Soka University of America
How will you use Your life?
Soka cultivates global citizens and critical thinkers with expansive worldviews prepared to provide leadership in a rapidly changing world.
What our world most requires now is the kind of education that fosters love for humankind, that develops character—that provides an intellectual basis for the realization of peace and empowers learners to contribute to and improve society.
Daisaku Ikeda
Founder, Soka University
Learn Across Disciplines
Our unique and rigorous liberal arts education model prompts our students to ask the most important human questions. Explore our curriculum to see how Soka could help you build your life's trajectory.
Intro to Pacific Basin
Heaven & Earth: A First Synthesis
Health and Wellness
Core 2
Jazz Ensemble
Fish Biology
Chinese I
Intermediate Economics
UN & World Politics
Modes of Inquiry
Intro to Women's Studies
Identify Problems, Provide Solutions
Answering the world's toughest questions takes teamwork. That's why Soka's interconnected way of learning alongside students and faculty breeds answers.

Make the World Your Classroom
Soka is made up of global citizens who are always seeking to better the world. All of our students participate in our required study abroad program. Grasp the world in ways you never thought possible and embrace all of its diversity.
Image of a map of the world
Latin America
Next Continent
Foster Creativity

[The need for educational systems is to] "create a new kind of human being who is comfortable with change, who enjoys change, who is able to improvise, who is able to face with confidence, strength, and courage a situation of which he has absolutely no forewarning."
—Abraham Maslow, The Further Reaches of Human Nature
Soka offers a supportive environment for both individual and collaborative creative work.
Let’s set the example and share with the world that each person’s lived experience serves as an equally rich opportunity for us to expand our knowledge and love for humanity.
Become part of our Ecosystem
Become part of our Ecosystem
Soka is a microcosm of the world in its diversity. Grow through community engagement, interpersonal relationships, and social interaction within a diverse community.
Live a Contributive Life
Here at Soka we are one. Whether you want to join a music club, get involved with student government, or participate in sports we all have one thing in common. We are Soka.