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About the Collector, Jack Daulton
Mathilde Ade, drawings for Meggendorfer-Blätter, c. 1900
Mathilde Ade, Self-Portrait I, c. 1910
Mathilde Ade, Self-Portrait II, c. 1910
Alastair, Woman in Evening Gown, c. 1910
Alastair, Woman Wearing Robe and Hat, c. 1910
Alastair, The Peacock, c. 1910
Christian Wilhelm Allers, Self-Portrait with Monkeys, 1885
Christian Wilhelm Allers, The Prince and the Fairy, 1885
Heinrich Assmann, Salome, 1914
Franz von Bayros, Ode to Dante, 1920
Franz von Bayros, Sensual Dance (Pan), c. 1920
Franz von Bayros, Woman with Marabous, before 1925
Marcus Behmer, Princess Kolibri, 1903
Karl Friedrich Bell, Self-Portrait with Devil, c. 1910
Tita Binz, Portrait of Käthe Kollwitz, 1936-37
Emil Bizer, Etchings, c. 1917-21
Emil Bizer, Spielerei (Self-Portrait), 1921
Gustavo Bonaventura, Portrait of Hugo Erfurth, 1911
Carl Alexander Brendel, woodcuts
Gottfried Bretscher, Gespenster (Ghosts), 1910
August Brömse, Tod und Mӓdchen 1
August Brömse, Self-Portraits, c. 1911
Hans Adolf Bühler, The Eternal Stream, 1921
Luise Danker, The Fleeting Thought, c. 1910
Luise Danker, On Death, c. 1910-26
Luise Danker, Miscellaneous Etchings, c. 1910-26
Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach, Ecce Homo
K. W. Diefenbach, Sphinx, after 1896
K. W. Diefenbach, photo portrait of Fidus, c. 1888
Stefan Eggeler, Old Houses, woodcuts, 1912-13
Hans Eggimann, Demons of Passion, 1912
Otmar Engelhard, Amor (after Franz von Stuck), 1931
Hugo Erfurth, Portrait of dancer Gertud Leistikow, c. 1914
Georg Erler, The Sleep of Death, c. 1909
Fidus at Humanitas commune, Höllriegelskreuth, c. 1888
Fidus, Niemand kann zween Herren dienen, 1900
Fidus, Tempel der Lucifer, 1892
Fidus, Schwangere Stille, 1893
Fidus, Der Stern der Sintflut, 1893
Fidus, Romanischer Tauftempel, 1895
attestation of professional name, 1896
Fidus, Die Halle der Ergebung, 1897
Fidus, Luzifer studies, c. 1898
Fidus, Astral-Cosmic Vision, c. 1900
Fidus, Menu for Vegetarian Restaurant, 1905
Fidus, Young Man Hugging Thorns, before 1904
Fidus, Astralpsychologische, 1907
Fidus, Ravine in Albiskette near Zurich, 1907
Fidus, Study for Ausgießung Tempel, 1911
Fidus, Ausgießung Tempel, 1911
Fidus, Studies for Hygiene Poster, 1912
Fidus, Luziferischer Wille, 1914
Fidus, The Demanding Sister, 1936
Fidus, study for The Demanding Sister, 1936
Fidus, Birkenallee near Fidushaus, photos, 1910-40
Fidus, The Artist's Death, photographs, 1948
Franz Fiedler, Portraits of artist Georg Gelbke, 1920s
Ernst Philipp Fleischer, Loki's Punishment, c. 1900
Trude Fleischmann, misc. portrait photographs
Hans Franck, Tod und Leben, 1911
Adolf Frey-Moock, Sphinx, 1910
Walther Gasch, Traumsehnsucht (Dream Yearning), 1914
Walther Gasch, Brunhild Awakens, 1914
Willi Geiger, St. Sebastian, 1914
Willi Geiger, Portrait of Heinrich Mann, 1921
Andreas Gering, Der Krieg (The War), 1916
Andreas Gering, Etchings and Lithographs, 1916-17
Marie Gey-Heinze, Frühling (Spring), c. 1907
Wilhelm von Gloeden, Cain, 1900
Bruno Goldschmitt, Esther, 1918
Paul Grabwinkler, Praying Lady
Otto Greiner, Studies for Homage to Beauty, 1890
Otto Greiner, Mounted Archer, 1896
Otto Greiner, Dante in Hell, 1896
Otto Greiner, Vom Weib, 1898-1900
Otto Greiner, Hexenschule, 1907
Otto Greiner, Klinger portrait, 1914
Christian Griepenkerl, Hernstein Palace mural, 1868
Hermann Grom-Rottmayer, Werden-Sein-Gewesen, 1910
George Grosz, Illustration to Rachilde's Liebesturm, 1916
Wenzel Hablik, Visionary Landscape with Two Men, 1915
Viktor Hammer, Portraits of Lilly and Hugo Steiner, 1916
Felix Albrecht Harta, Portrait of Josef Hoffmann
Louis Held, Portrait of Liszt, 1885
Louis Held, Portrait of dancer Anita Kindermann, c. 1920
Stephanie Held-Ludwig, Atelier Veritas, c. 1910
Artur Hennig, Child and Flowers, c. 1912
Bruno Héroux, When the Devil holds a Wedding, 1940
Paul Herrmann, Self-Portrait, 1912
Paul Herrmann, Traum, sheet I, Phantasieen cycle
Paul Herrmann, Zeit, sheet II, Phantasieen cycle
Paul Herrmann, Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit, sheet 3, Phantasieen cycle
Paul Herrmann, Wehmut (Melancholy), sheet IV, Phantasieen cycle
Paul Herrmann, Krieg, sheet V, Phantasieen cycle
Paul Herrmann, Friede, sheet VI, Phantasieen cycle
Paul Herrmann, Playful Mermaid, 1897
Paul Herrmann, Seated Female Nude (Medusa model), 1929
Aura Hertwig-Brendel, Portrait of Hans Thoma
Clara Hesse, Art Nouveau Glass Designs, 1909
Clara Hesse, Carpet Design, 1904
Clara Hesse, Dragonfly Postcard, c. 1900-10
Jacob Hilsdorf, Melchior Lechter portrait, 1903
Jacob Hilsdorf, Portrait of Stefan George, 1910
Theodor Hilsdorf, Stefan George portrait, 1929
Rolf von Hoerschelmann, Self-Portraits
Ludwig von Hofmann, Frühlingserwachen (Adam and Eve), 1892
Ludwig von Hofmann, Angel of Death, 1894
Athur Illies, Lorelei (Siren), c. 1899
Arthur Illies, Nixe (Mermaid or Siren), 1898
Arthur Illies, Self-Portrait, 1920
Otto Illies, Mountain Landscape, 1910
Jettmar, La Febbre (Malaria), 1895/96
Rudolf Jettmar, The Hunt (Die Jagd), 1896
Rudolf Jettmar, The Expulsion from Paradise, 1897
Rudolf Jettmar, After the Fall
Jettmar, drawings for Ver Sacrum, 1898-1902
Jettmar, Chariot of Hell, 1900
Jettmar, Die Bildhauerei (The Sculpture), 1904
Rudolf Jettmar, Fall of Phaeton, 1905
Rudolf Jettmar, study for The Storm, 1906
Rudolf Jettmar, Orpheus Rescuing Eurydice, 1907
Rudolf Jettmar, Lucifer, 1938?
Rudolf Jettmar, Etchings, from 1897 on
Eric Johansson, Young Woman Wearing Flamboyant Hat, 1912
Eric Johansson, Portrait of Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, 1920
Friedrich August von Kaulbach, The Dream Dancer, 1904
Tyra Kleen, Parfum Orientale, 1907
Julius Klinger, Mermaid and Octopus, 1907
Max Klinger, Die Darwinsche Theorie, 1875
Max Klinger, Judgment on Child Killer, 1877
Max Klinger 1, Nocturnal Reading (Mephisto), 1879
Max Klinger, German Trade Day Medal, 1911
various artists, Portraits of Max Klinger
Albert Klingner, Internationale Kunstausstellung Dresden, 1901
Frantisek Kobliha, Tristan cycle, 1909-10
Frantisek Kobliha, Woman cycle, 1910-11
Frantisek Kobliha, Women of My Dreams series, 1913
Frantisek Kobliha, Salambo I, 1918
Hedwig Kruse, Early Wind, c. 1920
Alfred Kubin, Bad Dream, 1915-20
Frantisek Kupka, La Voie du Silence II, 1903
Hans Lang, Anthropomorphic Insects, c. 1923-33
Melchior Lechter, Woman in Profile with Halo, 1928
Franz von Lenbach, Portrait of writer Paul Heyse, c.1860-70
Lucien Levy-Dhurmer, Woman with Dove
Alfred Liebing, Siesta (Nereid Resting), c. 1910
Wilhelm List, Self-Portrait in Atelier, 1898
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, Two Heads, 1929
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, Maria (Bohemian Madonna), 1918
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, Death and Sinner, 1918
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, Salomé I, 1918
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, Salomé II, 1921
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, Potiphar, 1922
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, portrait of, 1920
Corneille Max, Portrait of Dora Gedon, before 1925
Gabriel von Max, Purgatory, 1885
Gabriel von Max, Per Aspera, 1898
Gabriel von Max, Death and the Maiden, 1901
Gabriel von Max, Phantom Katie King, 1897
Gabriel von Max, Phantom Katie King 2, c. 1900-15
Gabriel von Max, Nightmare, c. 1860
Gabriel von Max, Woman in a Trance
Gabriel von Max, Mermaid, c. 1880
Gertrud Mediz, Portrait of Emilie Mediz-Pelikan, 1909
Gertrud Mediz, Emilie Mediz in the Spirit World, 1910
Gertrud Mediz, In the Wave, 1911
Gertrud Mediz, Ein Traum (A Dream), 1914
Gertrud Mediz, Forest Ghost, 1912
Karl Mediz, Portrait of Gertrud Mediz in a Trance, 1911
Karl Mediz, Portrait of Daughter Gertrud, c. 1913-14
Karl Mediz, Portrait of Daughter Gertrud, 1915
Karl Mediz, Portrait of Gertrud Mediz at Age 6, 1899
Karl Mediz, Portrait of Gertrud Mediz at Age 20, 1913
Adolph von Menzel, Paul Heyse's Mother on Deathbed
Richard Müller, Prometheus, 1914
Richard Müller, Wife on Deathbed, 1947
Richard Müller, The Marabou, 1910
Georg Oehme, Self-Portrait, 1910
Willy Oertel, Dämmerung (Dusk), c.1900
Max Oppenheimer, Portrait of Tilla Durieux, 1925
Madame D'Ora, Portrait of Madame Domergue, c. 1920
Madame d'Ora, Fashion Photograph, c. 1925
Madame d'Ora, Portrait of Foujita, 1927
Emil Orlik, Portrait of Gustav Mahler, 1902
Emil Orlik, Portrait of Conrad Veidt, c. 1920
Cornelia Paczka, Self-Portrait, 1898
Nicola Perscheid, Hindenburg, 1915
Nicola Perscheid, Portrait of Max Klinger, 1902
Nicola Perscheid, Portrait of Max von Baden, c. 1910
Eugen Pflaumer, Designs for Silver Jewelry, 1904
Max Pietschmann, Nymphe Study, 1891
Mäda Gertrude Primavesi, Portrait of Anton Hanak, 1910-15
Odilon Redon, Sainte et Chardon, 1891
Carl Anton Reichel, Esoteric etchings, 1913-20
Carl Anton Reichel, Woman in Trance, mixed media
Gertraud Reinberger-Brausewetter, woodcuts, 1920s
Johann Baptist Reiter, Portrait of Artist's Daughter, 1877
Johann Baptist Reiter, Portrait of the Artist's Son, 1877
Enrico Resta, The Sphinx (Portrait of Madame Blavatsky), 1889
Otto Rietmann, Portrait of Rudolf Steiner, 1916
Christian Rohlfs, Antique Scene (Circe), c. 1890
Felicien Rops, Satan Sowing Tares, 1882
Felicien Rops, At a Dinner of Atheists, 1886
Felicien Rops, La Grande Lyre, 1887
Felicien Rops, Pornokrates, 1896
Arild Rosenkrantz, Ruins in Twilight, 1915
Alexander Rothaug, Satyr Playing Flute, 1898
Alexander Rothaug, Dancing Boy, c. 1900
Alexander Rothaug, Odysseus Longing for Home, c. 1910
Alexander Rothaug, Study for Odysseus Longing for Home, c. 1910
Alexander Rothaug, Study for Helen Discovered by Menelaus
Alexander Rothaug, Portrait of the Artist's Wife
Alexander Rothaug, Aphrodite, 1910
Alexander Rothaug, Salomé, c. 1910
Alexander Rothaug, Daphne, 1912
Alexander Rothaug, By the River of Time, c. 1912
Alexander Rothaug, White Nights, 1918
Alexander Rothaug, Apollo Sending out the Plague Arrows, c. 1920
Alexander Rothaug, Before the Flood, c. 1921
Alexander Rothaug, The Flood, circa 1921
Alexander Rothaug, Siegfried Killing Fafner
Alexander Rothaug, Fruits of the Sea, 1930
Alexander Rothaug, pencil study for Fruits of the Sea
Alexander Rothaug, Sketchbook 1, circa 1930
Alexander Rothaug, Sketchbook 2
Alexander Rothaug, St. Lucy, Martyred, holding her Eyeballs
Alexander Rothaug, Nessos Dying, c. 1930
Alexander Rothaug, Die verlassene Nixe, 1932
Alexander Rothaug, Dido, before 1935
Alexander Rothaug, Dido Grieving Over the Departure of Aeneas, before 1938
Alexander Rothaug, Death of Achilles
Alexander Rothaug, Perseus and Andromeda
Alexander Rothaug, Hero Awaiting Leander
Alexander Rothaug, Woman in a Trance
Alexander Rothaug, Study for Ariadne auf Naxos
Alexander Rothaug, Studies of Oreithyia
Alexander Rothaug, Eve and the Apple
Alexander Rothaug, Eve in Paradise
Alexander Rothaug, Studies of a Winged God (Eros)
Alexander Rothaug, Centaur in Forest with Nymph
Charlotte Rudolph, Self-Portrait, 1936
Ivo Saliger, Die Röntgenstrahlen (The X-Rays)
Otto Sander-Herweg, Salome, 1915
August Schädler, Faunritt, c. 1910
Leopold Scheiring, Storm Over Haller Anger, c. 1915-20
Franz Schensky, Sea View, Helgoland, c. 1910
Jakub Schikaneder, Figure Amongst the Trees, 1900-10
Heinrich Hans Schlimarsky, Amor and Psyche, before 1913
Sascha Schneider, Grave Statue of Oskar Zwintscher, 1916
Fritz Schwimbeck, Lux in Tenebris, 1913
Fritz Schwimbeck, Tod im All, study for Plate IV of portfolio Werden-Vergehen, 1913
Fritz Schwimbeck, Das Opfer, 1915
Fritz Schwimbeck, Shiva, study for Plate VI of portfolio Werden-Vergehen, 1915
Fritz Schwimbeck, Eternity, 1918
Fritz Schwimbeck, Madonna of the Brothel, 1918
Fritz Schwimbeck, Strange Landscape, c. 1910s
Fritz Schwimbeck, Lady Macbeth Sleepwalking, 1920
Herrmann Seeger, Portraits of the Artist's Daughter Ilse, c. 1908
Paul von Spaun, The Coast of Capri, 1906
Ferdinand Staeger, Self-Portraits
Friedrich Stahl, Dance of Salome, 1912
Franz Stassen, Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), c. 1916
Karl Stauffer-Bern, Portrait of Lydia Welti, 1887
Karl Stauffer-Bern, Portrait of Emil Welti
Karl Stauffer-Bern, Portrait of Sophie, 1885
Lilly Steiner, Radierclub Wiener Künstlerinnen, 1911
Lilly Steiner, Girl with a Bow, 1916
Portrait of Lilly Steiner, 1916
Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical seal brooches, 1910-11
Edmund Steppes, Staffelsee Dream, 1923
Ernst Stöhr, Self-Portrait, c. 1880s
Ernst Stöhr, Winter-Seele (Ver Sacrum), 1901
Franz von Stuck, Self-Portrait etching, 1894
Franz von Stuck, Die Kunst für Alle, 1906
Franz von Stuck, Study for "Crucifixion," 1912
Franz von Stuck, Secession Poster
Franz von Stuck, Die Sinnlichkeit (Sensuality) etching, proofs, 1891
Stanislaus Stückgold, Portrait of Dr. Trapesnikow, 1912
Stanislaus Stückgold, Portrait of Albert Steffen, 1915
Stanislaus Stückgold, Self-Portrait
Eugen Sturm-Skrla, Traum, 1914
Ida Teichmann, Self-Portrait, c. 1910
Ida Teichmann, Self-Portrait with Daughter, 1908
Ida Teichmann, Three Girls Playing, c. 1920
Ida Teichmann, Ball Game, c. 1920
Ida Teichmann, Woman holding Girl, c. 1920
Ida Teichmann, Eight Lithographs, c. 1913-1925
Hans Thoma, Apollo and Diana, 1887
Hans Thoma, Centaur at Waterfall, 1892
Hans Thoma, Nereid at Sunrise, 1897
Tetjus Otto Tügel, Madonna Pierrot, 1915
Tetjus Otto Tügel, Earthly Resurrection, 1936
Joseph Uhl, Flower Meadow painting, 1918
Joseph Uhl, Dämon Sinnlichkeit (Demon Sensuality), c. 1910
Joseph Uhl, Erwachen (Awakening), c. 1913
Helga Maria Ultzmann, Fashion Designs
Hans Unger, Self-Portrait, 1932
Hans Unger, Tino Pattiera as Cavaradossi, 1922
Hans Unger, Floral Still Life, 1926
Unidentified Artist, Portrait of E. T. A. Hoffmann, c. 1820
Unidentified Dresden Artist, Slumbering Butterfly, 1910
Unidentified German Artist, Sin, c. 1900
Eduard Veith, Self-Portrait, 1876
Eduard Veith, Self-Portrait, 1924
Eduard Veith, Chronos, c. 1900
Eduard Veith, Woman with Mirror, 1899
Heinrich Vogeler, portraits of
John Jack Vrieslander, Woman in a Fantastic Landscape
Richard Wintzer, Gabriel Max's Atelier, 1885
Hermann Wöhler, Mysterium Magnum, c. 1930
Hermann Wöhler, Frühe Landschaft, c.1918
Hermann Wöhler, Enchanted Forest, 1925-30
Hermann Wöhler, Island of the Blessed, 1914
Hermann Wöhler, Sieben Dämmerungen (Seven Twilights), 1931
Sulamith Wülfing, Sleeping Fairy, 1943
Fritz Zalisz, Portrait of Ernst Haeckel, 1918
Fritz Zalisz, Portrait of Max Klinger, c. 1915
Augusta von Zitzewitz, Canal Landscape with Couple, 1912
Augusta von Zitzewitz, Self-Portrait, c. 1910
Portrait of O. Zwintscher, Gelbke 1916
Oskar Zwintscher, Christmas Portfolio from his Students, 1910
Oskar Zwintscher, Letter from Rilke, 15 January 1902
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Alastair (Karlsruhe 1887-1969 Munich), pseudonym of Hans Henning Otto Harry Baron von Voigt
The Peacock
circa 1910
gouache and ink on paper
30 x 23,6 cm
framed (framed dimensions 62,5 x 55,5 cm)
The Daulton Collection
Victor Arwas Gallery, Editions Graphiques Ltd., London (label attached to the reverse of the frame). Editions Graphiques Gallery was run by Victor Arwas (1937-2010), specializing in Art Deco and Art Nouveau works.
The Estate of Jill and Michael Barrington, UK, purchased from the above in 1999
Exhibition History:
"Beautiful Decadence," Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo, 1997; Nara Sogo Museum of Art, Nara, 1998; The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu, 1998 (label attached to the reverse of the frame). The touring exhibition "Beautiful Decadence" featured the works of Alastair alongside Aubrey Beardsley, Charles Ricketts, Laurence Housman, Harry Clarke, Sidney Herbert Sime, Willy Pogany, and Arthur Rackham.
Publication History:
Beautiful Decadence (Tokyo, Japan: Commitee for "Aubrey Beardsley and His Contemporaries" Exhibition, 1997), exhibition catalogue (bilingual, Japanese and English), cat. no. 185, ill. at pg. 174.
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The Daulton Collection