Prof Lord Porter of Luddenham, OM

  • ️Mon Sep 02 2002

Professor The Lord Porter of Luddenham, better known as Sir George Porter, who has died aged 81, was one of the most highly regarded and well known scientists in Britain; he won a Nobel Prize, became Director of the Royal Institution and President of the Royal Society, and had a gift for communicating his enthusiasm for science.

It was for his work on techniques for observing and studying extremely fast chemical reactions during the processes of combustion, explosion and chain reaction that, with fellow Cambridge scientist Ronald Norrish, and with Manfred Eigen, of Gottingen, he shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1967.

When Porter had joined Professor Norrish at Cambridge after the war, Norrish was trying to study the fragments of molecules made when certain chemicals are exposed to intense beams of light. He and his team had set up a huge arc lamp and were attempting, without much success, to capture the fleeting existence of these fragments - known as free radicals. But the free radicals produced existed too briefly to be detected, let alone studied.

Surmising that the problem lay in the light source, Norrish dispatched Porter to a company in Preston to see if he could find something better.

When Porter was shown a huge flash unit that had been used during the war for taking reconnaissance photographs, it suddenly dawned on him that the mistake had been to use a continuous beam of light rather than very short pulses - flashes - which were of shorter duration than the lifetime of the free radicals.

In the summer of 1947, Porter began work on constructing a suitable apparatus; within six months, using short pulses of visible or ultraviolet light, Porter and Norrish were able to chart the free radicals' brief lives - to examine, as Porter put it, "the spectroscopy of transient substances".

While a first flash of light was used to create the free radical, successive flashes allowed its fleeting existence to be photographed and studied in detail.

Over the next few years, Porter and Norrish applied the technique - which became known as "flash photolysis" - to the study of free radicals in a wide variety of gaseous substances, and to combustion.

Porter would always remember the first appearance of the absorption spectra of new, transient substances in correct time sequence, as they gradually appeared under the safe light of a dark room, as one of the most rewarding experiences of his life.

By 1950, Porter was able to detect substances that survived for less than a millisecond (one thousandth of a second). A decade later, with the invention of the laser, much shorter flashes of light became available, and by 1967 Porter could photograph stages that lasted a nanosecond (a thousandth of a millionth of a second). By 1975, the time limit was a thousand times shorter even than that - a picosecond.

It was during his time as Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, from 1966 to 1985, that Porter's talents as a fluent speaker, lecturer and broadcaster became widely known through radio and television. While the Royal Institution's Children's Christmas Lectures were regularly broadcast on BBC television, Porter himself invariably spoke with an infectious enthusiasm about his subject, and indeed about all science.

On his television debut in the 1960s, he even made thermodynamics, a subject feared by most science undergraduates, seem exciting; and he was the main force behind the BBC's long-running series Young Scientist of the Year.

As President of the Royal Society, from 1985 to 1990, Porter worked hard to improve the status of science, and employed his communication skills ably in the defence of British science under attack from inadequate government funding, of which he was fiercely critical.

George Porter was born on December 6 1920 at the village of Stainforth, near Doncaster, South Yorkshire, and went to Thorne Grammar School. Science was an early passion, and when George was a boy his father bought him an old bus in which to conduct his experiments away from the house. Sixty years later, Porter reflected that he was "still very fond of explosions".

From school he went on to read for a science degree at Leeds University, where he was Ackroyd Scholar. It was during his last year at Leeds that, inspired by the teaching of M G Evans, he became interested in physical chemistry and chemical kinetics. Also at that stage, he took a special course in radio physics.

On graduating in 1941, he joined the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. With other young scientists he was put to work on perfecting radar, and for four years served as a radar operator in the RNVR in the Western Approaches and the Mediterranean.

In spare moments on board ship, he pondered his future. "I read a lot outside science," he recalled, "classics, poetry, philosophy and religion - which I'd more or less left, although my father was a lay preacher. Lying in my hammock, I convinced myself that science was the true philosophy and that the search for knowledge is the highest aim of mankind."

Porter was still in the Navy when he decided to try his luck at Cambridge; and here fate intervened when the scientist he had arranged to meet at Cambridge was unable to see Porter in time for him to return to his ship. So instead Porter saw the research chemist Professor Ronald Norrish, whose special interest was photochemistry - chemical reactions triggered by light.

As a result of this unexpected encounter, when Porter was released from the Navy in 1945 he went up to Cambridge to work under Norrish as a postgraduate research student at Emmanuel College. He went on to become Demonstrator in Physical Chemistry at Cambridge from 1949 to 1952, and Assistant Director of Research in Physical Chemistry from 1952 to 1954.

While Porter's early work with Norrish involved gases, he later developed methods to apply flash photolysis to liquids and solutions, enabling it to be used in organic chemistry, biochemistry and photobiology. Stimulating chemical reaction with light, photochemistry is now used to synthesise hydrocarbons for fuels and chemical feedstuffs.

Porter also studied how the photosynthesising parts of plant cells collect the light, and what happens in the first nanosecond of the photosynthesis reaction.

In 1954 Porter left Cambridge to join the British Rayon Research Association, where he applied the methods he had developed to such practical problems as the dye-fading of fabrics.

The next year he took the Chair of Physical Chemistry at Sheffield University, where in 1963 he became Firth Professor of Chemistry and head of the Chemistry department. After a further three years at Sheffield, he left to succeed Sir Lawrence Bragg as Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain and Fullerian Professor of Chemistry.

In 1985 Porter became President of the Royal Society, taking over from Sir Andrew Huxley. In an address to the Society in 1987, he described scientific research as "the brightest jewel in our crown", but said that if the government continued to downgrade it, Britain would join "the third world of science".

In his Richard Dimbleby Lecture on BBC television the next year, he attacked the Thatcher Government's "deliberate policy" of downgrading scientific research, and made a special plea for more money to support "first-class young scientists" whose talents were being squandered. He did, however, welcome the introduction of the national curriculum, which meant that science would be taught to all children.

On relinquishing the presidency of the Royal Society in 1990, Porter became chairman of the Centre for Photomolecular Sciences, Imperial College, London, where he had held a professorship since 1987.

Porter served on a myriad of bodies, mostly scientific but including the National Association for Gifted Children (1975-80); the Council of the Open University (1969-75); and the Council of the Royal Society of Arts (1976-80). He was also a trustee of the British Museum (1972-74).

He gave the Romanes Lecture at Oxford University in 1978. He was Chancellor of Leicester University from 1986 to 1995, and was awarded honorary degrees, professorships and fellowships by more than 50 universities and academies worldwide. He was involved in overseas projects concerned with science education, and in 1977 was awarded the Kalinga Prize by Unesco.

The Royal Society of Chemistry awarded him Corday-Morgan Medal (1955); the Tilden Medal (1958); the Liversidge Medal (1970); the Faraday Medal (1980), and the Longstaff Medal (1981). The Royal Society, of which he was elected a Fellow in 1960, awarded him the Davy Medal (1971); the Rumford Medal (1978); the Michael Faraday Award (1991); and the Copley Medal (1992).

He was knighted in 1972, and was appointed a member of the Order of Merit in 1989. He was created a life peer as Lord Porter of Luddenham in 1990. He died on Saturday.

George Porter married, in 1949, Stella Brooke; they had two sons.