SOS Past Articles now online (back to January 1994)
Like many pros, when taking a break from mixing, Paul Hardcastle likes to read his personal copy of Sound On Sound magazine.
Can't find a certain Sound On Sound article?
- We finally added the remaining 3,714 past issue articles! We thank you for your patience. Some of the early years are text-only web articles, missing their images (the DAT data backups of which we discovered were lost in a previous office relocation!).
- This current incarnation of the SOS web site currently hosts 16,436 independent, high quality, in-depth test reviews / techniques / interviews and tutorials — plus over 5,200 News stories (more added daily) and 742,083 SOS Forum posts (more added daily). We add more articles every month and publish News every day.
But what about Sound On Sound issues from November 1985 (Issue 1) to December 1993 you ask? Well, these can currently be found on the superb website (with our full permission), and we're hoping to get the text and images from these articles onto our own website at some point in the future. That's another Herculean task for us to solve!
Try our Full Issue PDF (for free - no catch!)
SOS January 2021 front coverEach month, SOS offers a great value Full Issue PDF (FI‑PDF) containing all articles and adverts, just like the magazine (only better — it is zoomable, and searchable). Anyone can buy it and download instantly. It can be viewed on your desktop, smartphone or tablet with Adobe Reader or any equivalent PDF utility (most smartphones have one built in).
SOS DIGITAL subscribers get these FI‑PDFs FREE with their sub, as an added-value bonus!
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Please note: we publish the same editorial content in our UK and North America editions, except the advertisements and contacts/pricing information differs. More info...
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from the makers of Sound On Sound — CLICK HERE
Synth Secrets (63 Episodes: May 1999 to July 2004) - all available
All 63 instalments of the classic Synth Secrets series are now on the SOS site.
Click to show me all 63 episodes of SYNTH SECRETS
SOS Glossary of Technical Terms
Check out our regularly updated, indispensable Glossary of technical terms from the fields of Recording, Audio, MIDI, Computers, Music Technology, Electronics and Live Sound: