Ch -- an embeddable C/C++ interpreter, C and C++ scripting language

Headline News
C/C++ interpreter Ch 8.0 for Learning Coding, Math, Robotics, and Raspberry Pi is released
03/09, 2017
SoftIntegration, Inc. today announced the availability of Ch 8.0 and Embedded Ch 8.0. Ch is the most complete cross-platform C/C++ interpreter. Ch is also an embeddable cross-platform scripting engine and can be embedded in other applications for scripting.

Ch 7.5 for ARM and Raspberry Pi released
01/03, 2017
SoftIntegration, Inc. today announced the availability of Ch 7.5 and Embedded Ch 7.5 for ARM and Raspberry Pi. This latest release of Ch supports Raspberry Pi, Pi Zero, and ARM based single-board computers running Linux. The Raspberry Pi is a low-cost card-sized computer. With the user-friendly ChIDE, Ch enables people of all ages to explore computing with a cost-effective single-board computer.

Ch Mechanism Toolkit 3.0 released
12/21, 2015
Ch Mechanism Toolkit is now free for academic use. Ch Mechanism Toolkit is for mechanism design and analysis. It contains many mechanism classes and objects for design and analysis of commonly used mechanisms such as fourbar linkage, five-bar linkage, six-bar linkage, crank-slider mechanism, and cam-follower system. Ch Mechanism Toolkit needs Ch Professional Edition to run.

The Curriculum for Introductory Computer Programming and Math Programming in Ch
01/12, 2015
The Curriculum for Introductory Computer Programming and Learning Pre-Algebra/Algebra in Ch is now available. It is especially suitable for introduction to computing in K-12. More News >>