
SWRD Bandaranaike - The 4th Prime Minister of Sri Lanka


His speeches, and video documentary


Important events of his life and his time


His Life, family and journey in politics

From the Picture Gallery

The SWRD Bandaranaike Museum is located at the BMICH and is open to the public everyday except on Mondays and public holidays.

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Speeches & WritingsPictures
Acts of ParliamentSite text

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51st Death Anniversary
The 51st death anniversary of Prime Minister SWRD Bandaranaike (more..)

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official web site of swrd bandaranaike. commisioned by the swrd bandaranaike museum. 2011. Some rights reserved.
23.5 BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka T +94 11 2238412 info@swrdbandaranaike.org Site Map | Privacy Policy