
Technical Committee T13 AT Attachment | Technical Committee T13 AT Attachment

Technical Committee T13* is responsible for all interface standards relating to the popular AT Attachment (ATA) storage interface utilized as the disk drive interface on most personal and mobile computers today.

The charter of Technical Committee T13 is to provide a public forum for the development and enhancement of storage interface standards for high volume personal computers. The work of T13 is open to all materially impacted individuals and organizations.

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T13 is a Technical Committee for the InterNational Committee on Information Technology Standards (INCITS). INCITS is accredited by, and operates under rules approved by, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). These rules are designed to ensure that voluntary standards are developed by the consensus of directly and materially affected interests. INCITS develops Information Processing System standards, while ANSI approves the process under which they are developed and publishes them. The INCITS web site may be accessed at http://www.incits.org/. Of particular interest is the INCITS Antitrust Policy.

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