Ark (Cyberverse) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Ark" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ark (disambiguation).

The Ark is an Autobot starship from the Cyberverse continuity family.


The Ark is a massive Autobot starship built under Optimus Prime's orders so that the Autobots could travel far from Cybertron and search for the lost Allspark before the Decepticons could seize it first. It has several Autobot shuttles that can be used to deploy the entire crew in small teams without landing the larger vessel. It is operated by the on-board computer, Teletraan-1 and its successor, Teletraan-X.

Upon departing Cybertron, the crew included:

Before departing Earth to return to Cybertron, Windblade, Cheetor, and Jetfire joined the crew as well.


Cyberverse cartoon

When it was discovered that Megatron sought to use Vector Sigma to reprogram the Allspark, Megatron Is My Hero the Autobots launched the sacred relic through a space bridge to parts unknown. Allspark

However, with the Allspark gone, Cybertron's condition began to decline, prompting Optimus Prime to commission a Vanguard-class deep space interceptor to locate and retrieve the missing artifact. Matrix of Leadership The Ark's crew included some of Optimus's most trusted comrades, such as Bumblebee and Grimlock, Fractured the former exchanging a heartfelt goodbye with his friend Windblade when the time for launch came. Memory

During its search, the Ark had several adventures, including running afoul of space pirates and taking a lava sailing trip on Hopak Nine, being caught in the collapse of a crystal ice moon without any shields, and using a shuttle to jump start a helium mining rig. Perfect Storm

As the Ark sailed through space, its energon reserves ran increasingly low. Though the crew soon found ample energon on an icy moon, the moon turned out to be home to an insectoid race that had become dependent on the energon for life. Unwilling to endanger the future of an innocent race, Optimus ordered that the creatures be left alone and that, to save fuel, the Ark would be placed on auto-pilot while the crew went into stasis lock... a second before the ship's systems detected the Allspark and changed course. The Journey

When the Ark arrived over Earth, during the reign of the dinosaurs, it suffered a hull breach. Teletraan-1 reactivated Grimlock to deal with the crisis only for the warrior to be blown out by the hull breach when he attempted to spare Bumblebee's stasis pod from such a fate. King of the Dinosaurs Wildwheel's pod was among those sucked out, burning up in the planet's atmosphere. Wild Wild Wheel To preserve the Ark's data and assist any of the crew who would survive the crash, Teletraan-1 ejected Teletraan-X from the ship before impact. King of the Dinosaurs Out of control, the Ark crashed in what would one day become Mount St. Hilary. Awaken Sleeping Giants The crash caused irreparable damage to Teletraan-1, the AI eventually collapsing over the eons. Eruption

Unable to find any of the crew, Teletraan-X instead began looking for the ship itself. Matrix of Leadership Grimlock also made attempts to find the Ark, even recruiting the native dinosaurs to aid him, but was met with naught for his efforts before falling into stasis lock when the dinosaurs went extinct. King of the Dinosaurs Awaken Sleeping Giants

The Autobots remaining on Cybertron soon began to wonder what transpired of the lost ship. When the Decepticons theorized that the Allspark was on Earth, Perceptor repaired a space bridge enough to send Windblade to the organic planet so she could investigate. When the cityspeaker arrived, she found Bumblebee, now suffering from amnesia and thus unable to tell her what had happened to the Ark. Memory

When the two friends realized that Maccadam had somehow been able to tell the future, they wondered whether his advice to find "the king of the dinosaurs" was a clue to the Ark's current whereabouts. Maccadam's

After Slipstream's leadership had proven ineffective, Shockwave remotely tied into the cortical psychic patch that the cityspeaker was using to untangle Bumblebee's memories and trapped in the scout in a fake memory that painted him and Optimus Prime as Decepticon spies who had sabotaged the Ark. Sabotage

After reuniting with Grimlock, Bumblebee and Windblade learned what had happened to the Ark but remained ignorant of where it was now. King of the Dinosaurs

By combining his data with Grimlock's own search attempts, Teletraan-X was able to extrapolate the Ark's location. Despite facing off against Slipstream and Shockwave's forces once again, the Autobot quartet managed to find the lost ship buried in Mount St. Hilary. Awaken Sleeping Giants

In the following battle, Shockwave attempted to use a magnetic disruptor to trigger Mount St. Hilary's eruption and destroy the Ark. Having downloaded himself into the ship's mainframe, Teletraan-X managed to raise the shields just in time while using the warship's arsenal to scare away the Decepticons. Almost immediately after the crew had been reactivated however, the Decepticon fleet arrived, with the Ark as their first target. Eruption

When the Cybertronians became known to the human race, TOP3Weekly captured footage of Bumblebee doing a little dance outside the Ark, his performance earning him the number two spot on an installment of TOP3Weekly's "TOP ROBOT FAILS!!" Sea of Tranquility

After a battle on the moon, Wheeljack created Hyper Fuel to try and restart the Ark, only for Grimlock to consume his supply, sending the Dinobot on an over-energized rampage across the ship, only being stopped when Optimus sealed him within a force shield blaster. Concurrently, Bumblebee and Hot Rod attempted to track down a creature that the former had seen on the moon. When it was sighted outside the Ark, the two chased after it, Hot Rod following it through a GroundBridge. The Visitor The GroundBridge led to the Nemesis, resulting in Hot Rod's capture. Megatron soon hailed the Ark to bargain for Optimus only for Hot Rod to break free. Bring Me The Spark Of Optimus Prime

After the Ark crew used the GroundBridge map to locate the Allspark, Optimus went to retrieve it only to return empty-handed, though having gained Cheetor as an ally, explaining that Starscream had stolen the artifact. Trials After Cheetor had been brought aboard and introduced to the crew, the Autobots launched an attack on the Nemesis only to learn that Starscream was now a rogue agent. Dark Birth Subsequently, the Ark's resting point became the site of a diplomatic meeting between Optimus and Megatron but, thanks to Bludgeon, no peace was brokered. Parley The Autobots then made attempts to search for the Allspark on their own to no success. As they regrouped on the Ark's bridge, Teletraan-X registered a distress call from the Nemesis. Starscream's Children

As Cheetor had been the cause of the Seekers' defeat when they attacked the Nemesis, Starscream sent them to attack the Ark so they could draw out the guardian, luring him away through the GroundBridge near the Ark. Spotted Soon thereafter, the Ark was again attacked by Sky-Byte who demanded Jetfire. After he'd been sent away, Jetfire then showed up to recruit his friends' aid in tracking down Sky-Byte only to be refused in light of the Allspark. Sky-Byte then returned, now clad in spark armor, and abducted Optimus to draw out Jetfire. When it was found that Jetfire was at the Nemesis, having abducted Megatron to lure out Sky-Byte, Megatron suggested all four meet at a coliseum to settle things. Though Jetfire got the upper hand in the following duel, Optimus' injured state convinced him to forgo killing the shark and return his leader to the Ark for medical attention. Infinite Vendetta

When Optimus was healed, Jetfire led the Autobots to the Allspark's resting place, the group returning to the ship with both the artifact and the defeated Starscream. I Am The Allspark As defeating Starscream had left Optimus comatose, Hot Rod assumed command and instantly ordered the Ark back to Cybertron so that the Allspark could heal the planet. Using five remotely piloted Autobot shuttles, the Autobots lured the Nemesis away from the space bridge as the Ark raced towards it. Unfortunately, Sky-Byte had seen through their ruse, allowing the Nemesis time to catch up. The larger craft nearly destroyed the Ark before Cheetor used the Allspark to repair the Autobot ship. Even with the power of the Allspark however, the Ark was not fast enough to make it to the space bridge before Shockwave destroyed it, forcing them to fly to Cybertron manually. Escape From Earth

The crew celebrated their victory by having a dance party only for Wheeljack's Allspark Energy Emitter Badges to malfunction, driving them all into a maddened rage until Optimus and Cheetor shut down the system. Party Down As it sailed through space, the Ark crew made first contact with the Sharkticons, using the Allspark to rebuild their homeworld. Wiped Out

Soon afterwards, Windblade seized the Allspark and travelled down to a nearby red planet in a single-minded rage. When Optimus, Hot Rod, Bumblebee, and Cheetor followed, they found that she had been responding to the call of an ailing Titan, Croaton. After the Allspark had been used to heal the giant, he departed to find his abducted crew. As he passed by the Ark, he took on the escaped Starscream as a passenger. Ghost Town

After forty cycles of boredom, the Ark was struck by an electromagnetic storm, disabling all electrical functions and leaving it to drift. As Arcee and Grimlock scrambled to protect the ship from various space-based dangers, Teletraan-X, having been ejected when the wave struck the ship, puttered back inside and pressed a big red button to fix everything. Perfect Storm

After receiving a distress signal from Chromia, the Ark sought out a space bridge it could use to quickly return home. When one was found and repaired, the Ark found itself trapped in unspace, the space between universes, along with nine alternate versions of itself. Acting as one, the Arks combined the power of the nine Allsparks to return to their universes. When the Ark emerged from Cybertron's space bridge, its arrival was picked up by Shockwave, who reported it to a gleeful Megatron. Unaware of the danger, the Ark crew patted themselves on the back. The Crossroads

As the Ark entered Cybertron's airspace, Optimus surmised the likelihood of a Decepticon ambush. Declaring that the ship had served its purpose and despite Hot Rod's objections, he ordered all hands to abandon the ship and Teletraan-X to pilot the empty ship before eventually ejecting himself. Once all that was done, the Decepticons fired a laser snare at the empty ship, which quickly crushed and destroyed it. Battle For Cybertron I Battle For Cybertron II




What is this? A shuttle for ants!?

  • Optimus Prime ("Ark Power" class, 2019)
  • Accessories: "Ark Power" Spark Armor
The largest of the Cyberverse "Spark Armor" sets, this replica of the Ark splits apart to form armor that is only compatible with the packed-in figure of Optimus Prime. In armor mode, it features a molded blade on the left gauntlet.
In shuttle mode, the Ark can be carried by Optimus in truck mode, attached to his extended back end.


  • Optimus Prime ("Ark Power" class, 2019)
The Ark Power toy was also released in the Chinese-market-only Nezha: Transformers toyline. It was identical to the original release, just done in Nezha packaging.


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Ark (アーク Āku)
  • French: Arche ("Ark")
  • Portuguese: Arca ("Ark")
  • Spanish: Arca ("Ark")