Cobra Island - Transformers Wiki
Located in the Gulf of Mexico, Cobra Island is the primary base of operations of the terrorist organization known as Cobra. As such, it's the place Cobra Commander spends most of his time shopping for discount cough drops online and thinking up snake names for weapons of mass destruction. The United Nations have given it status as a sovereign nation, even though it's run by a madman with a speech impediment who wants to blow them all up.
Cobra really lucked out on this piece of real estate, as its creation was actually the result of one of their dastardly scientists triggering an undersea volcano. It has extensive airfields, and a convenient landlocked freighter that has been converted into a swanky venue for entertaining diplomats.
Marvel Comics continuity
G.I. Joe and the Transformers
Cobra Commander monitored the Dreadnoks' attack on Power Station Alpha from a monitor room on Cobra Island. Blood on the Tracks Later, Doctor Mindbender brought Alpha to the island via remote control, and it was followed there by the Decepticons Dirge and Bombshell. Power Struggle Cobra offered an alliance with the alien robots, and Power Station Alpha was later moved from Cobra Island to the Decepticons' base in Florida. Ashes, Ashes...
Generation 2
Years later, Cobra Island was abandoned—except for the corpses of people Cobra Commander didn't like very much. Hawk had a meeting with Cobra defectors there, investigating whether or not Cobra had salvaged Mindbender's body and cloning machinery. Realignments
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
Cobra Island was located somewhere in the Caribbean, and had an odd crescent shape that looked like a large portion of the island had just been scooped out. As Cobra's main base of operations, it was where they reprogrammed the Transformers to serve them. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #2 The island's coordinates were soon leaked to G.I. Joe thanks to Optimus Prime's Defense Matrix. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3 While G.I. Joe prepared for an attack on Cobra Island, Wheeljack restored the reprogrammed Transformers, causing chaos on the island as Autobots, Decepticons and Cobra troops clashed with each other. The United States government wanted to end the threat with nuclear weapons, but Wheeljack suspected that Cobra had amassed an energon stockpile that would destroy half the planet if the island was nuked. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4
By the time the Joes arrived at the island, most of Cobra's facilities were on fire and many of their troops were fleeing for their lives. As the battle raged on, the Pentagon decided to nuke Cobra Island anyway. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5 The Autobots and Joes managed to avoid a nuclear holocaust by shooting the warheads down with the SPS Satellite, only for the satellite to malfunction and rain laser beams down all over Cobra Island. Eventually, the satellite was destroyed, the Decepticons were defeated, and Cobra lost their island headquarters. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6
Transformers/G.I. Joe
Cobra Island was Cobra's main headquarters in 1986. From there, the organization spotted an alien craft crash-landing in Oregon, and prepared to move out and steal it. Targets of Opportunity