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The location of and threats to biodiversity are distributed unevenly, so prioritization is essential to minimize biodiversity loss. To address this need, biodiversity conservation organizations have proposed nine templates of global priorities over the past decade. Here, we review the concepts, methods, results, impacts, and challenges of these prioritizations of conservation practice within the theoretical irreplaceability/vulnerability framework of systematic conservation planning. Most of the templates prioritize highly irreplaceable regions; some are reactive (prioritizing high vulnerability), and others are proactive (prioritizing low vulnerability). We hope this synthesis improves understanding of these prioritization approaches and that it results in more efficient allocation of geographically flexible conservation funding.
Trockenheit Lange Trockenperioden beeinflussen bereits heute die Land- und Forstwirtschaft, die Schifffahrt und weitere Wirtschaftszweige. Aufgrund der abnehmenden Sommerniederschläge und weil die Verdunstung...
When class is in session, one student will pass a note to their crush, usually during a lecture. They must usually rely on other students next to them due to being far away from their crush. Unfortunately, the teacher usually finds out as the …
This document summarizes a gender policy note for Bhutan produced by the Royal Government of Bhutan, National Commission for Women and Children, Social Development Team of the World Bank, and AusAid. It finds that while Bhutan has made progress on gender equality, gaps remain in two key areas: (1) Matrilineal inheritance practices provide women land ownership, but women still lack equal agency over land use; (2) Female labor force participation has increased but women work in lower quality jobs, earning only 75% of men's wages, due to gaps in education, labor market segregation, and household responsibilities. The report provides policy recommendations to promote equal land rights, improve women's education and careers, address social norms, and further research
1. Declaring protected areas (PAs) stands out as one of the main conservation strategies worldwide and there are clear commitments to expand their extent under the auspices of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD; Aichi targets for 2020). This conservation strategy has also received increasing attention in a freshwater context in the last two decades.2. Despite increasing conservation efforts, the effectiveness of PAs for freshwater purposes is questioned and freshwater biodiversity continues to decline. There are many reasons for this poor effectiveness: a lack of consideration of freshwater needs when designing and declaring protected areas, fewer resources devoted to freshwater conservation management than to other actions, and poor understanding of complex management problems beyond the limits of the protected area.3. This supplement compiles some examples from around the world on implementing and managing PAs, assessing their effectiveness, and demonstrating their important role not only in preserving biodiversity but also human well-being and in meeting future challenges to achieve the CBD targets for freshwater biodiversity.4. Here the challenges of establishing effective PAs for freshwater biodiversity in a rapidly changing world are reviewed. We advocate better monitoring programmes to assess the effectiveness of PAs for freshwater biodiversity, in which the unique characteristics of freshwater systems, such as the important role of connectivity and the close links with the rest of the landscape they drain, are considered.5. There are new conservation opportunities to enhance the value of PAs for freshwater biodiversity under the new conservation paradigm of 'people and nature'. The imperative of finding solutions that generate co-benefits alongside biodiversity conservation, and the clear reliance of human communities on freshwater services, has created an environment that may be more favourable to PAs focused in whole or part on fresh waters. Copyright
By Blake Hargis CLIFTON PARK – Breaking Benjamin is back. After a four-year hiatus, Breaking Benjamin is back on the road with their first tour. Their first stop was a sold-out show Thursda…