Dinobot (BW) - Transformers Wiki
- ️Wed Jul 08 2015
The name or term "Dinobot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dinobot (disambiguation).
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- Dinobot is a Predacon or Maximal from the Beast Era portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
"You lived like a warrior ans died to an hero." [1]
Dinobot is a Predacon ruled by his sense of honor. He lives to die gloriously in battle. When he aided Megatron in the theft of the Golden Disk, Dinobot believed he was in the pursuit of endless glory. But when he and his Predacon peers crashed on what seemed to be the wrong planet alongside a Maximal exploration vessel, he rebelled against Megatron and joined the Maximal team. It would be an uneasy alliance, fraught with turns of loyalty and turns of Shakespearean phrase. But it also led to strong friendships and even the salvation of all humanity.
As befits a warrior of his stature, Dinobot is skilled in all forms of combat. He wields a spinning sword and a rotating blade as his preferred tools in battle, but, ever pragmatic in matters of violence, he has been known to use ranged weapons, such as his laser eye-beams or a simple handheld gun. He has threatened to use any and all of these on Rattrap, with whom he has an intense rivalry. Deep down, he may respect the rodent, but he'll die before he'll admit to it.
“ | The question that has haunted my being has been answered: The future is not fixed. My choices are my own. And yet, how ironic, for I now find I have no choice at all! I am a warrior... let the battle be joined. | ” |
—Dinobot, "Code of Hero" |
- 1 Fiction
- 1.1 Toy bios
- 1.2 Cartoon continuity
- 1.3 Beast Wars Metals manga
- 1.4 Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga
- 1.5 Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-
- 1.6 Kre-O comic
- 1.7 Beast Wars: Uprising
- 1.8 Legends World
- 1.9 2005 IDW continuity
- 1.10 Of Masters and Mayhem
- 1.11 War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity
- 1.12 2021 Beast Wars comic
- 1.13 Transformers Go! Go!
- 2 Games
- 3 Toys
- 4 Merchandise
- 5 Notes
- 6 References
- 7 External links
Toy bios
Dinobot was a Maximal warrior on present day Earth. He clawed his way up to the top through victory after victory. Optimus considered him a natural when it comes to combat expertise. His thirst for battle was unquenchable. Dinobot bio
Cartoon continuity
Beast Wars cartoon
- Voice actor: Scott McNeil (English), Keiji Fujiwara (Japanese), Yu Zhenbo (Chinese), Luiz Carlos de Moraes (Portuguese, Season 1), Jorge Barcellos (Portuguese, Season 2 onwards), Federico Romano (Latin American Spanish), Héctor Cantolla (Castilian Spanish), Mario Zucca (Italian), Michel Vigné (French), Uli Pleßmann (German)
Dinobot was one of a group of rogue Predacons and was party to their theft of the Maximal relic, the Golden Disk. They stole a ship and traveled through a transwarp portal, with the Maximal ship Axalon not far behind. After a heated space battle over a mysterious planet, both ships were damaged, and they fell blazing towards the ground below.
The entire planet was saturated with energon, so much so that Dinobot and the other Predacons required protection. To this end, organic forms were scanned. In Dinobot's case, Velociraptor remains buried deep within the volcanic soil of their crash site became the basis for his new form. But the levels of energon were just one problem—this planet looked nothing like Earth, their target destination! As Dinobot ventured outside the base, he blamed Megatron for this error and announced his intention to take over the Predacons himself. Megatron laughed and had Scorponok shoot him over the horizon.
Dinobot, cheated and humbled, took his efforts elsewhere. As the Maximals returned to their crashed ship from an outing, Dinobot was there, blocking the rocky bridge that crossed the waterfall surrounding their new base. This time, he challenged Optimus Primal, and for the leadership of the Maximals. Beast Wars (Part 1)
He and Optimus Primal began their fight. It almost ended badly for Primal when the Maximal commander's foot slipped on the edge of the bridge, but Dinobot saved him, as the Predacon believed that a dishonorable death would mean a dishonorable victory on his own part. They continued, but their battle was interrupted by a Predacon attack. After that clash subsided, Dinobot helped the Maximals, leading them to a victory against Megatron when he tried to obtain the bounty of a mountain-sized cache of natural energon. Optimus accepted him into the fold—not as a leader, of course, but still as a valued team member. This didn't sit well with the other Maximals, particularly Rattrap. Beast Wars (Part 2)
Dinobot provided not only brute force but an understanding of the enemy. A short time afterward, Dinobot was standing with Primal and Rhinox on the bridge of the Axalon around a holo-map of the Predacon base when Primal suggested that Rattrap go on a scouting mission. The Web
However, though he was an asset against the Predacons, Dinobot sowed discontent amongst the Maximals' own ranks. Early on, Cheetor was ordered to his quarters for fumbling the test of an energon monitoring device, and Dinobot suggested to the young Maximal that he secretly test the device himself. This ended in potential disaster when Cheetor unwittingly created an instant-transport stream between the two bases. When Terrorsaur used this to infiltrate the Maximal base, Dinobot feigned a desire to team up with him and overthrow Megatron. Lulling him into a false sense of security, Dinobot eventually took care of him with the trash disposal unit—all without firing a shot, and the other Maximals never even knew. Equal Measures
Dinobot and Optimus Primal investigated an energy signature detected within the Standing Stones, an enigmatic monument of alien origin. After a clash with Megatron and Waspinator, the monument came to life and Optimus Primal disappeared before their eyes. When Dinobot woke up, he was in the Maximal CR chamber, as he'd been found stripped down and abandoned outside the base by unknown hands. But that wasn't important-Optimus Primal was gone, perhaps dead! The Maximals quickly tried to select a new leader by secret ballot, and Dinobot laughed at them when their vote ended in a tie. No, he would be the new leader-by force, if necessary! However, they were all interrupted by a message from Optimus Primal, who was inside the alien monument. Primal put Rattrap in charge, and the remaining Maximals mounted a plan to extract Primal from the alien construct. After another battle with the Predacons at the Standing Stones, the aliens returned Primal to them, with no explanations. Chain of Command
When an incoming stasis pod carrying a potential new Maximal team member was detected, Dinobot refused to let Primal leave without scouting the area outside the Axalon first himself. Dinobot was convinced the Predacons would try to remove Primal from the equation, as he was their faction's only flying member, and he was right—the Predacons managed to damage Primal enough to keep him out of the race for the pod. Dinobot stayed behind with Primal while the others made a play for the pod on foot. When Dinobot received a transmission indicating the Maximals were having difficulties, he awoke Primal's core consciousness to consult him. As a result, the two were able to bounce a signal off one of the planet's moons to the dormant stasis pod, beating the Predacons to the punch. Tigatron joined the team. Fallen Comrades
Soon after, Dinobot and Primal were investigating a second stasis pod when they were suddenly ambushed by Predacons. The Predacons defeated the two and secured the pod for themselves, bringing Blackarachnia online. As this was one in a long string of clever coups, this forced Optimus Primal to consider that their team was suffering from an information leak. Primal scapegoated Rattrap, an accusation in which Dinobot took pleasure. Dinobot was all too happy to destroy the alleged turncoat despite the potential hypocrisy of that act. Rattrap subsequently defected, and in the ensuing battle, was ordered by Megatron to shoot Dinobot, his frequent rival. After some hesitation, Rattrap shot Terrorsaur instead and revealed that the entire situation was a ruse by Optimus Primal to detect the real source of the information leak: stolen Maximal codes. Double Jeopardy
Childish infighting between Rattrap and Dinobot inadvertently triggered Rhinox's new security program, Sentinel, before it could be completed. Dinobot and the other Maximals fled the Axalon, while Rattrap stayed inside to combat Sentinel himself. Later, when Sentinel appeared to have shut down, Rattrap was assumed dead. Each Maximal gave a touching eulogy for Rattrap except for Dinobot, who refused to taint Rattrap's memory with lies. It was soon revealed that Rattrap had not perished, but had instead managed to shut off Sentinel.A Better Mousetrap
Dinobot joined Optimus Primal on a mission once again, but this time to explore the planet's native organisms. Dinobot considered this work as being beneath him, and in the process found himself assaulted by one of the planet's flora. As Primal considered this a lesson in respect learned, he found himself attacked by one of Scorponok's cyberbees. It injected him with a virus that was intended to make him a coward, but instead removed all his inhibitions. Upon returning Primal to the Axalon, Dinobot oddly found himself agreeing that this new bloodthirsty Primal was not a beneficial change. After he failed to solve the problem with the Predacons diplomatically, as Primal would have wanted, it was decided to let the new violent Primal be the new violent Primal. Ultimately, Primal acquired the antidote and woke up with Dinobot standing watch over him. Dinobot assured him that it was merely his shift, and not indicative of his feelings towards Primal—despite having placed a beautiful plant in Primal's quarters. Gorilla Warfare
When a Cybertronian probe was detected, Dinobot helped his teammates attempt to contact it, despite the fact he dreaded a return home. After all, he was a criminal even in Predacon terms, and he had no hope for a warm Maximal reception. Somewhat fortunately for Dinobot's potential fate, their attempts to catch the attention of the probe failed when Tarantulas invented the transformation lock lens. The Probe The issue was raised again when the Maximals thought that the Predacons had been destroyed. Dinobot elected to remain on the planet while the Maximals repaired their ship and launched it. However, just as Dinobot wandered off to explore the world that had become his, he stumbled across the not-so-dead Predacons, who attacked the Axalon and grounded the Maximals once again. Victory
After Dinobot and the other Maximals were saved from a Predacon attack by Rhinox's ingenuity, Rhinox was abducted by the Predacons and reprogrammed into one of them. Optimus Primal waited for this to backfire on them, and when their plot began to unravel, Dinobot joined the Maximals in infiltrating the Predacon base and retrieving their kidnapped comrade. Dark Designs Megatron soon set his sights on Dinobot as well. After Terrorsaur buried Dinobot in a cave, Megatron unleashed a clone of Dinobot on the unsuspecting Maximals. Ultimately, Dinobot broke free and returned to the Axalon, where he confronted his clone and ate him. Yes. He ate him. Double Dinobot
Not long afterward, Tigatron went missing during a routine scouting report. When Optimus Primal noted that Tigatron was the victim of an aerial attack, Dinobot identified the culprits as Waspinator and Terrorsaur. The Trigger, Part 1 Dinobot remained at base with Rhinox while the others searched for Tigatron on a mysterious flying island. The Trigger, Part 2 Dinobot suffered along with his teammates when the energon dampener was stolen from the Axalon, requiring him and the others to stay in beast mode to avoid energon surges. Between that and sleep deprivation from persistent Predacon attacks, their innate beast instincts began to take over, and the Maximals went feral. It was only through the instruction of Tigatron that they were able to defeat the Predacons and retrieve the dampener. Call of the Wild
Dinobot was tested again when he, Cheetor, Rhinox, and Rattrap were blinded by a Predacon attack. They were far from base and completely helpless, so Dinobot immediately began to panic. Rhinox was able to calm him and the others and slowly lead them back to base, using their other senses. They were rescued by Optimus Primal and Tigatron at the foot of the base just as they began to slip into stasis lock. Dark Voyage The Maximals were also visited by the wandering spark of Starscream, who possessed the body of Waspinator and led a successful attack on the Maximal base, resulting in Dinobot receiving critical damage. Forced out of their base, Optimus Primal surrendered the Maximals to Starscream, under the condition that Dinobot be repaired. In exchange, Starscream ordered the Maximals to attack Megatron. Despite his treachery, Starscream himself was deceived, as Dinobot was not as damaged as advertised. He and Primal were able to eject Starscream from Waspinator's body and retake the Axalon. Possession
Once again, the feud between Rattrap and Dinobot led to disaster. Their carelessness indirectly caused Rhinox to be infected with a virus that caused him to eject energy involuntarily, via hiccups or sneezes or...other means. Optimus Primal ordered the bickering pair to hunt down Tarantulas in his lair and obtain the antidote, figuring they'd either learn to work together or everyone would be destroyed. Unfortunately, the latter wasn't so unlikely an option, as Dinobot and Rattrap's out-of-control behavior toward each other repeatedly sabotaged their efforts to capture Tarantulas. Dinobot was able to grab him just as Megatron arrived, and claimed the spider as a hostage. Megatron did not care and shot them both. Ultimately, the day was saved when Rhinox used his virus against the Predacons, unleashing a mighty explosion from his rear end. The Low Road
Despite his increasing loyalty to the team, Dinobot's violent heart occasionally created rifts. Most notable was his reaction to Tigatron's pacifism: When the tiger tried to leave the Maximals in grief over the accidental death of his best friend, Dinobot argued vociferously with the "coward". He simply could not comprehend what Tigatron was saying, that in order to stop the fighting, someone had to lay down his weapon. The confrontation with Tigatron revealed more than just Dinobot's warrior ethic. He explained to Tigatron a bit of his motives for turning against Megatron: He feared that if Megatron used Earth's energon supply to wage a new war, Cybertron would burn as a result. Dinobot could only see desertion, and for that he nearly killed Tigatron, who refused to fight back. But Primal interrupted before any damage was done, and Tigatron later came back to battle to save Dinobot from a Predacon attack, making the whole point moot. Law of the Jungle
The alien mystery that surrounded the planet soon came to a head. When it became apparent that the aliens themselves would visit them imminently, the Predacons surprisingly called for a truce. Tigatron was called to sneak into the Predacon base and find out what had captured Megatron's attention, and Dinobot and the other Maximals staged a non-lethal battle to cover Tigatron's exit, upholding their end of the truce. Dinobot loosened a large boulder out of place, allowing it to crush both Tarantulas and Blackarachnia. Before the Storm As expected, the aliens arrived. A wormhole opened up over the planet, and a beam shot down to the surface, where another alien device was activated. Rhinox and Dinobot stayed behind at the Axalon while the others investigated, but were too engaged by the planet's second moon shifting its shape into a horrible Planet Buster weapon to notice their base had been compromised. Both Rhinox and Dinobot were removed from the equation by Blackarachnia and Tarantulas. Other Voices, Part 1 The Maximals returned to find them both welded to the ceiling by cyberwebs. Dinobot and Rhinox were placed inside CR chambers as Rattrap and Airazor went to find their unwelcome visitors. Other Voices, Part 2
When Dinobot awoke, Optimus Primal was dead, having sacrificed himself to destroy the Planet Buster with a transwarp explosion, and Cheetor and Rattrap had been altered into Transmetal forms by the resulting quantum surge. After reluctantly admitting Rattrap's new form was an improvement, he immediately declared himself the new Maximal leader. However, with Primal dead, Rhinox was not in any mood to tolerate Dinobot's outburst and shut him up forcefully. While Rattrap and Cheetor were sent outside to deal with Waspinator and a newly Transmetalled Megatron, Rhinox and Dinobot were stuck with the task of restoring their security systems. They did not account for Inferno, who had also infiltrated the Axalon. Thankfully, Rhinox was able to defeat the Predacon and eject him from the ship. Aftermath
With the destruction of the planet's second moon and the stabilization of the planet's natural energon reserves, it became apparent to Dinobot that Megatron was right all along; this was indeed Earth, though in the distant past. Dinobot broke into the Predacon base and stole Megatron's golden disks. He knew that they contained information about the future, and this cut to the core of his being: "If the future is indeed immutably foretold, then my demise is but moments from that confirmation, for I could not live if not the master of my fate." Dinobot hid the disks in a remote location and returned to the Axalon, where Rattrap was having a minor meltdown. Rhinox had hooked himself to a machine with little explanation, and with Tigatron and Airazor on a long-term exploration trip, it fell to Rattrap, Dinobot, and Cheetor to hold off the combined force of the Predacons. Worse yet, Megatron had introduced two new Fuzors to his team, Silverbolt and Quickstrike. Dinobot grabbed what weaponry he could, and with the other two Maximals engaged the Predacons far from the ship, in hopes that they could keep the Predacons away from whatever Rhinox was trying to accomplish. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)
Their efforts, though seemingly doomed, were not for naught. Though Dinobot, Rattrap, and Cheetor fought to near-death, they held off the enemy long enough for Rhinox's gamble to work. He had travelled into the Matrix and retrieved Optimus Primal's spark. Optimus Primal, restored as a Transmetal from a blank protoform, dramatically turned the tide, saving Dinobot and the others from what would at least have been honorable deaths. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)
His desire to discover whether the future could be changed kept Dinobot focused on Megatron's actions. When Predacon installations were placed in a Voyager-disk-like pattern, Dinobot remarked that Megatron's plan proceeded even without the disk's information. Thus, he resubmitted himself to Megatron's command, but the Maximals' influence still showed itself. When he was pitted in a death match against Quickstrike in a bizarre test of loyalty, Dinobot subdued his foe but refused to kill him, offering to train him instead. But Megatron accepted the prodigal son anyway, as long as he returned the original Golden Disk. (He had already given the alien disk to Rhinox.) Dinobot complied. He admitted to himself that by helping Megatron he might be sacrificing his own race, but he had to discover whether his actions were his own or predestined. After the artifact was back in Megatron's hands, Rattrap attacked and was quickly immobilized. As a final test of allegiance, Dinobot was ordered to kill his former teammate. This task proved too much for him, and he turned once again on the Predacon leader. Megatron retreated with the disk in his possession, and Primal was left with the decision on whether to allow Dinobot back into their ranks. Dinobot explained that either way, he would fight Megatron, prompting Primal to forgive Dinobot his treacherous actions. Once welcomed back, Dinobot told Primal of Megatron's ultimate designs for the disks' information. Maximal, No More
As Rhinox and Dinobot scanned known alien sites, they suddenly realized that Tigatron and Airazor were journeying into one. But before they could send a warning, the traveling pair triggered the alien site and were shot into space. Dinobot and the other Maximals were rallied by Optimus Primal to this site, where they confronted the Predacons. Before the fight could begin, the alien site activated again, creating a massive Metal Hunter, and blasted everyone in the area. Other Visits (Part 1) The Transformers who had not been altered by the quantum surge lay deactivated, but the Transmetals and Fuzors were unaffected by the Metal Hunter's blast. Silverbolt and Cheetor were instructed to carry Dinobot and Rhinox back to the base for repairs. Megatron used the alien disk to activate the Metal Hunter, and the Maximals gained an unlikely ally: Tarantulas. Dinobot, like his fellow Maximals, greeted the Predacon turncoat with bared weapons and only reluctantly allowed Tarantulas to aid them. Subsequently, Dinobot joined an assault on the Metal Hunter itself, a cover for Tarantulas's entry. The Metal Hunter was destroyed. Other Visits (Part 2)
When Silverbolt went missing during an energon storm while he, Cheetor, and Optimus Primal were investigating Protoform X, Dinobot suggested they forget the Fuzor and concentrate on the Predacons. The enemy was, after all, minus both Tarantulas and Blackarachnia, while they were only down one member. Primal rejected Dinobot's lack of sympathy. As Primal and Cheetor left to find Silverbolt, Dinobot turned to one of the Axalon's consoles and began downloading into its database. Bad Spark
Unlike Primal, Rattrap was not so forgiving of Dinobot's earlier betrayal. After contemplating suicide and enduring Rattrap's continuing recriminations, Dinobot decided to set things right. He tracked Megatron down and found him testing the original disk which Dinobot had returned. Megatron had discovered a mountain whose image was recorded on the disk, and he had Rampage destroy the peak. From a distance, Dinobot saw his greatest hope and worst fear form simultaneously: The disk's image changed. Dinobot's future was his own...but Megatron had virtually limitless power to change it.
When the Predacons launched an attack on a tribe of anthropoids, attempting to destroy the future human race and alter the course of the Autobot/Decepticon war, Dinobot singlehandedly took on all of them. Having already been blindsided by Tarantulas (and having squashed him under a rock in retaliation), he ambushed Inferno, burying his sword in the latter's chest. Blackarachnia banged him up with her machine guns until Dinobot used Inferno himself as a shield, after which he blew away both Predacons with the ant-bot's own gun.
Dinobot proceeded to bombard Rampage from above until Waspinator shot him down (and caused him to land on top of the luckless flier); when Rampage tried to retaliate in tank mode, Dinobot shoved the downed Waspinator into the mad experiment's cannon, causing Rampage to blow himself apart. The backfire sent the warrior flying with severe damage, and Quickstrike was eager to add to his pain. Despite his optic weaponry shorting out, Dinobot still managed to beat the Fuzor, pummeling him with his bare hands before slamming him head-first into a rock.
At this point, his internal computer attempted to engage stasis lock to save his remaining energy, but Dinobot overrode it and turned to face his final opponent: Megatron himself. Mocking the weakened Dinobot, Megatron tallied the score firmly in his own favor: He had unimaginable power via the Golden Disk, he held a lone anthropoid hostage, and the severely damaged Dinobot was the only obstacle in his reality-warping plan. Mostly depowered, severely outmatched, and refusing to quit, Dinobot jammed a rock through a stick and attacked with the makeshift hammer. As the anthropoid's bonds dissolved, Megatron dropped the disk, allowing Dinobot to shatter it with his last bit of energy.
The rest of the Maximals arrived to drive Megatron off, but it was too late for their comrade. After a final conversation with his allies (including a last insult to Rattrap and a request to have his story told truly and without embellishment), Dinobot's spark left his frame. He was given a hero's funeral, with his body cremated as the Maximal fliers executed a Missing man formation. His legacy remained even with the anthropoids, who found his hammer and used it as a weapon. Code of Hero
Megatron, because that's the sort of prick he is, created a zombie-esque Transmetal 2 clone of Dinobot. Feral Scream Part 1
Later, to convince Rattrap to let him search for ex-Predacon Blackarachnia, Silverbolt reminded him he'd trusted the original Dinobot. Rattrap grumped that he'd "regretted it" a few times, but still let his comrade out. Proving Grounds
Thanks to the destruction of Rampage, the Dinobot clone's spark-brother, Dinobot's consciousness was able to take hold of the clone and make him regain a sense of honour. Transformers Hall of Fame Nemesis Part 2
It was not entirely spelt out during "Nemesis" why Dinobot II was regaining Dinobot's memories. The 2010 Transformers Hall of Fame profile for Dinobot stated that the original's spirit had somehow returned from beyond to influence his clone. There was also an unproduced episode of Beast Wars, "Dark Glass", where Rattrap would have discovered and downloaded a back-up of Dinobot's memories into Dinobot II; while the script never made it past a first draft, "Bad Spark" had Dinobot backing himself up onto the Axalon.
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
While investigating an energon mine with the other Maximals in the 9-BW Spacetime, Optimus Primal encountered Hot Rodimus and SARA, lost denizens of Cloud World who allowed most of the Maximals to believe they were from outer space and hunting a criminal. With their two new friends, the Maximals were about to reach the energon mine when they were ambushed by the Predacons. Hot Rodimus's battle with Shockwave caused an energon eruption that sent the Predacons fleeing and almost consumed the Maximals who were trying to save the local wildlife. Fortunately, SARA was able to convert the eruption into less dangerous energon crystals and the visitors returned to their proper spacetime. Wild
Beast Wars Diorama Story
Dinobot eventually met up with several Autobots and Decepticons from another dimension. A battle broke out between the Maximals, Predacons, Autobots and Decepticons. The other-dimensional Transformers eventually returned to their place of origin and the Beast Wars continued as they were. Beast Wars Diorama Story
I want to tell you about the Transformers!
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Transformers: Dinobots packaging blurb
When Dinobot's spark returned to the Allspark, the "data" contained in his "DNA schematics" returned with him. Later, to combat Megatron's technorganic virus the Oracle reformated a small group of survivors using these "DNA schematics" from Dinobot, creating the Beast Machines era Dinobots. Transformers: Dinobots
3H comics
After using the Divine Light to access Primus's power, Cryotek reanimated several Sharkticon corpses into facsimiles of Megatron's old subordinates, including one of Dinobot in his pre-Earth vehicular form. Wreckers: Finale Part II
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
During the theft of the Golden Disk, He Who Would Be Megatron also scanned the historical datatrax of the Autobots and Decepticons. He failed to notice the approaching guard until Dinobot dispatched him with his sword and insisted they speed up the operation. More Than Meets The Eye #8
Shell Game was never published. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.
While traveling back to Cybertron at the conclusion of the Beast Wars, Optimus Primal reflected on past battles, including those in which Dinobot fought. Shell Game #1
While Megatron was being guided through the afterlife by Rhinox, he beheld a vision of himself slaughtering his allies and foes alike, Dinobot among them. Singularity Ablyss
2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity
Near the end of the Great War, several combatants had been reduced to protoforms due to the fallout of a foiled Tripredacus Council plot. Among those afflicted was Grimlock, who's stasis pod "Dinobot" came upon as it was being stored away. Dawn of the Predacus
As Magmatron surveyed the events that began the Beast Wars, he witnessed several key moments involving Dinobot, among them his duel with Optimus Primal upon the stone bridge leading to the Maximal base. The Gathering #1
After meeting with Cryotek, "Dinobot", Megatron, and Dirge broke into the Cybertropolis Maximal Data Archive to steal a Data-Con which would provide all sorts of information about the Golden Disk. As they were making their getaway, Dinobot threw the Data-Con to Dirge (who was unaware of a switch on Megatron's part) before battling a squadron of Maximal Security Troopers, ending with a close combat duel with 9K using his then energy-based sword. Dinobot evidently emerged victorious, as he was later seen with Megatron and "Clamps". Theft of the Golden Disk
Megatron and Dinobot joined Scorponok in escaping the archives with the Golden Disk, avoiding patrolmen Unit 1 and Unit 2. As Dinobot disabled the former, he protested Megatron's apparent cowardice and dishonorable tactics. Megatron responded by clamping his fist around Dinobot's neck, rebuking him for using the "h" word in his presence. After Dinobot had regained his composure, they made their way to the rendezvous point with the Darksyde and launched into space, where they activated their transwarp drive.
The Axalon and the Chromia 10 gave chase, though the latter was destroyed by unknown assailants. When the Axalon caught up with the Predacons, Dinobot balked at the idea of fleeing again and managed to fire a few shots at the Axalon. After Megatron taunted the pilot of the Axalon via videoscreen, Dinobot and the other rogue Predacons on board the Darksyde disappeared through a transwarp portal, with the Axalon close behind. Dawn of Future's Past
After Airazor was reborn on Earth, Dinobot rushed out to assist the Maximals against the Predacons during a plot to launch an orbital weapon. The launching pad was destroyed by Airazor just as Dinobot arrived. The Razor's Edge
Razorclaw continuity
In one splinter timeline of Primax 496.22 Alpha, minor atmospheric perturbations caused Silverbolt's stasis pod to crash on the far side of Earth, and due to his absence, Megatron slaughtered all the remaining Maximals except Tigatron and Airazor. Ask Vector Prime, 07/08/2015
Beast Wars Metals manga
Following the Quantum surge, Dinobot, as well as many other Maximals, became separated from the rest of the team and left stranded somewhere on Energoa. After Optimus Primal's resurrection and escape from Megatron, Dinobot could be seen watching the Moon from somewhere off in the distance. Beast Wars Metals #1
Dinobot eventually got in contact with his Maximal comrades and revealed he was recovering in a anthropoid village. The village was promptly attacked by Jaguar and Dinobot died defending the anthropoids. Optimus Primal showed up and, swearing to avenge Dinobot's death, killed Jaguar in battle. Beast Wars Metals #3
Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga
In the present day, the Autobot Mini Vehicles dug up the bodies of Hot Shot and Dinobot from deep within the earth. As the Mini Vehicles wondered if Dinobot were an Autobot, he woke up angrily, and began to attack the others, hoping to find a worthy foe, until finally Hot Shot (and his Mini-Con, Jolt) faced Dinobot in battle. After seeing Hot Shot perform a series of clever moves, Dinobot suggested the two battle for leadership. However, Hot Shot declined Dinobot's offer and suggested instead they team up and make peace.
Hot Shot returned with Dinobot to Autobot headquarters, where Grimlock immediately suggesting he and Dinobot fight each other for fun, ruining Hot Shot's ceasefire. Henkei! Henkei! volume 11
Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-
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Kre-O comic
Dinobot had himself a hearty laugh when Megatron attempted to replicate Optimus Prime's new clear-torso'd power-up via a see-through negligee. Wheeljack's Bizarre Invention! Optimus Power Up!?
Beast Wars: Uprising
On a Cybertron ruled by the decrepit and corrupt Builders, Dynobot was one of the first Maximals and Predacons to speak out against the system, agitating for change. It was his words that would inspire some of the first seeds of real resistance on Cybertron. Derailment Eventually, Dynobot was captured and placed in the maximum security level of the Ferromax Detention Center. There he stayed until a group of Maximals led by Rattrap broke him out in a daring raid. Prologue
In the Legends World, Dinobot was an employee of Axalon Trading Company whose solution to most problems was to eat them. During one busy day he was being rushed by their boss, Optimus Primal and complained that he needed help if he was supposed to get done any faster. The Transformation Gap When he was introduced to the new junior employee, Rattrap, the first thing Dinobot did was try to eat him. Rattrap wouldn't let this get to him, though, and continued doing his job even while stuck in the raptor's mouth. The Two's Recent Encounter
Dinobot made fun of Rattrap for collecting children's toys, but a defensive Rattrap argued that Transformers could be really difficult to transform and challenged him to transform a Mach Kick. He was unable to make heads or tails of the toy, so in the end he gave up and simply ate it, to Rattrap's horror. When We Have Been Social Rattrap took revenge by replacing Dinobot's office supplies with Device Label toys, forcing him to transform them before he could get any work done. This backfired on him when Dinobot ate these toys as well. On a hot day he demanded Rattrap bring him an popsicle, only to receive a plastic Gari Robo-kun transforming popsicle instead. Naturally, he proceeded to eat it anyway, leaving Rattrap despairing that he should've seen it coming by now. Prank
For Christmas, Rattrap gifted Dinobot the alarm clock Transformer Heinrad, which mystified him. Merry X'mas!! The tall stature of Dinobot and the other Axalon employees was another source of grief for Rattrap, who disliked his small size. Bonus Edition Vol. 8 Dinobot later visited the TransformersFes 2016 event, where he encountered an alternate dimension version of Rattrap. Bonus Edition Vol. EX He was among the employees present for the inauguration of the new Autobot-Axalon office building, in actuality a new Battleship Maximus. Bonus Edition Vol. 31
2005 IDW continuity
Dinobot was a resident of the colony world Eukaris, and a member of the Scale Walker tribe. He gathered with representatives of the other three tribes in Talon Valley, in front of a spacebridge portal, to discuss the Cybertronian combiners who had invaded three weeks prior. While declaring he would defend his planet from any invaders, no matter the cost, a traveler from offworld arrived through the portal: Rattrap. Dinobot quickly took a disliking to him.
After Rattrap returned to Cybertron with intel, a week later, official representatives from offworld arrived on Eukaris through the portal. Dinobot and Cheetor were suspicious of them, as they heard of how their kind was once driven away and slaughtered by ancient Cybertronians, but amidst their visitors' pleas for peace, Windblade was allowed to speak, as she was not actually Cybertronian, but a Camien. The planet's gigantic guardian, Chela, awoke before their eyes to quell this reunion of worlds, and Dinobot and the others attempted to defend the spacebridge from it, but it was summarily defeated by Starscream. Dinobot was put off that in spite of the destruction of their legendary guardian, Blackarachnia still condoned an alliance. Windblade vol. 2 #6
Dinobot begrudgingly (and adorably) gave a gift to his Fur Walker rival Cheetor on Chosen One Day. Choose Me
Of Masters and Mayhem
Thrashclaw had a mentor who was a "brown and blue, thick-headed, dynamic" bot who went off with a "purple lunatic". Life Finds a Way
War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity
War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon
- Voice actor: Krizz Kaliko (English), Ryuichi Abe (Japanese), Dirc Simpson (German), Guillaume Orsat (French), Sérgio Moreno (Portuguese), Gabi Jiménez (Castilian Spanish), Mario Castañeda (Latin-American Spanish), Vinod Sharma (Hindi)
“ | But now I... I'm not pure-sparked, nor wise or heroic... but I've tried to live my life well... | ” |
—Dinobot nearing his final moments, Kingdom episode 3 |
Dinobot was a Predacon born out of an uninhabitable Cybertron due to loss of the AllSpark by Optimus Prime Kingdom episode 1 and the threat of Unicron, Galvatron, and Nemesis Prime. Kingdom episode 6 Dinobot studied the legends of the Primes, recognizing them as pure-Sparked warrior heroes, and leaders of wisdom and honor. Kingdom episode 3
Dinobot reluctantly joined Predacon Megatron and his small band of thieves to steal the Golden Disk and return it to the original Megatron in hopes of changing Cybertron's future for the better. When Megatron was carrying out the theft, Dinobot tried to reason with Blackarachnia to end their mission and stop Megatron's dangerous plan, especially since the pair had not done anything incriminating. When Megatron returned and tossed the Golden Disk by accident to Blackarachnia, Dinobot pointed a blaster at the Predacon leader, expecting Blackarachnia to return the disk to the Maximal Enforcers. In actuality, Blackarachnia stole the ammo from his blaster and returned the disk to Megatron, and Dinobot was scolded for his lack of loyalty. Kingdom episode 2 The Predacons traced the original Megatron's steps back to Earth in the past using the Golden Disk, where the Predacons took on beast modes and engaged in a battle with the Maximals from the Axalon. The conflict would continue for cycles, Kingdom episode 1 and Dinobot thought of defecting to Optimus Primal and the Maximals a thousand times. Kingdom episode 3
While patrolling through the jungle, Dinobot's attention was drawn by the sound of space debris falling to Earth's surface. He emerged from the foliage to investigate, discovering the crashed Ark. Earthrise episode 6 Dinobot and Predacon Megatron later met with Decepticons from the recently crashed Nemesis to bow down and deliver the Golden Disk. In the Nemesis, Dinobot stood alongside while the two Megatrons discussed, and was then ushered out of the room along with Starscream. The Seeker boasted that he must have been a legend in the future, though Dinobot denied this, angering Starscream. Kingdom episode 1
Dinobot soon found the treacherous lieutenant discussing matters with Blackarachnia, but before he could say anything, the Nemesis's alarms went off, as Soundwave had caught Airazor. Dinobot was witness to her torture at his Megatron's hands, causing him to express his disgust, and for Megatron to express his disgust at Dinobot. The two were interrupted by Blackarachnia telling the Predacon leader he'd been summoned to the bridge, leaving Airazor's questioning to Dinobot. However, his doubts gave him pause, and eventually he and Airazor began talking, as she began poking holes in his emotional armor. Confused, Dinobot took off to confront Blackarachnia. When he did, he was attacked by a cloaked Starscream, who felt the best course of action was to kill him, but Dinobot talked him out of this by revealing he wanted to join them, to form a new faction that could prevent all sides from killing one another. Kingdom episode 2
The trio used knowledge gained from eavesdropping on Megatron to journey to the Allspark's true location, but on approach their shuttle crashed. As Blackarachnia and Starscream attributed blame, Dinobot was entranced by the Allspark's holographic defenses, which then lashed out at them. Witnessing Starscream's attempts to flee disgusted Dinobot. At that moment, the Allspark changed tactics to trapping those around them in illusions. An unaffected Dinobot saw Starscream's fantasy of being a king, which only disgusted him further, and caused the two to come to blows, the Predacon calling Starscream out on his using his pain to justify his selfish greed. However, Starscream soon had Dinobot over a cliff, which he then dropped him over. Surviving, albeit injured, Dinobot made his own way through the Allspark's forest. His time with the treacherous pair had galvanized Dinobot, and he decided to make a stand against both Megatrons to retrieve the Golden Disk, aware that this would result in his own demise.
Finding an injured Airazor, he informed her of his choice, and set off toward the Decepticons, warding her off by saying her injuries would slow him down. Arriving, he was attacked by Ravage and Laserbeak, followed by Soundwave. Subduing them, he was then sucker-punched by the original Megatron. The two fought, with Dinobot criticizing the Decepticon leader as a desperate and clumsy tyrant. With a well-timed strike, Dinobot managed to defeat his opponent, only to then be mauled by the other Megatron. Viciously wounded, Dinobot used the last of his energies to wound Megatron and steal the Matrix from him.
However, his injuries proved too much for Dinobot, and he was unable to get far. Speaking to the talisman, he implored it for help, and it cut through the Allspark's illusions, allowing the Autobots and Maximals to find him. Dying, Dinobot admitted to his former enemy how he'd thought of becoming a Maximal, and asked if Primal would've accepted him. Primal responded he would've, but Dinobot would probably have made a terrible Maximal. An amused Dinobot admitted the truth of this, before finally succumbing to his wounds. Kingdom episode 3
I want to tell you about the Transformers!
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War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
The Predacons traveled across time to find the AllSpark and change the fate of Cybertron. While battling the Maximals on pre-Ice Age Earth, both sides were joined by the Autobots and Decepticons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies forever.
Dinobot's function was a warrior, and he trans-scanned into a raptor. His cyber-slash tail and cyber shield were his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his inner-conflict, principle, and ferocity. Dinobot's message from the future was that his loyalties will be tested and he will question what he believes. Kingdom webpage[1]
During the collective battle, Dinobot teamed up with Waspinator and the Decepticon Starscream in pursuit of Grimlock and the Autobot Mirage. Battle Across Time Collection marketing material[2]
Dinobot was one of a few 'bots with three possible destinies recorded on the Voyager Golden Disk. Kingdom Golden Disk cards
- In one destiny, Dinobot leads a united Maximal and Predacon faction, standing alongside Cheetor, Rattrap, Airazor, Scorponok, and Blackarachnia.
- In another destiny, he became a Maximal, sporting a new color scheme.
- In his last destiny, Dinobot was reformatted into Dinomus as a Herald of Unicron.
In other possible destinies recorded on the Voyager Golden Disk, Dinobot was present when Blackarachnia became a Maximal. Kingdom Golden Disk cards
2021 Beast Wars comic
Dinobot, named for Grimlock and his elite wartime unit, Savage Landing Part 6 was a member of Galavar's cell of Predacon separatists in the employ of the Tripredacus Council. Savage Landing Part 1 Although proud of his Predacon heritage, Dinobot's rigid code of honour led to frequent disagreements with his comrades, and over time Dinobot developed a deep, if private, hatred for thuggish 'bots like Terrorsaur and Scorponok. Primal Rage When Galavar went rogue and changed his name to "Megatron", Dinobot nevertheless joined his leader on a mission to liberate the Golden Disk from the Maximal Science Ministry. During the heist, Dinobot prevented Terrorsaur from killing a guard in the belief that there could be no honour in killing a defenseless enemy who wouldn't fight back before Scorponok killed him anyways.
After stealing the Maximal warship Darksyde, Dinobot and the other Predacons attempted to follow the coordinates on the disk but came under attack from the Maximal science vessel Axalon before Tarantulas could activate the ship's transwarp drive; as they jumped through unspace across space and time, Dinobot stopped Terrorsaur from firing on the Axalon as the blast would destroy both ships. When both ships crashed on a mysterious organic world, the Darksyde's computer rebuilt the Predacons with organic beast modes. Savage Landing Part 1 Dinobot went to Tarantulas' lab to check on his progress on mapping the planet's environment, but Tarantualas only cared about the unspace energy all around the ship. Dinobot ordered Tarantulas to abandon the project, but the scientist refused to comply and ordered the Dinobot to leave his lab. Savage Landing Part 2
When the Predacons captured and tortured the Maximal Nyx for information, Dinobot stepped in and tried to reason with Megatron, but his protest that a worthy foe deserved a worthy death only angered Megatron. However, when Tarantulas deduced that other Maximals must've survived the crash, Megatron forgave his outburst but warned Dinobot to not defy him again. When the seven Predacons went outside to watch Nyx's execution using Tarantulas's recently invented transformation lock lens, Dinobot's long-brewing crisis of conscience finally came to a head; after destroying the device, he turned on the other Predacons so that Nyx could transform back into beast mode and escape. Skold and Scorponok accused him of betraying the Predacon cause, but Dinobot insisted that he had not betrayed his ideals and offered Skold the chance to join him. Skold refused, so Dinobot threw Skold at Megatron, forced the Predacons back into the ship, and used his security clearance to put the Darksyde into a full lockdown before escaping into the jungle. Savage Landing Part 3
While traversing the jungle, Dinobot used his beast mode to track Nyx and successfully rescued the injured flier from a native creature. However, extreme damage to her systems caused her to collapse, and after consulting her onboard computer Dinobot was able to plot a course back to the crashed Axalon. Once he'd arrived at the Maximal ship, the remaining four Maximals confronted him; although Optimus Primal and Cheetor initially mistook him for an aggressor, Dinobot announced his intentions to join the Maximals. Savage Landing Part 4 A skeptical Optimus immediately confined Dinobot to a makeshift brig until he could deduce his true intentions, and although Primal remained skeptical, Nyx requested to speak with him, and grew increasingly convinced that Dinobot's unexpected rescue indicated a genuine change of heart. When Megatron and the other Predacons attacked shortly thereafter, Nyx made the decision to release Dinobot so that he could turn the tide in the favour of the outnumbered Maximals. Savage Landing Part 5
After Dinobot defeated Waspinator, Rattrap successfully reactivated the ship's deflector shields; when Primal ordered a retreat, however, Dinobot found that the shield frequencies corresponded to Maximal source code, leaving him unable to retreat with the other Maximals as the remaining Predacons closed in. Confident that he could best five Predacons again, Tarantulas, the sixth Predacon, rejoined the battlefield in time to ambush Dinobot, stab him through the chest, and leave him helpless as the other Predacons closed in to beat him to the brink of death. Primal used the Axalon's plasma cannons to force Megatron into a retreat and save Dinobot's life, but the experience left Dinobot critically damaged and doubtful that he would ever fight at full strength again. Although Dinobot planned to exile himself into the jungle so as to not burden the other Maximals, Primal told their new ally that they'd be honoured if he joined their team. Savage Landing Part 6
Some time later, Dinobot was still on the mend and passed the time by sparring with Optimus, Pod Part 1 though he soon developed a mutual dislike for his nominal teammate Rattrap. Primal Rage One night, while briefing the other Maximals on his former Predacon allies over a game of cards, Cheetor heard a noise in the corridor and went to investigate. Pod Part 1 The Maximals discovered that Blackarachnia had invaded the base and sabotaged the remaining Maximal stasis pods in orbit. While Dinobot and Nyx headed to the ship's armory to see if she'd stolen any weapons, Dinobot prevented Cheetor from running into an explosive web-tripwire that would've killed them all. Although the Maximals couldn't prevent Blackarachnia from carrying out her sabotage and escaping, Dinobot and the other Maximals attended a meeting where Primal announced that they'd be going on the offensive. Pod Part 2
Optimus and Dinobot were on hand when Skold delivered a wounded Razorbeast to the ship. Dinobot noticed that Skold had become more confident since they last crossed paths, and offered her a place with the Maximals, but Skold rejected his offer to become a Maximal; due to her own past, she accused the Maximals of hiding their cruelty behind a benevolent facade. Thicker Skin
Having jury-rigged an escape pod as an improvised shuttlecraft to reach the Darksyde and take back the Golden Disk, Dinobot explained its history to his teammates and how Megatron first took an interest in the artifact before piloting the vessel and its crew to the Darksyde. Despite Rhinox's reservations about directly engaging the Predacons, Dinobot opined that Megatron understood no other language but force, and took the step of unelashing a bombing run on the Predacons below as part of a first salvo. Maximals Strike Back, Part 1 In the ensuing battle, Dinobot fetched up against Megatron once more, but his injuries proved his undoing; the Predacon leader quickly realized that Dinobot now favored his right side and unleashed a punishing bite from his tyrannosaur jaws that left Dinobot badly wounded before Primal distracted Megatron at the last moment. Maximals Strike Back, Part 2 Despite his injuries, Dinobot had enough fight in him to incapacitate Waspinator with his optic weaponry. Although the battle ended in a stalemate—Megatron held control of the disc and the Maximals left under a conditional ceasefire, although Rattrap secretly copied the information on the artifact—Dinobot grimly mused that they should've taken out Megatron when they had the chance. Maximals Strike Back, Part 3
At some point, Dinobot took part in a skirmish against the Predacons that ended with Cheetor getting injured. The Speedway of Central Consciousness
While planting early warning sensors outside the Axalon, Dinobot and Optimus came under assault from Blackarachnia and Tarantulas, who attempted to infect him with a new variety of aggression-enhancing energon. However, Primal took the brunt of the explosion; while Dinobot's warrior instincts helped him suppress his anger, Primal had no such compunctions and quickly went berserk. As he rampaged through the ship, Dinobot suggested he take on Megatron, aware that Primal would tire himself before that and burn the infection out of his systems. Primal Rage Dinobot was surprised when Optimus returned with a warning that an advanced alien race known as the Vok, who had been monitoring the Cybertronians since their arrival, had taken exception to their presence and now desired to destroy both sides, requiring them to work together, a fact Dinobot and Rattrap were both skeptical about, with the Predacon feeling an alliance would only be an invitation for betrayal. However, Optimus was adamant. As part of the arrangement, Dinobot and Rhinox travelled to the Darksyde as an exchange with the Predacons. As they were working, Scorponok learned that Tarantulas had locked information on the ship's transwarp drive using Megatron's own codes. When confronted, the spider-bot attempted to flee, managing to make it outside the ship before Dinobot caught up to him and incapacitated him, in case Megatron wanted to interrogate the traitor. Megatron did, but this only allowed Tarantulas to summon his secret experiment: The reanimated corpse of Terrorsaur, which stunned Dinobot with one blow. The Beginning of the End
As Dinobot recovered, Tarantulas bargained with the Vok, having them summon reinforcements, which in this case was every protoform that had not yet been activated. Dinobot took to the field against these new opponents, but the fight soon ended when the Vok appeared in person, disrupting the Sparks of both sides, until they were blasted by the newly arrived Axalon using the harnessed energy of unspace. The remaining Children of the Vok chose to depart, while Megatron decided to resume the attack, until Rattrap blasted him with the unspace weapon as well, displacing him in time. With Megatron gone, Optimus suggested a truce to go after Tarantulas and then return to Cybertron, but neither Blackarachnia nor Dinobot thought it was worth it, with Dinobot pointing out the justice department would be unwilling to go easy on them without Megatron. As a result, the Predacons went their own way. The End
Transformers Go! Go!
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Beast Wars: Transformers video game continuity
Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic
Upon arriving on "Planet Energon", the dangers of Energon radiation forced the six surviving Maximals and their Predacon adversaries to take on beast alternate forms. Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic
Beast Wars: Transformers video game
- Voice actor: ??? (English), ??? (Japanese)
Many Beast Wars combatants had managed to construct personal bases, customized to their personal tastes, due to the extended duration of the war. Dinobot's own was situated in the "Polluted Area" of the planet, where a previous conflict had rendered it a gloomy and dilapidated environment. Dinobot joined his fellow Maximals in battling not only an entrenched Predacon threat, but the interdimensional monsters known as the Skriix.
Maximal campaign
Upon having eliminated the Predacon threat, Dinobot was part of Optimus Primal's roll call when he announced that the galaxy was now at peace.
Due to the nature of this game, a player may select various individual characters to perform the feats required in every level, and complete the game's narrative. Thus, any playable Maximal can fill the role of protagonist in Maximal Mode. To view the various feats Dinobot can accomplish throughout gameplay in Maximal Mode, it is told on the Beast Wars video game page, wherein Dinobot fills the role of the nameless Maximal.
Predacon campaign
After the Maximals failed to rescue a downed stasis pod in Dinobot's territory, the Predacons took advantage of Dinobot's troops having recently been thinned by a conflict with the Skriix. This left Dinobot vulnerable, leading him to be assassinated by a Predacon agent. In response to Dinobot's death, Optimus Primal launched an unsuccessful attempt on the Predacon ship, which ultimately led to the Maximals' undoing. Beast Wars: Transformers
Dinobot was part of Megatron's forces when a huge earthquake uncovered Energon. He took part in an ambush of the Maximals, so that the Predacons could gain control of this new resource. Also he appeared to have at least two raptor clones backing him up. Beast Wars
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Dinobot participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, and 10 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Forged to Fight
Dinobot was one of many warriors pulled from his universe to fight for the Quintessons. There are many of him running around, some of which join the Commander. Notably, he is the only character in the game to have a unique victory animation. Transformers: Forged to Fight
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!
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Transformers: Earth Wars
When Dinobot arrived on the future Earth, Grimlock wanted him to join the Dinobots because of his name. Dinobot refused, causing confusion among the Dinobots. Dinobot then wished Rattrap was there because of Grimlock's annoyances. Transformers: Earth Wars
Megatron took Tonbot and Waspinator to the site where Transmetal II Dinobot was stashed so they could get Rampage's half-spark. It was hidden in the La Brea Tar-pits so it could mask it. He sent Waspinator there to dig out Dinobot's body to obtain the spark. Last Line of Defense
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!
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- Class: Warrior
- Lowest Star Rating: 2 stars
- Ability: Pack Hunting - Place three decoys that have 33% of your health and DPS. For 15 seconds, you go pack hunting using melee attacks dealing damage and any healing received is increased by 20%.
Dinobot at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Dinobot was originally a Predacon who defected to the Maximals. Although he was a powerful close-range combatant, he frequently butted heads with the cynical Rattrap. Dinobot eventually perished defending primitive humans from a Predacon attack, but Megatron used samples of his genetic structure to engineer a monstrous clone of his former lieutenant. Technorganic Secrets
- From the size to the proportions to the complete lack of feathers, Dinobot's beast mode barely resembles a real Velociraptor, and as was common in the 1990s, takes more inspiration from the "Velociraptors" of Jurassic Park fame, which had shot the species to worldwide awareness three years prior and was likewise accompanied by a toyline from Kenner. Since raptors were not definitively known to be feathered in 1996 (feathers on dromeosaurids were considered speculative until the late 1990s and evidence of Velociraptor in particular having feathers did not emerge until 2007), the contemporary science was not taken into account when designing the toy or animated character model.
- Additionally, Jurassic Park's interpretation of Velociraptors—and by extension, Dinobot—were actually based on a larger genus of raptor called Deinonychus (though even this genus is much smaller than the raptors seen in Jurassic Park, who are closer in size to the genus Achillobator that was described in 1999). The reason the genus of raptor was renamed in the film, dates back to the original Jurassic Park novel, where the author Michael Crichton thought the name was more appealing than "Deinonychus". Because of this, the vast majority of Velociraptors in popular culture are often misrepresented, and Dinobot is no exception to this.
- The many characters in Armada who switch sides between the Autobots and Decepticons were inspired by Dinobot, as Aaron Archer was fond of the character's dynamic.[3]
- Armada Hoist's head was based on Dinobot's—something which Dinobot's Timelines figure, reusing the Hoist mold, takes advantage of.[4]
- Like all non-toy robot Kreons in the Kre-O comics, Dinobot is made from existing Kre-O parts. He uses Ironhide's helmet in gold.
- The Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Dynobot is a "virtual redeco" of the Thrilling 30 Voyager Class Springer mold. Accordingly, Grimlock shares this body-type in Uprising.
- Unlike the other recognizable Maximals and Predacons featured in the 2021 Beast Wars comic, Dinobot's Cybertronian body is a wholly-new design yet retains his regular color scheme.[5]
- Author Erik Burnham considered killing off Dinobot in Beast Wars #6 but ultimately spared him.[6]
- Dinobot's original toy was designed to supplant a failed lion Transformer counterpart to Cheetor that ended up being, understandably, too similar to Cheetor. A dinosaur's entry into the Maximals was justified by pointing out that the Dinobots had been good guys in Generation 1.[7]
- In the first Beast Wars toy commercials, Dinobot had a slightly different deco than the final toy. He was browner, rather than pinker, and had thicker stripes.
- Some fans are inclined to yank off Dinobot's mutant mask pieces, since he doesn't have them on the television show, they get in the way during transformation, and they're easily removable. Ten years later, Hasbro thought so, too, in their stock photography for Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Dinobot.
- A mainline Transmetal Dinobot made it to the concept art stage. Several elements of the design were recycled for Transmetal Terrorsaur.
- Dinobot's toy curiously has six toes on each foot. Since his legs form his robot mode arms, not only does this mean he's left with two thumbs, but also a tiny, barely noticeable finger molded near his wrist. The double thumbs got carried over onto his animation model, yet his in-show beast mode appears to only have three toes. Between all this, it has to be said that real-life raptors had no more than four toes on each of their feet.
- Several views of preliminary Beast Wars CGI models were available in the Special Features of Kid Rhino's Beast Wars: The Complete Second Season DVD box set. Dinobot's early model, like the other preliminary models, took more cues from the toy, such as including the mutant head and actually looking transformable. Interestingly enough, the preliminary model transformed into the final beast mode model, but since Dinobot's transformation involves swapping out parts, that's not too hard to believe.
- Australia's Beast Wars DVD sets from Madman Entertainment offered images of in-progress Dinobot models from later into production. Even in this late stage, he kept a large amount of his transformation kibble, though the aesthetic flourishes (like the spines on his ankles and the ribs in his torso) began to take shape. And, hey, check out that chin.
- In an interview on Madman's Season 3 DVDs, Scott McNeil revealed that he created the Dinobot voice by using his previous experience mimicking Chris Latta's famous performance of Cobra Commander when replacing him in the role after his death. Since he found the Latta-style vocalisation so difficult to maintain, he tried dropping it two octaves, and thus arrived at Dinobot.
- In the Japanese dub of Beast Wars, Dinobot spoke with a protracted and emphatic dā (ダー) attached to the ends of his sentences. This is a vocal tic associated with older, archaic forms of speech, signifying his old-timey sensibilities and concepts of honor.
- Between the first and second seasons, Dinobot's robot mode raptor stripes were re-texture mapped. This is most noticeable on his hands, where the amount of stripe detail increases substantially. When Dinobot II briefly flashes back and forth between his and the original Dinobot's body in the series finale, it's the first season stripe pattern again.
Fandom related
- Some fans humorously refer to Dinobot's Cyber-slash tail weapon as a "Rotate Blade" because of its usage in a terrible fanfic by MG-Dinobot.
- Likewise, fans refer to Dinobot as having a "rigid grill structure", an injoke that came into being because of an alt.toys.transformers poster's somewhat confusing signature that included a quote from Mystery Science Theater 3000. What part of Dinobot is the rigid grill structure is not definitively determined, whether it be the bony pair of robot legs that hang under his toy's beast mode or his, uh, crotch.
- Speaking of Dinobot's crotch, Mainframe Entertainment once had a little fun with Dinobot's model after hours. "Dirk Dinobot" may not be safe for work, but his grill structure here is anything but rigid! Fan James Hooks was responsible for originally posting the Dirk Dinobot image on alt.toys.transformers, thanks to an unknown person from Mainframe Entertainment.
- On May 7, 2010, he was unveiled as one of the first five nominees for the Transformers Hall of Fame, the first Beast Wars character to earn the honor and the only character not to be from 1984 or 1985. A tongue-in-cheek campaign for Dinobot was started by David Willis, with the gag being that he'd never beat the 1984/5 characters. To everyone's surprise, at BotCon 2010's Hall of Fame ceremony, Dinobot was unveiled as the winner: he became both the first Beast Wars character and first fan-voted to be inducted, beating out even long time favorites Soundwave and Grimlock!
Foreign names
- Japanese: Dinobot (ダイノボット Dainobotto)
- Cantonese: Dillonburg (狄龍堡 Dik Lung Bou)
- Korean: Dinobot (다이노봇 Dainobos)
- Mandarin: KǒnglóngYǒngshì (China, 恐龙勇士, "Dinosaur Warrior"), Mó Lóng (Taiwan, 魔龍, "Demonic Dinosaur"),
- Russian: Zuborob (first Beast Wars dub, Зубороб), Dinobot (second Beast Wars dub, Динобот)
- ↑ Kingdom webpage
- ↑ Battle Across Time Collection on Amazon
- ↑ "'There were a lot of side changing during Armada, it's a big theme in the show and built into many of the toys.' Yeah, and I got that off of Dinobot from Beast Wars, I really liked how that character functioned, and I did like that, I guess, we did that with Wheeljack and some of the other ones."—Aaron Archer, The Toy Armada, "Toy Armada Friday night LIVE: Toy Talk Q&A", 2023/05/12
- ↑ "Cybertron Scourge... is that... that's the... backhoe guy. *Mimes Hoist's arm gimmick.* Yeah, his head is very much like Dinobot, I think I did design it like that. I don't know why. But I like that look. [Could you think of him as the Unicron Trilogy's Dinobot?] Yeah you totally could. Definitely with those colors, it even has that veliciraptor color vibe that they were using back then."—Aaron Archer, The Toy Armada, "Toy Armada Friday Night LIVE - General discussion", 2023/03/24
- ↑ "Didn't base Nyx on anything in particular! Dinobot is much the same. I picture the orb on his chest as a nod to the spark gem gimmick but other than that I just wanted a samurai kinda look to his silhouette. The arm mounted blades kind of a nod the Gundam Spiegel"—Josh Burcham, Twitter, 2021/02/03
- ↑ Erik Burnham at TFNation 2021
- ↑ Botcon 2004 Interview with Vinnie D'Alleva, p1-2