Dice (G.I. Joe) - Transformers Wiki
- Dice is a Cobra-aligned human from the G.I. Joe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Dice is a human member of the Cobra organization. He is a ninja bo staff wielder who allegedly got kicked out of the Night Creepers for being too nasty. Dice is mostly accompanied by the swordsman Slice.
Marvel Generation 2 comic
Dice and Slice were among the Cobra soldiers sent to track down Destro and the Baroness, who were running lose inside the shapeshifting Silent Castle that was in the hands of Cobra Commander. He witnessed the newest Cobra recruit, Scarlett, get stabbed through the abdomen by Snake-Eyes. Unfoldings! Unlike Slice, he didn't seem to have a real opinion on the matter, but sided with his friend's skepticism. Realignments
As part of a deal between Cobra and Megatron, Dice went with the bulk of Cobra's forces to pick up the Ark in Canada. The group subsequently set up base Milleville. Goin' South Dice and Slice kept lurking near Scarlett's room in Milleville's hospital, hoping to find evidence of her disloyalty, when Doctor Mindbender requested that they apprehend Scarlett, as he had managed to obtain said evidence. Scarlett was missing though, and it took Slice's suggestion before Dice looked under the bed in her room. Scarlett took him and Slice out with ease. Once she was gone and the two had recovered, they hid in her room expecting Snake-Eyes to come looking for her and hoping to ambush him. Snake-Eyes kicked both their behinds, but not before they could call for backup. When Cobra reinforcements arrived a few moments later, Sucker Punch Snake-Eyes dropped a handful of grenades to the floor, leaving Dice and the other Cobra troopers to frantically run for their lives. Final Transformations