
Higher Education Leader | Terrence Masson | United States

I get ideas moving .. past creative blocks .. and over the finish line.

Animation and Visual Effects

Animation and Visual Effects

You need an experienced and critical eye to push your work to the highest level possible in both look and narrative. I have been directing, producing and consulting award winning short animated films since 1991, and leading higher education since 2005. Impress the client or maybe just win an Academy Award.

Special Projects

Special Projects

Build a rapid prototyping pre-vis department for Douglas Trumbull … in 1992, or developing the original South Park digital animation process in 1996 .. or conceive and deliver the worlds largest interactive massively-multiplayer Etch-A-Sketch for SIGGRAPH 2006? If someone tells you "It can't be done" … call me.

25 years of international leadership

25 years of international leadership

Start-up advice or studio leadership, from Asia to Europe and everywhere in between. Entrepreneurship, production, research or higher education … interdisciplinary collaboration is what it's all about.

Animation and Visual Effects

Animation and Visual Effects

You need an experienced and critical eye to push your work to the highest level possible in both look and narrative. I have been directing, producing and consulting award winning short animated films since 1991, and leading higher education since 2005. Impress the client or maybe just win an Academy Award.