
Foclóir Gaeilge–Béarla (Ó Dónaill): buachaill


buachaill, m. (gs. -alla, pl. ). 1. Boy; young unmarried man. ~í agus cailíní, boys and girls. ~ scoile, schoolboy. ~ óg, young man; bridegroom. Mo bhuachaill, my young man; my boy friend. ~ bán, fair-haired boy; favourite son. Hist: Na Buachaillí Bána, the Whiteboys. 2. Herdboy, herdsman. ~ bó, cowherd, cowboy. ~ caorach, shepherd boy. 3. Man-servant, male employee. ~ aimsire, servant-boy. ~ feirme, farm-hand. ~ stábla, stable-boy. ~ tábhairne, bartender. ~ siopa, male shop assistant. 4. Lad, boyo. ~ báire, playboy, trickster. An ~ críonna, the old fellow; the Devil. An ~ mór, (in cards) the joker. 5. (Referring to m. noun) Useful implement. Sin é an ~ chun na hoibre, that is the proper implement for the job. 6. Bot: ~ tí, house-leek.


Chomh h~ le buachaill óg, as gay as a youth.

Buachaillí ~e dom, young men of my acquaintance.

Buachaill a chur ar ~ le bheith ina shagart, to promote a boy for the priesthood.

Is é an buachaill ~ é, the boy is good for nothing.

~ de na buachaillí, four of the boys.

~ de bhuachaill, big lump of a boy.

~ againn, den teaghlach, de na buachaillí, ten of us, of the family, of the boys.

Buachaill, cailín, ~, dairyman, dairymaid.

Buachaill, cailín, ~, brown-haired boy, girl.

Buachaill ~ta anois é, he is a fully-grown boy now.

~ de na fir, de na buachaillí, de na saighdiúirí, one of the men, of the boys, of the soldiers.

Buachaill ~, clean(-living) boy.

Agus mé i mo bhuachaill aerach, when I was a gay young fellow.

Ag ~t buachaillí bó, playing cowboys.

~ an buachaill thú! Good lad!

Buachaill ~, deft, efficient, boy.

Buachaill ~e, servant-boy.

Buachaill ~tha, set, full-grown, young man.

~ de bhuachaill, de chailín, slip of a boy, of a girl.

Nach é an buachaill sin atá ag ~adh? Isn’t that boy getting sturdy?

Ó théarnaigh uainn an buachaill beo, since the spirited lad departed from us.

Buachaill ~e, country lad; ordinary lad.

Buachaill ~ é, the boy has capabilities.