The Battle for Stalingrad - Maps

Map 1

Operation Barbarossa.

Map 2 Operation Barbarossa - The Advance.
Map 3 The Russian Winter Offensive 1941 - 1942.
Map 4 The German Summer Offensive 1942 - Southern Russia - Operation Blue.
Map 5 The German Summer Offensive 1942 - Southern Russia - A Closer View.
Map 6 The German Summer Offensive 1942 - Southern Russia - The Advance to Stalingrad.
Map 7 City Map of Stalingrad.
Map 8

The Red Army counter attack around Stalingrad and the encirclement of the German 6th Army

The Russian Winter Offensive 1942 - Uranus.

Map 9 The Russian Winter Offensive 1942 - The Advance.
Map 10 A Closer View on the German Attack on Stalingrad.
Map 11 A Closer View on the German Attack on Stalingrad - Second Map.
Map 12
Map 12a
The Front Line near Stalingrad 18 November 1942
Voronehz -Stalingrad frontline with  Romanian-Italian-Hungarian forces marked @18 November 1942
Map 13 Operation Uranus - The Russian Movements to encircle the German 6th Army.
Map 14 The Russian Movements to encircle the German 6th Army - A Closer View.
Map 15 The Encircled German 6th Army.
 Map 16
The destruction of the German 6th Army

The Russian Destruction of the trapped German 6th Army - Map 1.

Map 17 The Russian Destruction of the trapped German 6th Army - Map 2.
Map 18 The Russian Destruction of the trapped German 6th Army - Map 3.
Map 19 The German "Pocket" split in two - Southern and Northern "Pocket".
Map 20 The German "Pocket" split in three - Southern, Center and Northern "Pocket".


Southern and Center "Pocket" surrendered to the Russians on 31 January 1943.
Northern "Pocket" surrendered to the Russians on 2 February 1943.

Scan from an original German map of the positions of the German XI. Army Corps on 10 January 1943. This map is part of my collection. Only a part of the map is scanned.

All maps thanks to the Library of National Defense in Brussels, Belgium and

"The Department of History, United States Military Academy.