Barbecue - Transformers Wiki
- Barbecue is a human from the G.I. Joe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Gabriel A. Kelly would've made a great fireman, but instead ended up fighting terrorism with G.I. Joe under the codename Barbecue. Not that he's into either job for a remarkable sense of duty or anything—he just loves the action and excitement.
Marvel UK The Transformers comic
Italian soldier Barbecue (AKA Gabriel Garibali) was part of an Action Force mission to track down an alleged monster under London. Barbecue agreed with Bazooka's sentiments of being ready for a fight, and said they went double for him! So when a giant robot turned up, Barbecue happily joined his comrades in firing on it.
Whoops, that was an Autobot, the monster was actually Megatron. Turned out Barbecue wasn't ready for that fight, but he was very ready to run away. The battle against Megatron was delegated to Action Force's heavy artillery and Autobot arrivals, with Barbecue ending up ignored. Ancient Relics!
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
Barbecue was one of G.I. Joe's earliest recruits. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #2
Along with a squad of other Joes, Barbecue interrupted a Cobra experiment in Boston involving teleportation. When Cobra's equipment was damaged by a stray bullet, everyone in the vicinity, Barbecue included, were suddenly transported to Cybertron. The situation took a dive for the worse when the Joes learned that the malfunction had also sent a random number of Cybertronians to different points in Earth's timeline, and that the time travel "feedback" would repeatedly bathe the planet in fire if the aliens weren't retrieved. Barbecue volunteered to help, and was sent through time along with Spirit, Doctor Mindbender, Tomax and Xamot. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #1 They team ended up on a post-apocalyptic Earth ruled by the Decepticons. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2
Barbecue and the others were saved from a Sweep squad by the future Dreadnoks, who were part of the resistance movement against the 'Cons. The Dreadnoks brought them to the resistance leader, Duke, who ordered the time travelers to stay and join them. Barbecue refused, as there was a good chance the future could be averted if they just brought back the time-lost Autobot that was helping Duke's resistance. In return, he and Spirit were called cowards and told to get the hell out, which really made Barbecue hope it was all a bad dream. Torch, on the other hand, was willing to help the time travelers find the displaced Autobot, Ratchet. Unfortunately, Ratchet had a similar attitude to Duke, and refused to abandon the world by returning to the future. After helping Ratchet free some human slaves at a Decepticon factory, Barbecue ran out of patience and slapped a disruption unit on the Autobot without his permission, sending everyone back to the past. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #3 With the day saved and the dark future prevented from happening, Barbecue returned to Earth along with everyone else. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4
Some years later, Barbecue was among the Joes that went to Cybertron to save their colleagues from Serpent O.R.. The Art of War #4 When the battle was won and everyone was destressing, Roadblock told Perceptor that Barbecue once ate a plate of 27 red hot chilis. Hardcore. The Art of War #5
Transformers/G.I. Joe
In 1985, Barbecue was one of G.I. Joe's newest members, under the command of Spirit. Shortly after finishing up Spirit's wilderness survival and recon training, Barbecue, Alpine and Cover Girl were sent to assist Flint and his team in securing a "sensitive crash site" near Mount St. Hilary. Upon arrival, they found that Cobra were already attempting to steal something from the crash site, and a battle broke out. When Blowtorch feared that using his flamethrower against Cobra would cause a forest fire, Barbecue merrily helped out by extinguishing any unwanted flames. As he busied himself with his task, he was the last to notice what Cobra had been trying to steal: two giant robots.
Following their discovery, the Joes traveled to G.I. Joe headquarters, where Shipwreck compared Barbecue's appearance to that of Darth Vader. Targets of Opportunity
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
After G.I. Joe met with representatives from the planet Cybertron and found them to be enemies of the Earth, Barbecue was among the operatives sent to the metal sphere to invade it. I Saw Three Ships He was part of a team deployed to the planet's north pole to destroy a complex of furnaces that appeared to act as planetary engines. After placing down targeting markers for a missile strike, they were caught by Rodimus, but escaped and hitched a ride on him. Form Follows Function Barbecue's team was brought to Metroplex, where they rejoined the other Joes just as they formed an alliance with the Autobots against the attacking Decepticons. Everybody Hates Metroplex