For Children - St. Anne's and St Peter's
Mums and Toddlers
At St. Anne's every Wednesday 9.30 - 11.30, Carol and Dawn wait to welcome you and your little ones. There are toys for all ages, puzzles, books, a big kitchen and ride on toys. Children of all ages from 0 - 5 are welcomed to play, sing, draw and enjoy the fun.
Teas, coffees and hot chocolates are served for the grownups (Mums, Dads, grandparents and carers)! Squash and water for the children. A donation of £1.50 is welcomed per child, but not required.
Little Steps
Our children meet in St. Anne's vestry at 10am with Hannah and friends to learn the big stories from the Bible. We meet every week in term time apart from All Age services on the second Sunday of each month. In Little Steps there will be things to make, songs to sing and amazing things to learn about God.
Confirmation courses
If you would like to be baptised and confirmed we offer classes to prepare you. Please contact the vicar to find out when these will next be offered.