that it is time to say goodbye to Scobie. "I've known writers who have written two or three books too many and when I found myself making notes on a serial killer, I thought, no, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel, because that's the cliche in crime fiction."

Besides, Cleary was anxious to get back to writing a love story, and it's not hard to figure out why. Even before he sits down with his coffee, he has started talking about his own true-life version of Happily Ever After, which began almost 60 years ago and ended only a couple of months back, when his wife, Joy, died.

In 1946, Cleary was just out of the army and sailing to England to find work in the documentary film industry. He noticed a young woman among the other passengers who kept to herself. "Two nights before the ship docked we got together and five days after we landed we were married."

It's a standing joke in Cleary's family that he purchased their wedding on a sale-or-return basis, but it seems this was one of those rare times when two people have felt an instant, strong and enduring mutual attraction. "We knew on the second night that the ship was docking. We thought about it for a day or two and then we decided we were it. I was 28 and she was 23 and it worked right from the start. I was very, very lucky. We were in love from the day we met to the day we - sorry, I mean she - died."

Because he and Joy lived a fairly nomadic existence for many years, travelling and settling for a while in various places around Europe and the US, they didn't accumulate possessions, the way most families do. The living room is uncluttered, as is Cleary's study, with the chair at his desk firmly turned away from the window and its distractingly breathtaking harbour views.

"I'm not a sentimentalist; I don't keep memorabilia," he says when I ask to see the Edgar awarded to him in 1974 by the Mystery Writers of America. Cleary is one of only two Australians to have received this prize, crime fiction's equivalent of an Oscar. Nevertheless, he remains convinced he hasn't kept it until I notice a bust of Edgar Allan Poe perched like a shy and dusty raven on top of the wall of books - the Cleary oeuvre in its many editions and translations - lining the study. (My suggestion that Edgar be lifted down and placed on the desk for inclusion in the interview's photograph is met with a polite but definite refusal.)

The "memorabilia" Cleary has held on to, and which he displays proudly, are pictures of his family, particularly his wife. On the bookshelves in the living room are two large photos of the couple, taken a week after their marriage, which were sent back to their parents in Australia "so that they knew what they were copping". He's handsome in what his grandson, Ben, has described affectionately as "a short-arsed Errol Flynn" kind of way, and she has a beauty that deepens in later pictures, where she wears the masks of ageing the way another woman would wear her best jewels.

Jon and Joy Cleary had a good marriage, and he has been eager to write about a love that stands the test of time, similar to the one they shared. He has just finished updating and adapting into a screenplay one of his earlier love stories, The Country of Marriage, a bestseller in 1962. Despite the popularity of movies such as The Ice Storm and American Beauty, with their dysfunctional couples, Cleary believes "there must be a way of making a happy marriage interesting", so he set himself that task.

However, another recent challenge did cause him some concern, at least initially. He has just written a novel called Miss Amber Regrets, a love story told in the first person by a 26-year-old female TV reporter, and handed it over to his publishers and agents, who like it. But he thought the book might not work. "I like writing about love and I like writing about women. I've done it before, but I thought, goddammit, you've got to be franker now, writing about love, but you don't want to sound like an old man having his jollies."

From reading letters written to him about his books, though, he believes he is able to write about women with sympathy and understanding. Moreover, he consulted his grandchildren, "so that I don't have Britney Spears as a new brand of asparagus".

Degrees of Connection, by Jon Cleary, is published by HarperCollins, $29.95.

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