Botropolis - Transformers Wiki


The city of Cybertronsville

Botropolis is a futuristic city located on a comet in which the Go-Bots dwell. Every year, the Botropolis High Council selects citizens to serve and protect on one needy world, though from all appearances, the only thing the worlds need protection from is rogue Go-Bots.


Go-Bots cartoon continuity

The comet on which Botropolis was located was part of the Solar System, meaning that Earth would one day be a candidate for Go-Bot protection. This occurred in the year 2003, when the High Council selected Aero-Bot, Strong-Bot, Speed-Bot, Beast-Bot, and Buzzer-Bot to leave Botropolis and protect Earth. Typhoon Twister Go-Bot scientists developed Go-Brillium, a new energy source that would give Go-Bots enhanced strength and skill. The two test subjects, Racer-Bot ALPHA and Racer-Bot BETA, ran rampant through Botropolis, scattering Go-Bots as they went. The pair managed to demolish a tower as they left the city and headed for Earth. Racer-Bot Road Rally

Animated cartoon

Botropolis was located in the Hadeen System, Cybertron's home system. The AllSpark Almanac II

Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material

Botropolis was the possible location of one of thirteen Titans, alongside Cybertron, Unicron, Dominius, Nebulos, Junkion, Antilla, Paradron, Caminus, Earth, Velocitron, Biosfera, Aquatron, Micron, and Gigantion. Titan Force[1]

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

When Sky Lynx was sucked into a volatile rift, Ironworks, Overair, and the Astro Squad encountered the roving comet carrying a densely populated city known as Botropolis. They set up base and hitched a ride on the moving comet to search the universe for signs of Sky Lynx. Encounter 5: Botropolis Rescue Mission
