Great General - Transformers Wiki

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When Exarchon the Threefold Spark declared war, the four Great Generals led the defense of Cybertron.

They are:


2019 IDW continuity

General Ultra Magnus was famed for leading his forces at the forefront, including a young Megatron, future leader of the Ascenticon movement. Storm Horizon Part 1

General Strika led a famed artillery unit. In a battle for Yuss, Strika's Heavies rescued Ultra Magnus's trooper Megatron from a confrontation with Exarchon, precipitating their future alignment in the Ascenticon movement. The Change In Your Nature Part Three

When the war ended, Nominus Prime declared an amnesty for all of Exarchon's followers. However, Pyra Magna felt that what Turmoil had done to Neutronia was unforgivable, and despite Nominus's direct orders went after him. Knowing that he had prisoners, but thinking she could save them, Pyra attacked Turmoil's ship, only for it to be destroyed with all hands lost, War World: We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness including Paragon, the lover of Cyclonus. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Two For this, First Senator Nominus Prime sentenced Pyra Magna to indefinite imprisonment, only ever to be awoken as a reminder of her punishment. The Change In Your Nature Part Three This was a decision his successor Sentinel Prime agreed with, The Change In Your Nature Part Three as did Pyra Magna herself, War World: Awakenings as she felt her actions had put her beyond redemption. War World: We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

After the end of the war, the remaining Great Generals' lives went in different directions. Strika went into public office as a Senator, part of the Ascenticon voting bloc. Meanwhile, Ultra Magnus ventured off to deep space Rise of the Decepticons: All Fall Down as a peacekeeper commanding the Fist of Iacon. Storm Horizon Part 1 Dai Atlas, who had initially became a general in the belief Exarchon needed to be fought, was so traumatized by the death he'd seen and caused that he chose to go immersant. Escape Part Three

As the Ascenticon crisis escalated on Cybertron, deputy Autobot leader Orion Pax suggested that Pyra Magna be released from confinement to deal with The Rise. First Senator Sentinel Prime adamantly refused, however, dogmatically standing by his predecessor's decision. The Change In Your Nature Part Three After Sentinel Prime's death, Orion Pax—now Optimus Prime—made good on his suggestion and ordered her release. War World: Awakenings