Croc Master - Transformers Wiki

Croc Master is a member of Cobra from the G.I. Joe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

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As cold-blooded, ravenous, and all-around monstrous as the beasts he controls, Croc Master is responsible for training and maintaining the ferocious crocodiles that Cobra so often uses to guard their various bases. If his crocodiles are insufficient to rend apart any would-be trespassers, he is more than willing to finish the job.


Transformers vs. G. I. Joe

Croc Master participated in a chaotic brawl near the United Nations building, involving amongst others, Optimus Prime, GIJONIN ninjas, hordes of snake-men and Cobra troops. He emerged from the sewers during the pandemonium, and had his pet crocodiles feast on Joe meat! Expelled from the Garden


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2005 IDW continuity


After Cobra had fallen and been rebuilt with Baroness as their new Commander, Croc Master was brought into the organization and contested her decision to bring Raptor in as well, finding his assertion that dinosaurs had more in common with birds than reptiles ridiculous. M.A.S.K.: First Strike

After a G.I. Joe team made their move on Cobra's base in the North Pole, Croc Master and Raptor were dispatched to deal with the intruders. Having still not settled their disagreement, the two continued loudly arguing about the genealogy of dinosaurs, allowing the Joes to hear them coming and set up an ambush. However, they had a trick up their sleeve and called a pair of unfrozen dinosaurs to come deal with the Joes! After Spirit destroyed the dino's mind control devices, Croc Master and Raptor fled by calling a pterodactyl to come pick them up. Scarlett's Strike Force #2

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