Welcome to the Stonybrook Neighborhood of Jamaica Plain in Boston!
The Stonybrook Neighborhood Association (SNA) is a group of residents committed to meeting our neighbors and working together to address community issues. In addition to regular meetings, we have an online community to help neighbors connect with each other and share information. The Stonybrook neighborhood is made up of the following streets: Brookley, Rossmore, Williams, Gartland, Kenton, Shurland, Dungarven, Stedman, Plainfield, Meehan, Stonley, Lotus, Burnett, Rockvale Circle, and neighboring portions of Forest Hills and Washington Streets.
Monthly General Meeting February 10, 2025 7:00p - 9:00p Virtual Only. Scroll down for the Zoom information Agenda - Sign in via Chat (5 mins.)
- Sign in with name and address or affiliation
- Statement of Values
- Introductions of Steering Committee, Elect-eds, press (5 min)
- Voting Rules and Guidelines (15 Min)
- Eligible members shall consist of any person over 18 years of age who resides or who owns residential property within the Stonybrook Neighborhood Association's boundaries. Members in good standing who have attended at least one (1) meeting of the Association within the prior twelve-month period. Only members in good standing shall be eligible to vote at any meeting or election.
- Votes are to be cast as Yes (approve), No (not approve) or Abstain (neither Yes nor No)
- Voting members may also request edits to the minutes by submitting the edits to the Steering Committee.
- Vote for approval of January 13th Meeting Minutes
- Announcements (5 min)
- Edosa Osemwegie Ofc of Henry Santana JAMAICA PLAIN Coffee Hours - Friday, February 21 at 9am @ Third Cliff Bakery, 3531 Washington St. Link for folks to RSVP: https://airtable.com/appymxgfqih7H82S8/shrotNWTbIUxS6qn0
- Henry Santana - A Win for Mixed-Income Social Housing
- 3458 Washington St. (Keegan's Auto Service) - Adam Burns (45 min)
- Presentation* (Final Plans have not been received by the SNA)
- Q & A
- Vote to oppose or not oppose the project
- Subcommittee Updates (20 mins)
- 19 Kenton Rd. (Michael B.)
- White Stadium Updates (Pete F.)
- MBTA Arborway Yard Update
- Community Room (Caliga)
- Opportunity to raise/discuss other issues (10 min)
- Discussion of social events
- Establish a volunteer pool
- History: The first SNA Social was Thursday Jan 15, 2015 at 7pm! Hosted by neighbor, Tim Lindgren. A new fun way to get to know your neighbors, Socials will be held on the off months (between official SNA meetings). Folks interested in hosting future Socials are encouraged to contact the SNA steering committee at [email protected]. Socials can be held at someone’s home, at a local bar, at a local park, or anywhere local!
- +/Delta - Your comments regarding this meeting
Next Meeting March 10th3430 - 3440 Washington St. (Acme/Hatoff's Residence Developer Presentation) 2025 Monthly General Meeting Zoom link: Topic: Stonybrook Neighborhood Association General Monthly Meeting Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89930485594?pwd=ek1TL3ppdUJWcUxPdklMQWxZcXlQQT09 Meeting ID: 899 3048 5594 Passcode: 832091 One tap mobile +19292056099,,89930485594#,,,,,,0#,,832091# US (New York) Meeting ID: 899 3048 5594 Passcode: 832091
Schedule for upcoming 2025 General meetings:
SNA's regular membership meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month, 7-9pm. Currently all meetings are virtual over Zoom. To join the meetings, sign up for our email list, or attend the Zoom meeting below at the specified time. - Jan 13
- Feb 10
- Mar 10
- April 14
- May 12
- June 9
- July 14
- Aug 11
- Sept 8
- Oct 6
- Nov10
- Dec 8 (Holiday Stroll)
Please mark your calendar and join us for a year of community building and improving our neighborhood!
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 899 3048 5594 Passcode: 832091 One tap mobile +19292056099,,89930485594#,,,,,,0#,,832091# US (New York)