[News]Jaedong successfully negotiates w/Hwaseung!

  • ️Wed Sep 16 2009

l10f *

United States3241 Posts

The Results of Free Agency 2009

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'Tyrant' (Z)Jaedong successfully re-contracted with his original team Hwaseung OZ.

After the first negotiations with Hwaseung (Z)Jaedong declared free agency. However, all 10 gaming teams gave up on bidding for him, and he almost lost his life as a progamer.

However, during the 2nd negotiation period with his original team, (Z)Jaedong and his parents talked a lot and finally succeeded in re-contracting with Hwaseung.

Hwaseung's agent said "After endless attempts to re-contract (Z)Jaedong, we were able to come up with acceptable results for both sides." "I want to thank (Z)Jaedong's parents for negotiating without giving up to the end."

Since (Z)Jaedong succeeded in re-contracting, he will be playing next season as Hwaseung OZ player.

Source : Here
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‘폭군’ 이제동이 원 소속팀인 화승과 극적으로 재계약에 성공했다.

화승과의 1차 협상 결렬로 FA 선언을 했던 이제동은 10개 게임단이 모두 입찰을 포기하며 프로게이머 생명까지 위협받았다.

하지만 원소속팀과의 2차 협상 기간동안 화승과 이제동 본인, 그리고 이제동의 부모님은 많은 대화를 통해 이견을 좁혔고, 결국 극적으로 재계약에 성공한 것으로 알려졌다.

화승 게임단 관계자는 “재계약을 위해 끊임없이 노력해서 만족할만한 결과는 낼 수 있었다”며 “끝까지 포기하지 않고 협상에 임한 이제동 부모님께 감사드린다”고 말했다.

이로써 재계약에 성공한 이제동은 화승 소속으로 다음 시즌도 활동하게 됐다.

Thanks for fixing the typo!

The details won't be out until Sept. 3rd. I'll edit this thread as soon as they are out.

UPDATE 1: According to one netizen comment on the article, it was for 150,000,000 Won/Year + options = 200,000,000 Won/Year. Probably can't be trusted

Well, it sounds like Jaedong deserves more and it's not much higher from the original offer, but then you can't compare Hwaseung with a team like SKT. I'm just glad JD can play for at least a half-decent salary. I certainly think it's better than retirement.

UPDATE 2: (T)go.go goes back to Hite! His interview here.

UPDATE 3: (T)Shine decided to retire.
+ Show Spoiler [Shine's Article] +

Free Agent (T)Shine decides to retire

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Free Agent (T)Shine decided to retire.

After deciding to become an FA to get an evaluation of his worth, (T)Shine failed to get offers from any team, and decided to retire.

KT agent said, "He already decided to retire if no team offered him a position when he became a Free Agent. Our team decided to respect that decision."

(T)Shine is 23 this year (probably Korean) and became a progamer in 2005 first half draft, and was a progamer for 5 years, but failed to make any outstanding achievements and decided to retire.

Source: Here

+ Show Spoiler [Original Article] +

원소속 팀을 떠나 FA를 선언했던 안상원이 결국 은퇴한다.

자신의 가치를 다시 점검하고 평가 받기 위해 FA를 선택한 안상원은 타 게임단의 입찰이 이루어지지 않아 이적에 실패했고, 결국 은퇴를 결정한 것으로 알려졌다.

KT 게임단 관계자는 “입찰이 들어오지 않을 경우 은퇴까지 생각한 채 FA 선언을 한 것”이라며 “팀 역시 선수의 의견을 존중해 주기로 했다”고 은퇴 이유에 대해 밝혔다.

안상원은 올해 23살로 2005년 상반기 드래프트를 통해 데뷔한 뒤 5년 여간 프로게이머로 활동했으나 눈에 띄는 성적을 내지 못해 은퇴를 결정한 것으로 보인다.

UPDATE 4: Fomos released another article about (Z)Jaedong returning to Hwaseung and how he feels about it. No additional information on salary/etc. though.

Main points were describing the situation and (Z)Jaedong saying:
"I am happy I can continue to chase after my goals. Truthfully, I couldn't practice well because I couldn't grip the mouse well.* I think it was the hardest moments of my life. I know my parents are worried about me. This happened because they love me, and I am thankful. My coaches and teammates had hard time as well. They helped me as more than just a teammate, and my coaches gave me courage. I want to thank everyone who helped to resolve this. Since all the big leagues are over, I want to rest and go on trips. Thanks to my fans I were able to overcome this obstacle. Some people criticized that I wasn't professional because I told the media that I wanted to stay with Hwaseung, and some people called me immature, but I don't feel that way. I just wanted to work with the people I love, and I wanted to keep it that way. I think that is a lot more important than money. I want to thank again those who helped make this possible and since I get to work with the people I love, I will work harder and produce better results next season."

*Probably means he couldn't concentrate because his thoughts were on being with his team.

In bold: This is why I love (Z)Jaedong (No Lomo jokes please!)

Source: Here

Similar article about (T)Shine main point was (T)Shine saying:

"Even before I learned about the Free Agents, I was thinking of retiring. I hope people don't misunderstand and think I'm retiring because of FA. After playing for such a long time, I began to lose interest. I kept playing because it was my job, but I realize it would be a waste of time to keep playing with this attitude. The older progamers whom I was friendly with confirmed this. I'm thinking of enlisting for military service. I don't think I failed as a progamer, but I don't think I succeeded as well. I don't regret, but I am disappointed about my results. I should have made some achievements when I was still interested. Being a progamer is stressful and hard. You shouldn't become one unless you're into the game and will practice and work hard without anyone having to tell you. I met a lot of good people in progaming, so I feel like I got something out of being a progamer. I hope those who remain have more success than I do."

Source: Here

UPDATE 5: (T)Midas goes to wemade (not from FA, but afterwards) and (Z)HyuN go back to their original team!


+ Show Spoiler [Hyun's Article] +

Free Agent (Z)HyuN Re-Contracts with MBC!

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Free Agent Hyun re-contracted with his original team.

MBC Game agent revealed that they successfully re-contracted (Z)HyuN, after declining their first offer and becoming a Free Agent.

However, (Z)HyuN was not able to get an offer from other teams. He was able to negotiate with his original team afterwards and will play as an MBC player in 09-10 season.

The conditions of the contract is said to be the same as the one from their 1st negotiations.

+ Show Spoiler [Original Article] +

FA를 선언했던 고석현이 원소속팀 MBC게임과 계약을 체결했다.

MBC게임 측은 31일, 고석현과 계약에 합의했다고 밝혔다. 고석현은 1차 원소속팀과의 협상에서 MBC게임이 게임이 제시한 조건을 거부하고 FA를 선언한 바 있다.

그러나 고석현은 다른 팀과의 2차 협상에서 별다른 성과를 거두지 못했다. 고석현에게 응찰했던 팀이 없었기 때문. 이에 고석현은 원소속팀과의 추가 협상 기간에 MBC게임과 합의점을 찾아 09-10시즌에서 MBC게임 소속으로 활약할 수 있게 됐다.

한편, 계약 수준은 지난 1차 협상 때 MBC게임이 제시한 조건과 같은 것으로 알려졌다.

UPDATE 6: According to naver sports and nate news Jaedong gets over 300,000,000 won, with salary and incentives. I don't believe this until fomos confirms it.
Netizens in Fomos are flaming and debating whether this is true or not.

Source: Naver
Source: Nate

Found out both sources just copied the article on Sports Khan

Update 7: It is very unlikely that we'll see any numbers for Jaedong's contract. Bumping this thread is discouraged!