Indonesia Provinces
- ️Tue Feb 15 2022
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As of 2022-02-15, a new capital city will be constructed. It has been named Nusantara (Formally Capital City of Nusantara, in Indonesian Ibu Kota Nusantara).
"Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes, Edition 2" (GENC), a U.S. standard that's supposed to
correspond to ISO 3166-2, was issued on 2014-03-31. It gives Kalimantan Utara the code
. On 2014-10-30, ISO issued that same code for Kalimantan Utara, and
simultaneously updated the code for the geographical unit Papua (two provinces) from
to ID-PP
Update 12 to Geopolitical Entities and Codes (formerly FIPS 10-4) is dated 2013-06-30. It assigns a code to the new province of Kalimantan Utara. The code for Kalimantan Timur, from which it was split, remains unchanged.
Update 10 to Geopolitical Entities and Codes is dated 2012-12-31. It merely changes the spelling of the Indonesian word for "province" from "propinsi" to "provinsi".
Cenderawasih province has been proposed. It would consist of the districts of Biak, Mamberamo, Serui, Supiori, and Waropen, from Papua province. Its capital would be Serui. Its name is also the name of a bay, which is the same as the local name for the bird of paradise.
Valentin Poposki called it to my attention that North Kalimantan province is being split from East Kalimantan (source [8]). This split has been contemplated at least since 2004. The new provincial government should be formed by the end of 2013.
There's talk that Indonesia might adopt a uniform nationwide time zone in 2013. The time would be UTC+8, currently the central zone of Sulawesi and Bali. This plan has not been confirmed yet.
ISO 3166-2 Newsletter II-3 is dated 2011-12-15. It changes the code for Maluku as a geographical
unit (formerly ID-MA
), to avoid duplicating the code for Maluku as a province.
ISO 3166-2 Newsletter number II-1, dated 2010-02-03, changes the name of one of the geographical units from Irian Jaya to Papua, and assigns an ISO code to Papua Barat province.
FIPS Publication Change Notice No. 10, affecting FIPS PUB 10-4, was issued on 2006-03-23. It lists new codes resulting from the creation of three provinces (Irian Jaya Barat, Kepulauan Riau, and Sulawesi Barat).
On 2004-09-22 the DPR (Parliament) approved the creation of a new province, Sulawesi Barat (West Sulawesi). ISO 3166-2 Newsletter number I-7 was published on 2005-09-13. It assigns an ISO code to Sulawesi Barat.
ISO 3166-2 Newsletter Number I-6 was published on 2004-03-08. It shows the new status of Aceh as an autonomous province, with no name change. It also shows the new province of Kepulauan Riau.
On 2003-01-27, President Megawati Sukarnoputri signed Presidential Instruction No. 1, dividing Papua into three provinces: Central Papua (Papua Tengah), Papua (or East Papua - Papua Timur), and West Papua (Papua Barat). The capital of the original Papua province, Jayapura, would remain the capital of East Papua province. The capital of Central Papua would be Timika, and of West Papua, Manokwari. West Papua would consist of Fak-Fak, Manokwari, and Sorong regencies. Central Papua would comprise six regencies, including Mimika. The local government of West Papua province was set up on 2003-02-06. The central government approved the appointment of a governor on 2003-11-14, which makes the new province official. Central Papua was supposed to be created on 2003-08-23, but violent protests forced the government to delay the action. As of this writing, it appears that the creation of Central Papua has been shelved. Many Papuans are using the name "Port Numbay" for the capital, instead of Jayapura.
Proposals for new provinces include dividing Sumatera Utara into two provinces named Tapanuli and Sumatera Timur; splitting a new Cirebon province from Jawa Barat; splitting Madura from Jawa Timur; splitting Ketapang from Kalimantan Barat; splitting Southeast Maluku from Maluku; splitting Bima from Nusa Tenggara Barat; splitting Flores from Nusa Tenggara Timur; splitting Luwu Raya from Sulawesi Selatan; splitting Sulawesi Timur from Sulawesi Tengah; and splitting Tomini Raya from Sulawesi Utara.
Change Notice 4 to FIPS PUB 10-4 is dated 2000-02-25. Timor Timur, as a province of Indonesia with
FIPS code ID27
, has been deleted from the standard. In its place, a country code of
has been assigned to East Timor.
On 1999-09-16, a bill was passed to split Maluku Utara (North Moluccas) province from Maluku. Change Notice 6 to FIPS PUB 10-4, dated 2001-01-28, shows this change.
Also on 1999-09-16, the Indonesian parliament voted to split Irian Jaya into three provinces: Papua (Irian Jaya Timur), Irian Jaya Barat, and Irian Jaya Tengah. However, the split was not ratified by the local authorities, so it never took place. A Presidential Instruction in 2003 directed the Home Minister to take steps to implement the two new provincial governments, but many Papuans argue that the special autonomy bill of 2001 supersedes and voids the bill of 1999.
ISO 3166-2 Newsletter Number I-2 is dated 2002-05-21. It shows the changes to the provinces of Indonesia that occurred in 1999-2000. It assigns codes to the new provinces, which are shown in the table below. It also gives "Papua Barat" as an alternate name for the region (or geographical unit) named Irian Jaya; however, the province formerly known as Irian Jaya is now named Papua, with no alternate name. Newsletter Number I-4, dated 2002-12-10, shows the name of Irian Jaya, as a geographical unit, also changing to Papua.
Change Notice 7 to FIPS PUB 10-4 is dated 2002-01-10. It lists new codes resulting from the splitting of three provinces. Change Notice 8, dated 2002-06-28, shows the name of Irian Jaya, as a province, changing to Papua.
Country overview: 
Short name | INDONESIA |
ISO code | ID |
GEC code | ID |
Language | Bahasa Indonesia (id) |
Time zone | (see table) |
Capital | Jakarta |
At the beginning of the 20th century, Indonesia was a newly coined name. It referred in a general way to the southern part of the Malay Archipelago. The modern country of Indonesia was then several Dutch colonies, known collectively as the Netherlands Indies or the East Indies. During World War II, the area was almost completely occupied by Japanese forces. At the end of the war, the country declared its independence under the name of Indonesia. On 1949-12-27, the separation became official. Dutch New Guinea, however, remained a colony of the Netherlands until 1963-05-01. Indonesia unilaterally annexed Portuguese Timor in 1976. After some struggle, it regained its independence in 2002 and became Timor-Leste.
Other names of country: 
- Bahasa Indonesia: Republik Indonesia (formal)
- Danish: Indonesien
- Dutch: Indonesië, Republiek Indonesië (formal), Nederlandsch-Indië (obsolete)
- English: Republic of Indonesia (formal), Dutch East Indies (obsolete), East Indies (obsolete), Netherlands Indies (obsolete), Republic of the United States of Indonesia (obsolete)
- Finnish: Indonesia
- French: Indonésie f
- German: Indonesien n
- Icelandic: Indónesía
- Italian: Indonesia f
- Norwegian: Indonesia, Republikken Indonesia (formal)
- Portuguese: Indonésia, República f da Indonésia f (formal)
- Russian: Республика Индонезия (formal)
- Spanish: Indonesia, República f de Indonesia (formal), Indias Orientales Neerlandesas (obsolete)
- Swedish: Indonesien
- Turkish: Endonezya
Origin of name: 
Indo- (combining form of India) + Greek nes(os): islands + -ia (suffix for country)
Spelling note: Names have been altered by spelling reforms. Older sources may show various obsolete spellings derived from Dutch phonetics, such as oe instead of u, tj for c, dj for j, or j for y.
Primary subdivisions: 
Indonesia is divided into 31 propinsi (provinces), a daerah istimewa (special region), an autonomous province, and a daerah khusus ibukota (special district). There are indications that the official spelling of the Bahasa Indonesia word for province is changing to provinsi.
Province | HASC | ISO | GEC | Code | Postcode | Tz | Population | Area(km.²) | Area(mi.²) | Capital | Reg |
Aceh | ID.AC | AC | ID01 | 11 | 23-24 | +7 | 4,494,410 | 51,937 | 20,053 | Banda Aceh | SM |
Bali | ID.BA | BA | ID02 | 51 | 80-82 | +8 | 3,890,757 | 5,633 | 2,175 | Denpasar | NU |
Bangka-Belitung | ID.BB | BB | ID35 | 19 | 33 | +7 | 1,223,296 | 16,171 | 6,244 | Pangkalpinang | SM |
Banten | ID.BT | BT | ID33 | 36 | 15,42 | +7 | 10,632,166 | 8,651 | 3,340 | Serang | JW |
Bengkulu | ID.BE | BE | ID03 | 17 | 38-39 | +7 | 1,715,518 | 19,789 | 7,641 | Bengkulu | SM |
Gorontalo | ID.GO | GO | ID34 | 75 | 96 | +8 | 1,040,164 | 12,215 | 4,716 | Gorontalo | SL |
Jakarta Raya | ID.JK | JK | ID04 | 31 | 10-14 | +7 | 9,607,787 | 664 | 256 | Jakarta | JW |
Jambi | ID.JA | JA | ID05 | 15 | 36-37 | +7 | 3,092,265 | 53,437 | 20,632 | Jambi (Telanaipura) | SM |
Jawa Barat | ID.JR | JB | ID30 | 32 | 16-17,40-46 | +7 | 43,053,732 | 34,597 | 13,358 | Bandung | JW |
Jawa Tengah | ID.JT | JT | ID07 | 33 | 50-54,56-59 | +7 | 32,382,657 | 32,549 | 12,567 | Semarang | JW |
Jawa Timur | ID.JI | JI | ID08 | 35 | 60-69 | +7 | 37,476,757 | 47,922 | 18,503 | Surabaya | JW |
Kalimantan Barat | ID.KB | KB | ID11 | 61 | 78-79 | +7 | 4,395,983 | 146,807 | 56,682 | Pontianak | KA |
Kalimantan Selatan | ID.KS | KS | ID12 | 63 | 70-72 | +8 | 3,626,616 | 43,546 | 16,813 | Banjarmasin | KA |
Kalimantan Tengah | ID.KT | KT | ID13 | 62 | 73-74 | +7 | 2,212,089 | 153,564 | 59,291 | Palangkaraya | KA |
Kalimantan Timur | ID.KM | KI | ID14 | 64 | 75-77 | +8 | 3,553,143 | 230,277 | 88,910 | Samarinda | KA |
Kalimantan Utara | ID.KU | KU | ID42 | 65 | 75-77 | +8 | Tanjung Selor | KA | |||
Kepulauan Riau | ID.KR | KR | ID40 | 21 | 28-29 | +7 | 1,679,163 | Tanjung Pinang | SM | ||
Lampung | ID.LA | LA | ID15 | 18 | 34-35 | +7 | 7,608,405 | 35,384 | 13,662 | Bandar Lampung | SM |
Maluku | ID.MA | MA | ID28 | 81 | 97 | +9 | 1,533,506 | 46,975 | 18,137 | Ambon | ML |
Maluku Utara | ID.MU | MU | ID29 | 82 | 97 | +9 | 1,038,087 | 30,895 | 11,929 | Sofifi | ML |
Nusa Tenggara Barat | ID.NB | NB | ID17 | 52 | 83-84 | +8 | 4,500,212 | 20,153 | 7,781 | Mataram | NU |
Nusa Tenggara Timur | ID.NT | NT | ID18 | 53 | 85-87 | +8 | 4,683,827 | 47,351 | 18,282 | Kupang | NU |
Papua | ID.PA | PA | ID36 | 94 | 98-99 | +9 | 2,833,381 | 365,466 | 141,107 | Jayapura | PP |
Papua Barat | ID.IB | PB | ID39 | 91 | 98 | +9 | 760,422 | Manokwari | PP | ||
Riau | ID.RI | RI | ID37 | 14 | 28-29 | +7 | 5,538,367 | 94,560 | 36,510 | Pekanbaru | SM |
Sulawesi Barat | ID.SR | SR | ID41 | 76 | 91 | +8 | 1,158,651 | Mamuju | SL | ||
Sulawesi Selatan | ID.SE | SN | ID38 | 73 | 90-92 | +8 | 8,034,776 | 62,365 | 24,079 | Makassar | SL |
Sulawesi Tengah | ID.ST | ST | ID21 | 72 | 94 | +8 | 2,635,009 | 63,678 | 24,586 | Palu | SL |
Sulawesi Tenggara | ID.SG | SG | ID22 | 74 | 93 | +8 | 2,232,586 | 38,140 | 14,726 | Kendari | SL |
Sulawesi Utara | ID.SW | SA | ID31 | 71 | 95 | +8 | 2,270,596 | 15,273 | 5,897 | Manado | SL |
Sumatera Barat | ID.SB | SB | ID24 | 13 | 25-27 | +7 | 4,846,909 | 42,899 | 16,563 | Padang | SM |
Sumatera Selatan | ID.SL | SS | ID32 | 16 | 30-32 | +7 | 7,450,394 | 93,083 | 35,940 | Palembang | SM |
Sumatera Utara | ID.SU | SU | ID26 | 12 | 20-22 | +7 | 12,982,204 | 73,587 | 28,412 | Medan | SM |
Yogyakarta | ID.YO | YO | ID10 | 34 | 55 | +7 | 3,457,491 | 3,186 | 1,230 | Yogyakarta | JW |
34 divisions | 237,641,326 | 1,890,754 | 730,024 | ||||||||
Further subdivisions:
See the Regencies of Indonesia page.
The provinces are subdivided into kabupaten (regencies, or districts) and kotamadya (municipalities). The districts are further subdivided into kecamatan (sub-districts). ISO 3166-2 lists seven "geographical units". Basically, these are the major islands or island groups of Indonesia. They have no official standing, but are obvious groupings on a map.
Geo. unit | Code |
Jawa | JW |
Kalimantan | KA |
Maluku | ML |
Nusa Tenggara | NU |
Papua | PP |
Sulawesi | SL |
Sumatera | SM |
Territorial extent: 
Indonesia is a nation of many islands. All of the islands are entirely contained in Indonesia except for Kalimantan, New Guinea, and Timor. Kalimantan is shared with Brunei and Malaysia. New Guinea is shared with Papua New Guinea. Timor is shared with Timor-Leste. (Sebatik Island is also in both Indonesia and Malaysia, but here the border is just an extension of the border on Kalimantan across a narrow strait.) The only islands that have more than one province on them are Jawa, Kalimantan, New Guinea, Sulawesi, and Sumatera. For each province, I have listed the main islands it occupies, roughly in descending order of size.
- Aceh: Sumatera, Simeulue, Tuangku, We, Bangkaru
- Bali: Bali, Penida, Lembongan, Ceningan, Menjangan
- Bangka-Belitung: Bangka, Belitung, Lepar, Mendanau
- Banten: Jawa, Panaitan
- Bengkulu: Sumatera, Enggano
- Gorontalo: Sulawesi
- Jakarta Raya: Jawa
- Jambi: Sumatera
- Jawa Barat: Jawa
- Jawa Tengah: Jawa, Karimun Archipelago
- Jawa Timur: Jawa, Madura, Kangean Archipelago, Bawean, Sapudi, Barung, Raas, Masalembu Besar
- Kalimantan Barat: Kalimantan, Padangtikar, Maya, Karimata, Bawal, Gelam
- Kalimantan Selatan: Kalimantan, Laut, Sebuku, Laut Kecil, Masalembu Kecil
- Kalimantan Tengah: Kalimantan, Damar
- Kalimantan Timur: Kalimantan, Maratua, Kakaban
- Kalimantan Utara: Kalimantan, Mandul, Tarakan, the southern half of Sebatik, Bunyu
- Kepulauan Riau: Riau Archipelago, Lingga Archipelago, Anambas Islands, North and South Natuna Archipelagos, Tembelan Archipelago
- Lampung: Sumatera
- Maluku Utara: Halmahera (Gilolo), Morotai, Obi, Bacan, Makian, Tidore, Ternate.
- Maluku: Seram (Ceram), Aru Islands, Tanimbar or Timor Laut Islands, Buru, Sula Islands, Wetar, Kai Islands, Ambon, Babar Islands, Leti Islands
- Nusa Tenggara Barat: Sumbawa, Lombok, Moyo, Sangeang, Banta
- Nusa Tenggara Timur: Flores, Timor, Sumba, Alor, Lomblen, Roti, Pantar, Komodo, Savu, Adonara, Semau
- Papua: New Guinea, Yos Sudarso or Frederick Hendrik, Supiori Biak, Yapen, Numfoor
- Papua Barat: New Guinea, Waigeo, Misool, Salawati, Batanta, Kofiau, Adi, Rumberpon, Mioswaar, Roon, Gag
- Riau: Sumatera, Tebingtinggi, Rupat, Padang, Rangsan, Bengkalis
- Sulawesi Barat: Sulawesi
- Sulawesi Selatan: Sulawesi, Selayar, Tanahjampea, Bonerate Islands, Kalaotoa, Tanakeke, Sabalana Islands
- Sulawesi Tengah: Sulawesi, Peleng, Manui, Togian Islands, Banggai Islands
- Sulawesi Tenggara: Sulawesi, Buton, Muna, Kabaena, Wowoni, Wangiwangi, Binongko, Kaledupa, Siumpu
- Sulawesi Utara: Sulawesi, Talaud Islands, Sangihe Islands
- Sumatera Barat: Sumatera, Siberut, Sipura, South Pagai, North Pagai
- Sumatera Selatan: Sumatera
- Sumatera Utara: Sumatera, Nias, Tanahbala, Tanahmasa, Pini; also contains Samosir, a large island in Lake Toba on the island of Sumatera
- Yogyakarta: Jawa
The UN LOCODE page for Indonesia lists locations in the country, some of them with their latitudes and longitudes, some with their ISO 3166-2 codes for their subdivisions. This information can be put together to approximate the territorial extent of subdivisions.
Origins of names: 
- Aceh: Malay aci: beech tree
- Bali: possibly from Sanskrit bali: strong
- Borneo: Portuguese corruption of Brunei
- Irian Jaya: Malay irian: land covered with clouds, jaya: victory
- Jakarta Raya: Malay jaya: victory, karta: prosperous (old name Jayakarta); Bahasa Indonesia Raya: great (i.e. Greater Jakarta)
- Java: Sanskrit yavadvipa, from yava: barley, dvipa: island
- Sumatra: possibly from Sanskrit samudra: ocean
Change history: 
- 1900: Indonesia consisted of the Dutch colonies of Borneo, Celebes, Java, Moluccas, New Guinea, and Sumatra, and the Portuguese colony of Timor (actually occupying about half of the island of Timor, and some smaller nearby islands). Some of the colonies had divisions or residencies. Borneo's West Division was the same as Kalimantan Barat; the other three provinces on the island made up the South and East Division. Celebes was divided into Celebes, Menado, and Ternate divisions in this period. At the time of independence, Sumatra was divided into the residencies of Atjeh, Benkoelen, Djambi, Lampongs, Oostkust, Palembang, Tapanoeli, and Westkust.
- 1950-08-15: New provisional constitution changed the name of the country from United States of Indonesia to Republic of Indonesia, and divided it into ten provinces, whose English names were Borneo, Celebes, Central Java, Central Sumatra, East Java, Lesser Sunda Isles, Moluccas, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, and West Java. Capital renamed from Batavia to Jakarta.
- 1950: Yogyakarta special region split from Jawa Tengah (Central Java) province.
- 1956: Kalimantan province split into Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, and Kalimantan Timur provinces.
- 1957: Central Sumatra province split into Jambi, Riau, and Sumatera Barat provinces. Jakarta special district split from Jawa Barat province.
- 1958: Sunda Kecil (Lesser Sunda) province split into Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, and Nusa Tenggara Timur provinces. Kalimantan Tengah province split from Kalimantan Selatan.
- 1959-01-20: Capital of Riau province moved from Tanjung Pinang to Pekanbaru.
- 1960: Sulawesi province split into Sulawesi Selatan and Sulawesi Utara provinces.
- 1962-10-01: Netherlands New Guinea taken from Dutch administration by United Nations Temporary Executive Authority, renamed Irian Barat (West Irian). Its capital was renamed from Hollandia to Kotabaru.
- 1963-05-01: Irian Barat became a province of Indonesia.
- 1964: Lampung province split from Sumatera Selatan; Sulawesi Tengah province split from Sulawesi Utara; Sulawesi Tenggara province split from Sulawesi Selatan.
- ~1966: Name of capital of Aceh changed from Kutaradja to Banda Atjeh; name of capital of Irian Barat changed from Kotabaru to Sukarnapura; name of capital of Jambi changed from Jambi to Telanaipura; capital of Riau moved from Tandjungpinang to Pekanbaru; capital of Sumatera Barat moved from Bukittinggi to Padang.
- 1967: Bengkulu province split from Sumatera Selatan.
- 1969: Name of capital of Irian Barat changed from Sukarnapura to Jayapura.
- 1971: Name of capital of Sulawesi Selatan changed from Makassar to Ujung Pandang.
- 1972-08-17: Spelling reform inaugurated by presidential decree. Name of Djakarta changed to Jakarta. Other name changes followed at intervals. The change was supposed to be completed by 1973-01-01. The purpose was to align Indonesian spelling with Malaysian. Other displaced spellings were Atjeh (changed to Aceh), Djambi (Jambi), and Djawa (Jawa) in province names, Djajapura (Jayapura), Surabaja (Surabaya), Bandjarmasin (Banjarmasin), Palangkaraja (Palangkaraya), Tandjungkarang (Tanjungkarang), and Udjung (Ujung) in capital names.
- 1973: Name of Irian Barat province changed to Irian Jaya.
- ~1974: Sulawesi Selatan province (capital Ujung Pandang) split into Sulawesi Selatan and Sulawesi Tenggara; Sulawesi Utara province (capital Manado) split into Sulawesi Tengah and Sulawesi Utara; Bengkulu and Lampung provinces split from Sumatera Selatan; territory transferred from Jambi to Sumatera Barat, depriving Jambi of access to the west coast.
- 1976-07-17: Indonesia annexed Portuguese Timor as Loro Sae province.
- ~1977: Capital of Kalimantan Tengah moved from Pahandut to Palangkaraya; name of Loro Sae province changed to Timor Timur (East Timor).
- 1983: Tanjungkarang, the former capital of Lampung province, was amalgamated with the neighboring city of Telukbetung. The joined city was briefly called Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung, but was then renamed Bandar Lampung. Since then, Panjang has also been absorbed into the city.
- 1999-09-16: Maluku Utara province split from Maluku (former GEC code
). Its capital was Ternate. Indonesia code82
was assigned to Maluku Utara instead of Irian Jaya; Irian Jaya, in turn, was assigned three codes for the projected three provinces into which it was to be divided. Irian Jaya Barat was given the code91
, Irian Jaya Tengah92
, and Irian Jaya Timur93
. - 1999-11-12: Name of capital of Sulawesi Selatan changed from Ujung Pandang to Makassar.
- 2000-10-06: Banten province split from Jawa Barat (former HASC code
, GEC codeID06
). - 2000-11-21: Bangka-Belitung province split from Sumatera Selatan (former GEC code
). - 2000-12-05: Gorontalo province split from Sulawesi Utara (former HASC code
, GEC codeID23
). - 2001-12-22: Name of Irian Jaya province (former ISO code
) changed to Papua. - 2002-01-01: Special autonomy laws for Aceh and Papua provinces took effect. Apparently this is the date on which the formal name of Aceh changed from Daerah Istimewa Aceh to Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Nanggroe is Acehnese for "state". Darussalam comes from Arabic dar as-salam: house of peace.
- 2002-05-20: Timur Timor province completed the process of becoming independent from Indonesia,
receiving its sovereignty from the UNTAET (United Nations Transitional Administration for East
Timor). As part of Indonesia, its HASC code had been
, and it had been in the Nusa Tenggara geographical unit. - 2002-09-24: Kepulauan Riau province split from Riau (former HASC code
, GEC codeID19
). It consists of the kabupaten of Karimun, Kepulauan Riau, Lingga, and Natuna, and the kotamadya of Batam and Tanjung Pinang, and its capital is Tanjung Pinang. The government of the new province was inaugurated on 2004-07-01. It met temporarily in Batam until the capital was ready. - 2003-11-14: Irian Jaya Barat, or Papua Barat, or West Papua province split from Papua (former
HASC code
, GEC codeID09
). See source [2] for more details. - 2004-10-16: Sulawesi Barat province split from Sulawesi Selatan (former HASC code
, GEC codeID20
). It consists of the kabupaten of Majene, Mamasa, Mamuju, Mamuju Utara, and Polewali Mandar. - ~2006: Statistics Indonesia code for Kepulauan Riau changed from
; code for Irian Jaya Barat changed from95
. - 2007-02-07: Name of Irian Jaya Barat province changed to Papua Barat.
- 2010-08-04: Capital of Maluku Utara moved from Ternate City to Sofifi.
- 2013-04-15: Kalimantan Utara province split from Kalimantan Timur (former HASC code
). It consists of the kabupaten of Bulungan, Malinau, Nunukan, and Tana Tidung, and the kotamadya of Tarakan.
Other names of subdivisions: 
In most Western European languages, the names for the islands of Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa, and Sulawesi, respectively, are Sumatra, Borneo (French: Bornéo), Java (Turkish: Cava), and Celebes (French: Célèbes, Portuguese: Célebes, Turkish: Selebes). Nusa Tenggara is sometimes translated as Lesser Sunda Islands (French: Îles de la Sonde), and Maluku used to be better known in the West as the Molucca Islands. If province names are translated, it's usually only by translating the name of one of those islands and a compass point. Barat is West, Selatan is South, Tengah is Central, Tenggara is Southeast, Timur is East, and Utara is North. For example, German for Sumatera Barat is Westsumatra; Italian for Jawa Tengah is Java centrale; Portuguese for Sulawesi Utara is Célebes Setentrionais or Célebes do Norte. See the table of compass points in the introduction to the book "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries".
The Digital Atlas of Indonesian History (source [12]) has a page that explains some of the spelling inconsistencies found in Indonesian place names.
The longer province names are often contracted or abbreviated in Bahasa Indonesia texts, and the abbreviations are consistent enough to list here.
- Aceh: Achin, Atjeh (obsolete); NAD (abbreviation); Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (formal)
- Bangka-Belitung: Babel (abbreviation); Kepulauan Bangka Belitung (formal)
- Bengkulu: Bencoolen, Benkoelen, Benkulen (obsolete)
- Irian Jaya: Irian Barat, West Irian (variants); Nederlands Nieuw Guinea (Dutch-obsolete); Netherlands New Guinea (obsolete); Nouvelle Guinée Occidentale (French-obsolete); West-Neuguinea (German-obsolete)
- Jakarta Raya: Cakarta (Turkish); Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (formal); DKI Jakarta (abbreviation); Gran Yakarta (Spanish)
- Jawa Barat: Jabar (abbreviation)
- Jawa Tengah: Jateng (abbreviation)
- Jawa Timur: Jatim (abbreviation)
- Kalimantan Barat: Kalbar (abbreviation)
- Kalimantan Selatan: Kalsel (abbreviation)
- Kalimantan Tengah: Kalteng (abbreviation)
- Kalimantan Timur: Kaltim (abbreviation)
- Kalimantan Utara: Kaltara (abbreviation)
- Kepulauan Riau: Kepri (abbreviation)
- Maluku: Molucas (Portuguese, Spanish); Moluccas (obsolete); Molucche (Italian); Moluckerna (Swedish); Moluques (French); Molukken (Dutch, German); Molukkene (Norwegian)
- Maluku Utara: Malut (abbreviation)
- Nusa Tenggara Barat: NTB (abbreviation)
- Nusa Tenggara Timur: NTT (abbreviation)
- Papua Barat: Irian Jaya Barat (obsolete)
- Riau: Rhio, Riou, Riouw (obsolete)
- Sulawesi Barat: Sulbar (abbreviation)
- Sulawesi Selatan: Sulsel (abbreviation)
- Sulawesi Tengah: Sulteng (abbreviation)
- Sulawesi Tenggara: Sultra (abbreviation)
- Sulawesi Utara: Sulut (abbreviation)
- Sumatera Barat: Sumbar (abbreviation)
- Sumatera Selatan: Sumsel (abbreviation)
- Sumatera Utara: Sumut (abbreviation)
- Yogyakarta: Daista Yogyakarta, DIY (abbreviation)
Population history:
Province | 1961-10-31 | 1971-09-24 | 1980-10-31 | 1990-10-31 | 2000-06-30 | 2010-05-15 |
Aceh | 1,628,983 | 2,008,918 | 2,611,271 | 3,416,156 | 3,930,905 | 4,494,410 |
Bali | 1,782,529 | 2,120,338 | 2,469,930 | 2,777,811 | 3,151,162 | 3,890,757 |
Bangka-Belitung | 900,197 | 1,223,296 | ||||
Banten | 8,098,780 | 10,632,166 | ||||
Bengkulu | 519,366 | 768,064 | 1,179,122 | 1,567,432 | 1,715,518 | |
Gorontalo | 835,044 | 1,040,164 | ||||
Jakarta Raya | 2,906,533 | 4,576,009 | 6,503,449 | 8,259,266 | 8,389,443 | 9,607,787 |
Jambi | 744,381 | 1,006,084 | 1,445,994 | 2,020,568 | 2,413,846 | 3,092,265 |
Jawa Barat | 17,614,555 | 21,632,684 | 27,453,525 | 35,384,352 | 35,729,537 | 43,053,732 |
Jawa Tengah | 18,407,471 | 21,877,081 | 25,372,889 | 28,520,643 | 31,228,940 | 32,382,657 |
Jawa Timur | 21,823,020 | 25,526,714 | 29,188,852 | 32,503,991 | 34,783,640 | 37,476,757 |
Kalimantan Barat | 1,581,034 | 2,019,936 | 2,486,068 | 3,229,153 | 4,034,198 | 4,395,983 |
Kalimantan Selatan | 1,473,155 | 1,699,105 | 2,064,649 | 2,597,572 | 2,985,240 | 3,626,616 |
Kalimantan Tengah | 496,522 | 699,589 | 954,353 | 1,396,486 | 1,857,000 | 2,212,089 |
Kalimantan Timur | 550,764 | 733,536 | 1,218,016 | 1,876,663 | 2,455,120 | 3,553,143 |
Kepulauan Riau | 1,679,163 | |||||
Lampung | 2,777,085 | 4,624,785 | 6,017,573 | 6,741,439 | 7,608,405 | |
Maluku | 789,534 | 1,088,945 | 1,411,006 | 1,857,790 | 1,205,539 | 1,533,506 |
Maluku Utara | 785,059 | 1,038,087 | ||||
Nusa Tenggara Barat | 1,807,830 | 2,202,333 | 2,724,664 | 3,369,649 | 4,009,261 | 4,500,212 |
Nusa Tenggara Timur | 1,967,297 | 2,294,945 | 2,737,166 | 3,268,644 | 3,952,279 | 4,683,827 |
Papua | 758,396 | 923,440 | 1,173,875 | 1,648,708 | 2,220,934 | 2,833,381 |
Papua Barat | 760,422 | |||||
Riau | 1,234,984 | 1,651,591 | 2,168,535 | 3,303,976 | 4,957,627 | 5,538,367 |
Sulawesi Barat | 1,158,651 | |||||
Sulawesi Selatan | 5,076,138 | 5,189,227 | 6,062,212 | 6,981,646 | 8,059,627 | 8,034,776 |
Sulawesi Tengah | 913,662 | 1,289,635 | 1,711,327 | 2,218,435 | 2,635,009 | |
Sulawesi Tenggara | 714,120 | 942,302 | 1,349,619 | 1,821,284 | 2,232,586 | |
Sulawesi Utara | 2,003,211 | 1,718,155 | 2,115,384 | 2,478,119 | 2,012,098 | 2,270,596 |
Sumatera Barat | 2,319,057 | 2,793,196 | 3,406,816 | 4,000,207 | 4,248,931 | 4,846,909 |
Sumatera Selatan | 4,847,224 | 3,443,749 | 4,629,801 | 6,313,074 | 6,899,675 | 7,450,394 |
Sumatera Utara | 4,964,734 | 6,622,693 | 8,360,894 | 10,256,027 | 11,649,655 | 12,982,204 |
Timor Timur | 610,270 | 555,350 | 747,750 | |||
Yogyakarta | 2,241,477 | 2,489,998 | 2,750,813 | 2,913,054 | 3,122,268 | 3,457,491 |
Totals | 97,018,829 | 119,852,769 | 147,490,298 | 179,378,946 | 206,264,595 | 237,641,326 |
Note: In all censuses before 2010, Kepulauan Riau is included in Riau; Papua Barat is included in Papua; Sulawesi Barat is included in Sulawesi Selatan. In all censuses before 2000, Bangka-Belitung is included in Sumatera Selatan; Banten is included in Jawa Barat; Gorontalo is included in Sulawesi Utara; Maluku Utara is included in Maluku. In 1961, Bengkulu and Lampung are included in Sumatera Selatan; Sulawesi Tengah is included in Sulawesi Utara; Sulawesi Tenggara is included in Sulawesi Selatan.
- [1] Daftar Nama Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota Menurut
Dasar Hukum Pembentukan Wilayah
is Statistics Indonesia's list of province and regency codes, dated 2007-01, retrieved 2008-08-13.
- [2] "Supplement to: Indonesia Population &
Administrative Divisions
", Permanent Committee on Geographical Names (United Kingdom), 2005-06 (retrieved 2005-09-15) has a more detailed account of Irian Jaya Barat's tortuous path to provincehood.
- [3] Indonesia - OCHA Consolidated Situation
Report No. 124
, UN Office For The Coordination Of Humanitarian Affairs, 2003-04-17 (retrieved 2005-10-16). See under NORTH MALUKU: General Situation.
- [4] Library of Congress country
(retrieved 1999).
- [5] Rõll, Werner. "Indonesien". 1981.
- [6] Statistical Year Book of Indonesia 1986. Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta.
- [7] Nitisastro, Widjojo. "Population Trends in Indonesia". 1970.
- [8] North
Kalimantan becomes 34th province
," The Jakarta Post (dated 2012-10-27, retrieved 2012-11-03).
- [9] 2001 census report, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). (dead link, retrieved 2004-02-09).
- [10] Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research, Harvard University. (dead link, retrieved 2002-12-12).
- [11], a tourist site (dead link, retrieved 2003-07-13).
- [12] Place-Name
Spelling Issues
, Digital Atlas of Indonesian History (retrieved 2010-12-18).
- [13] 2010 Population Census
, Badan Pusat Statistik (retrieved 2012-12-27).