2011 Census - Office for National Statistics
Census statistics help paint a picture of the nation and how we live. They provide a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics, and underpin funding allocation to provide public services. The population of England & Wales on Census Day, 27 March 2011, was 56,075,912.
2011 Census data
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Why we have a census
A census is a unique source of detailed socio-demographic statistics that underpins national policymaking with population estimates and projections to help allocate funding and plan investment and services.
How our census works
Find out about the project to plan and run the decennial census in England and Wales.
The information you gave us in the 2011 Census is confidential and protected by law.
Consultations, users and local partners
In-depth information about consultations used in preparation for the 2011 Census.
2011 UK censuses
2011 Census UK, Scotland census, Wales Census, Northern Ireland Census, United Kingdom Census.
Census Customer Services
Contact us for information from the 2011 Census, previous censuses and the Census Transformation Programme.
2011 Census benefits
See how organisations have used 2011 Census data in their business. Case studies, factsheets and other information on how to get the best from Census data.
2011 Census analysis
This index page provides a comprehensive list, by topic theme, of all ONS-produced census analyses to date and links to where they can be found.